
zhōnɡ ɡuó qīnɡ nián bào
  • China Youth News
  1. 《中国青年报》在2010年4月进行的一项调查显示,在2072位被调查者中,有83%的人承认写字的时候会遇到“提笔忘字”的情况。

    A poll commissioned by the China Youth Daily in April 2010 found that 83 percent of the 2072 respondents admitted having problems writing characters , forgetting how to write traditional Chinese characters – literally .

  2. 《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)对所谓的拜“金”主义提出质疑,并称羽球赛场丑闻刺痛奥运神经。

    China Youth Daily questioned what it called China 's gold obsession and how the scandal has ' pricked the Olympic nerves . '

  3. 《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)最近一项调查发现,多数观众是抱着了解“育儿之道”的想法收看这档节目的,只有25.9%的人是冲着“明星家庭的隐私”去观看的。

    A recent survey by China Youth Daily found that most viewers watch the show for what they can learn about how to raise balanced children - and only a quarter watch it for a peek at celebrity family life .

  4. 中国青年报《冰点》周刊教育类报道研究

    China Youth Daily " Freezing Point " Reports Education Week Study

  5. 中国青年报报道了这两个阵营的观点。

    China Youth Daily has aired the views of both camps .

  6. 中国青年报专题系列报道研究

    A Study in the Thematic Series Reports of China Youth Daily

  7. 从人民日报、经济日报、中国青年报、中国消费者报、《新闻战线》、《中国记者》等报刊杂志中获取了许多有价值的资料。

    Obtaining the valuable information from People 's Daily and China Journalist .

  8. 新闻报道中的专家图像&对《中国青年报》专家意见报道的内容分析

    Content Analyses of the News Influenced by Professionals in China Youth Daily

  9. 《中国青年报》称这群人为网络原住民;

    China Youth Daily has called them the Internet 's * indigenous residents ;

  10. 《中国青年报》80后媒介形象分析

    Analysis on the Media Image of the Generation after 80s on China Youth Daily

  11. 据《中国青年报》称,这次考试的成绩占学生期末总分的30%。

    China Youth Daily says that the identity test accounted for 30 % of their overall grade .

  12. 《中国青年报》最新调查显示,时下女汉子十分普遍。

    According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily , tough women have become rather common in society .

  13. 第一章重点分析了《中国青年报》特别报道栏目批评报道的选题特点以及选题特点的促成因素分析。

    Chapter 1 focuses on analyzing subject selection of the Special Report of China Youth Daily and its resons .

  14. 《中国青年报》针对1953人进行的一项调查显示,75.7%的受访者对他们的第一份工作感到满意。

    A survey by China Youth Daily showed that 75.7 % of 1953 respondents were satisfied with their first job .

  15. 根据《中国青年报》6月份做的一项调查显示,超过80%的中国人曾阅读有关成功的书籍。

    According to a China Youth Daily survey in July , over 80 percent of Chinese have read books about success .

  16. 《中国青年报》近日进行的一项调查显示,如今,中国家长很早就让孩子学习英语。

    Chinese parents are having their children learn English earlier , according to a survey published by the China Youth Daily .

  17. 据《中国青年报》4月一项调查显示,2072名受访者中的83%承认写字有困难。

    In an April poll commissioned by the China Youth Daily , 83 percent of the2,072 respondents acknowledged problems with writing characters .

  18. 据《中国青年报》的一项在线调查显示,25%的学生表示考虑一毕业就结婚。

    According to a China Youth Daily online poll , more than 25 percent of students are considering getting married right after graduation .

  19. 《中国青年报》2011年所做的一项调查显示,56.7%的受访者表示想读些更实用的书籍。

    In a 2011 survey conducted by China Youth Daily , 56.7 percent of recipients said they wanted to read more practical books .

  20. 《中国青年报》副刊以一整版篇幅介绍萧启宏的“汉字全息教学法”,并举了二十多个汉字的剖释实例。

    The " Chinese Youth Daily " published a special report about the " Holographic Teaching Methods of Chinese Charactors " created by Prof.

  21. 上周,中国青年报的记者假装成他的家属访问了在漯河监狱里面的徐先生。

    Last week , reporters from the China Youth Daily , pretending to be relatives , visited Mr Xu at the Luohe mental hospital .

  22. 日前由《中国青年报》发起的一项全国性调查显示,超过一半的被调查者计划在不久的将来买车。

    A nation-wide survey conducted by China Youth Daily found more than a half of the respondents are planning to buy cars very soon .

  23. 尤其是上世纪80年代,中国青年报曾经引领了一代青年不断成长。

    Especially in the eighties of the last century , China Youth Daily once led a generation of the youth to grow up constantly .

  24. 年终岁末是跳槽换工作的旺季。《中国青年报》近日的一项调查显示,69.8%的受访职场人士觉得今年理想的新工作不好找,近86%的受访者认为今年跳槽应该更慎重。

    A recent survey revealed that 69.8 percent of the Chinese working population was cautious about landing new jobs in the upcoming job change season .

  25. 中国青年报今天(星期一)报导说,医学专家在对2005年20万名病患的死亡情况进行调查后做出这一估计。

    A report in China Youth Daily today ( Monday ) says medical experts reached the estimate after investigating the deaths of200-thousand sick people in2005 .

  26. 据《中国青年报》报道,上海一项研究得出结论,从小学直到大学,女生全面超越男生。

    A Shanghai-based research has found that girls are overtaking boys in all grades , from primary school through university , China Youth Daily reported .

  27. 不过,《中国青年报》的一篇文章指出,将一个人归类到某个特定的群体是很难做到的。

    However , an article in the China Youth Daily pointed out that it 's not easy to place individuals into one , fixed group .

  28. 《中国青年报》近日开展的一项调查显示,67.1%的人将更好的待遇视为跳槽的主要动力。

    A survey by China Youth Daily has revealed that 67.1 % of people see better pay as the primary incentive when applying for new jobs .

  29. 中国青年报周一时报导,一所重点大学的教师与警察联系,当其收到一名学生为更高的分数而发短信威胁。

    A teacher in a key university has contacted police after receiving threatening text messages from a student demanding higher grades , China Youth Daily reported Monday .

  30. 据《中国青年报》报道,中国目前有1.4亿人生于1990年代,占总人口的11.7%。

    There are 140 million people who were born in the 1990s in China , accounting for 11.7 percent of the population , the China Youth Daily reported .