
  1. 中国航天日设立于2016年,以纪念中国第一颗卫星“东方红1号”于1970年4月24日发射升空。

    The country 's Space Day was normalized in 2016 to mark the launch of its first satellite " Dongfanghong-1 " into space on April 24 , 1970 .

  2. 负责此次名字征集活动的是国家国防科技工业局,而其下属的月球探测和太空计划中心透露称,最终入围的名字将于中国航天日--也就是4月24号对外宣布。

    The final choice will be announced around Space Day , April 24 , according to a moon probe and space program center under the State Administration of Science , Technology and Industry for National Defence , which solicited the proposals .

  3. 中国将于周五“中国航天日”当天公布首次火星探测任务的名称及标志。

    China is to unveil the name and logo of its first Mars exploration mission on Friday that marks the Space Day of the country .