
xiǎo yǔ zhǒnɡ
  • Minor languages;language that is used by only one or two countries or by a small number of people
  1. 在中国,日语一直被称为小语种。

    In China , Japanese is labeled as a minority language .

  2. 高校图书馆小语种图书采访策略探讨

    On the Strategy of Minority Languages Book Acquisition of Academic Library

  3. 东南亚小语种网络教学中字符显示问题的解决方法

    Solution for character display problem in network teaching of Southeast Asia minority languages

  4. 并非所有课程都向旁听者敞开大门,尤其是是小语种课程以及科学课程模块。

    Not all classes accept outsiders , especially minority language classes and science modules .

  5. 基于影视素材的小语种公选课教学模式探讨&以西班牙语为例

    Second Foreign Language Teaching Mode with Video Materials & A Case Study in Spanish Teaching

  6. 他们将提供除英语、法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语之外的小语种服务。

    They 'll speak languages other than Chinese , English , French , Spanish and Arabic .

  7. 作口译给说不同语言人充当口译充分发挥各小语种优势,如波斯语翻译、拉伯语翻译等。

    Make full use of minority language advantage , such as Farsi translation , Arabic translation etc.

  8. 世界上很多的小语种都快要消失了,因为越来越少的人在使用这些语言。

    Many of the worlds lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them .

  9. 随着国际贸易的快速发展,市场对小语种人才的需求量猛增。

    Because of the rapid development of international trade , the market demands for minor languages talents .

  10. 文中以高等职业院校的外语教学,尤其是小语种的教学实践过程中的存在的问题为出发点,提出自己的一些初步的看法。

    Some suggestion is proposed in the paper based on some problems existing in small kind of language teaching .

  11. 尽管这是个小语种,但在20世纪下半叶开始,威尔士语的传承和发展就得到了很大的支持。

    Although Welsh is a minority language , support for the language grew during the second half of the20th century .

  12. 紧急稿件及小语种稿件的翻译价格视具体情况另定。

    For the translation of urgent articles and in minor languages , the price shall be negotiated according to specific situation .

  13. 小语种是中国语言研究的一个重要方面。小语种的研究不仅具有特殊的理论价值,而且还有重要的应用价值。

    Minority languages are one focus of linguistic research in China , whose study has not only special theoretical value but also important practical value .

  14. 学校还致力于多语特色的开发,目前已经开设了韩语、日语两种小语种课程,配备了专职教师。

    We are also committed to developing multilingual characteristics , up to now , we have full-time teachers for two courses on Korean and Japanese .

  15. 文章来源自文国网(小语种学习网)但哭泣的作用至今尚不清楚,研究人员对哭泣的情感宣泄或放松的效果仍存有疑虑。

    The function of weeping remains something of a mystery , however , and researchers continue to have doubts over its cathartic or relaxing effects .

  16. 同时,学校语言教学体系完善,为小语种学生提供很多对外交流的机会和平台。

    At the same time , school language teaching system perfects , kind of student provides much chance and platform communicating with externally to minor language .

  17. 专业提供英语、日语、韩语、德语、法语、西班牙语、俄语等及其他小语种的翻译服务。

    The specialty provides English , Japanese , Korean , German , French , Spanish , Russian and so on and other small language classifications translation services .

  18. 将来广州的语言生活将呈现出以普通话、粤语为主,英语学习热持续升温,其他各小语种局部存在的面貌。

    In the future , Mandarin and Cantonese will take the leading part in daily life , the enthusiasm of English learning will increasing , and some minority language will still exist .

  19. 应把优化接待环境,做好窗口行业英语礼仪培训;同时鼓励国外、国内、本埠外语培训机构以英语培训为主、东南亚小语种为辅的市场竞争;

    To meet the demands of the China-ASEAN Expo , we should optimize reception environment , do a good job of English training in the ceremony and propriety of various service trades .

  20. 小语种的保护不仅应当靠政府,也要通过媒体、社会、学校和人民的共同努力。

    The preservation of minority languages depends upon not only the financial support of the government , but also the joint efforts of mass media , schools , people and society as a whole .

  21. 韩语专业作为一个小语种近年来在很多高校陆续开设,目前只有一些关于韩语教学的研究,关于韩语专业毕业生就业的研究还很少,因此本研究对于促进韩语专业毕业生的就业具有现实意义。

    Korean , as a minority language , has been set up as a specialty in many universities and colleges in recent years . But at present , there is few research about graduates ' employment of Korean Major .

  22. 最近,已经办好了英国的投资移民的签证了,马上把孩子送到英国去读书。免得他们学习瑞典语了。瑞典语是个小语种,学了没有多大用途。

    Recent , Has run the UK 's investment of immigrant visa , Immediately send their children to Britain to study , Lest they learn Swedish the , Swedish is a small language , Learn there is not much use .

  23. 结合嵌入式系统与电梯系统的特点,融合先进的MP3技术和存储器技术,使用DA转换器、功放放大器,具有语音可定制、语音容量小、语种可选择、音质清晰的特点。

    By combining the characteristics of embedded system and elevator system , applying MP3 and memorizer technology , using DA converter , power amplifier , it has the characteristics of sound customizable , small sound volume , language selectable , and clear timbre .