
  • 网络population ecology;Popullation Ecology;Population Biology
  1. Logistic模型是种群生态学的核心理论之一。

    Logistic model is one of core theory in population ecology .

  2. Metapopulation是种群生态学、景观生态学和保护生物学诸领域中的一个重要概念。

    Metapopulation is an important concept in several ecological fields , including population ecology , landscape ecology , and conservation biology .

  3. 该文首次尝试把种群生态学中的内禀增长力(rm)的概念用于人口。并计算了壮族人口的净雌生殖率R。

    This paper reports the attempt to apply the concept to the intrinsic growthrate of population ecology .

  4. 刺槐(Robiniapseudoacacia)克隆种群生态学及对光环境的适应性研究

    The Study of Clonal Population and the Adaptability to Light Environment of Robinia Pseudoacacia

  5. 早期的种群生态学重在研究局部的种群动力学,然而许多的生态过程都与物种的空间分布有关,仅考虑种群密度与时间的关系是不合理的,因此PDE的生态模型近年来倍受关注。

    Early population studies concentrated on local population dynamics . However , it is not enough that populations of organisms are considered only in time . Many ecological processes that are distributed over some spaces should be considered in space .

  6. 利用种群生态学中的LV模型从收益方面来探讨竞合型战略联盟,在稳定点时,形成联盟的企业之间收益最大。

    In the six chapter , use the LV model in ecology community to discuss the stability of Competition-collaboration type strategic alliance in the benefit part . When on the stable point , those logistics enterprises formed Competition-collaboration type strategic alliance can get the best benefits .

  7. 我国啮齿动物种群生态学研究进展

    Advances in the Research on Rodents Population Ecology in China

  8. 好氧氨氧化菌的种群生态学研究进展

    Research progress on the microbial ecology of aerobic ammonia - oxidizing bacteria

  9. 种群生态学的核心问题是种群动态。

    The core issue of population ecology is population dynamic .

  10. 基于种群生态学的竞争项目组合风险决策模型

    Competitive Project Portfolio Risk Decision-making Model Based on Population Ecology

  11. 福州市登革热蚊媒种群生态学研究

    The Ecological Study on the Mosquito Species of Dengue Fever in Fuzhou

  12. 无性系植物种群生态学研究进展及有关概念

    Advances in Ecological Research of Clonal Plant Population and Some Related Concepts

  13. 红毛五加品质评价及种群生态学研究

    Study on Variety and Quality Evaluation and Population Ecology of Acanthopanax Giraldii Harms

  14. 十种濒危植物的种群生态学特征及致危因素分析

    Population Ecological Characteristics and Analysis on Endangered Cause of Ten Endangered Plant Species

  15. 高原鼢鼠种群生态学研究

    Study on the Population Ecology of the Plateau Zokor

  16. 企业竞争的进化博弈论与种群生态学模型

    A Model for Enterprises Competition Based on Evolutionary Game Theory and Population Ecology

  17. 竹类植物种群生态学研究进展与展望

    Advances on the researches of bamboo population ecology

  18. 竹类无性系种群生态学研究现状及其应用前景

    Current Situation about the Research of Bamboo Clonal Population Ecology and Its Application Prospect

  19. 药用植物资源的可持续利用及其种群生态学研究与展望

    Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plant Resources and Study and Prospect of Their Population Ecology

  20. 珍稀蕨类植物瓶尔小草根状茎形态、光合和种群生态学研究

    On Population ecology , rhizome morphology and Photosynthesis of a rare fern Ophioglossum vulgatum

  21. 川西平原大足鼠的种群生态学Ⅱ.存活和运动

    Population ecology of Rattus nitidus in the Western Sichuan plain ⅱ . survival and movement

  22. 脉冲微分方程的渐近行为和周期解及其在种群生态学中的应用

    Asymptotic Behavior , Periodic Solution of Impulsive Differential Equations and Its Applications in Population Ecology

  23. 上海郊区农田泽蛙种群生态学研究

    Study on Population Ecology of Rice Frog ( Rana Limnocharis ) in Shanghai Suburb Farm

  24. 植物种群生态学中的构件理论

    Modular Theory in Plant Population Ecology

  25. 无性系植物种群生态学是当今植物生态学研究的重点领域之一。

    Population ecology of clonal plants is one of the major research fields of plant ecology .

  26. 形态可塑性是当前无性系植物种群生态学研究的重要领域。

    The study of morphological plasticity is presently the important field of clonal plant population ecology .

  27. 那根刺刺到我的手指。云南省横断山区柏氏禽刺螨种群生态学研究

    The thorn pricked my finger . Study on population ecology of Ornithonyssus bacoti in Yunnan , China

  28. 植物繁殖生态学是种群生态学中发展迅速的一个分支,已成为生态学中的研究热点之一。

    The research history and content progress of plant reproductive ecology were reviewed in the present paper .

  29. 从分子生态学、种群生态学、更新复壮及扦插繁殖角度系统研究了珍珠黄杨资源的保护与利用。

    From aspects of molecular ecology , population ecology , rejuvenation and cutting propagation , the conservation and utilization of B.

  30. 土壤种子库研究是植物种群生态学和植被生态学研究的热点之一。

    The research on soil seed banks is one of the current research hotspots in plant population ecology and vegetation ecology .