
  • 网络Seed investment;Initial/Seed
  1. DigitalFuel目前的投资方包括万宝环球资本(BenchmarkCapital)、以色列种子投资合伙公司(IsraelSeedPartners)和安佰深公司(ApaxPartners)等。

    Current investors of digital fuel include benchmark capital , Israel seed partners , and Apax partners .

  2. CB:第一轮是种子投资。

    CB : The first round was a seed round .

  3. 本文作者戴夫•麦克卢尔是种子投资集团500初创企业(500Startups)的创始合伙人。

    Dave McClure is founding partner of seed investment group 500 startups .

  4. 2008年初,我们为一个项目忙了6个月,进行了种子投资,孵化建立了CastlightHealth。

    We worked for six months on the project and , in early 2008 , seeded and incubated castlight health .

  5. Ariosa的故事与此类似,但它最初是源于Venrock一笔不成功的种子投资。

    Ariosa is a similar story , but one whose roots are found in an unsuccessful Venrock seed investment .

  6. 首先,格雷洛克成立了一个种子投资项目。

    First , Greylock launched a seed-stage investing program .

  7. 会谈结束后,达洛伊西奥获得了30万美元的种子投资。

    The meeting ended with D'Aloisio receiving a seed investment of $ 300,000 .

  8. 获得种子投资的对冲基金有点像契约奴工。

    The seeded enter into a relationship that operates like indentured servitude Lite .

  9. 所有这些正是描述了当前硅谷主导性的种子投资策略。

    All of these describe the dominant seed investment strategy today in Silicon Valley .

  10. 造成这种局面,是因为人们认为政府的种子投资没有成效。

    This has been driven by the belief that seedcorn investment by government does not work .

  11. 在我看来,种子投资绝不是是无需投入多少时间的A轮低成本选择。

    For me , seed investing is not a low cost , little-time-required option on the a round .

  12. 所谓种子投资,正如你可能听到的那样,即注入早期资本。

    A seed investment , as you may have gleaned , is an injection of early stage capital .

  13. 2011年在达洛伊西奥15岁时,他就曾获得来自李嘉诚的种子投资。

    In 2011 , at age 15 , D'Aloisio closed a seed round of funding from Li Ka-shing .

  14. “深度参与”方式要求投资少而精,不能像近年来参与种子投资的大多数投资者(无论是天使投资,还是风险投资)那样投资很多交易。

    A " deep involvement " approach requires making far fewer commitments than most others who have embraced seed investing in recent years – whether angels or venture funds .

  15. 掌管种子投资基金500Startups北京业务的马睿表示,一大困难在于,中国人在婚姻问题上的取向仍然传统,并且看重家庭背景和经济条件。

    One difficulty is that marriage preferences in China remain traditional and focused on family background or economic status , said Rui Ma , who runs the seed investor 500 Startups in Beijing .

  16. 如今,拉奇•莱恩的一份报告称,即便是最老牌的基金经理都在考虑引入种子投资,因为金融危机已使得投资者不再放心将钱交给另起炉灶的基金经理&即便是声名卓著的基金经理。

    Now a larch Lane report says that even the most pedigreed managers are considering seeders , since the financial crisis has made investors wary of putting money with managers even established ones just striking out on their own .

  17. 部分观察人士(或者说持怀疑态度的观察人士)认为,对冲基金引入种子投资将使得投资者有机会参与斯坦哈特不屑一顾、却能带来高额回报的机制,以便从中分得一杯羹。

    Hedge fund seeding is a business that some observers ( well , cynical observers ) think gives investors a chance to partake in the compensation scheme that Steinhardt disdains , but that has made people a lot of money .

  18. RobGo是NextView风险投资公司的联合创始人。这是一家种子期投资公司,专注于互联网创新应用。

    Rob Go is co-founder of NextView Ventures , a seed-stage investment firm focused on Internet-enabled innovation .

  19. 这个网站刚获得首轮大额投资,由KaporCapital风投公司主导的120万美元的种子期投资。

    The site just nabbed its first major funding , a $ 1.2 million seed round led by Kapor capital .

  20. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,这间公司刚刚从贾斯汀•比伯那里获得了110万美元的种子期投资,其他的投资者还有风险投资人舍文•皮西弗,拳击手佛洛依德•梅怀瑟和天使投资人汤姆•麦金纳尼。

    Fortune has learned that Bieber recently led a $ 1.1 million seed round for the company , whose other investors include venture capitalist shervin pishevar , boxer Floyd Mayweather and angel investor Tom McInerney .

  21. 风投机构FirstRoundCapital合伙人乔什o科佩尔曼说,近年来种子阶段投资的价格已经提高了20%-30%。

    Josh Kopelman , a partner at First Round Capital , says seed deals have increased in price by around 20 % to 30 % in recent years , which makes his job difficult . " We have tried to maintain price sensitivity , " he said .

  22. 我们的种子期投资多数都是为了验证各种想法,而缔造企业需要有合作伙伴(我们往往在这一阶段就退出)。

    Building requires partners ( which is where we often exit ) .

  23. 金融服务包括:直接种子资本投资、得启动和发展资本投资。

    Financial Services : Direct Seed Capital Investment , Acquiring Start-up and Growth Capital Investment .

  24. 种子产业投资价值评价

    Value Evaluation of Investing Seed Industry

  25. 而且,过去18个月里许多大中型公司推出了种子期投资项目&加大了新兴初创企业的总资本池。

    Moreover , many larger firms have launched seed-stage investing programs within the past 18 months & thus increasing the overall capital pool for nascent startups .

  26. 由一个已对公司进行前期投资的投资者继续投资,总的说来是与初始(种子)投资相对应。

    A subsequent investment made by an investor who has made a previous investment in the company & generally a later stage investment in comparison to the initial investment .

  27. 用动态经济评价方法对浙江省南部的庆元杉木种子园的投资结构及经济效益进行了评价。

    Investment composition and economic benefit of the Chinese fir seed orchard in Qingyuan County , Zhejiang Province were analysed and evaluated .

  28. 本章介绍了一个非常典型的种子期风险投资项目,在对项目背景进行了简要介绍的基础上,对项目进行初步的规划设计和经济可行性评估。

    , which is an assumed name . It is a typical example of venture capital investment project in the seed period .

  29. 梁先生亦积极参与风险投资、曾是亚洲主要种子期风险投资基金环亚基金的合夥人和董事。

    Leung has also been involved in early stage venture investments , and most recently a partner and director of Inter-Asia , an established seed-stage venture capital fund in Asia .

  30. 你也可以投资于拖拉机、肥料以及种子——有很多投资农业领域的途径。

    But you can invest in tractors and fertilisers and seeds - there are lots of ways into this .