
xiǎo shāng xiǎo fàn
  • peddler;small tradespeople and pedlars
小商小贩[xiǎo shāng xiǎo fàn]
  1. 司法长官负责监督不给小商小贩发营业执照。

    The sheriff sees that peddlers and salesmen are not given permits .

  2. 街上的小商小贩不敢“出头露面”;

    The peddlers dare to show no appearances .

  3. 正确认识小商小贩的商人法律地位,具有广泛的经济、政治和社会意义。

    Understanding small retailers'legal status is of significance in economics , politics and society .

  4. 要知道,那些小商小贩的商品很多是不符和国家卫生标准的。

    They often buy some snacks from vendors which both don 't conform to the standards of hygiene .

  5. 检视否认小商小贩商人地位的主张,可发现支持该主张的法理并不成立。

    An examination of refusing small retailers'legal status indicates that the legal principles about this are not reasonable .

  6. 小商小贩在我国广泛存在,对我国的经济发展起着重要作用。

    Small retailers are widely existed in our country and they play an important role in the process of economic development .

  7. 城市特定地段中流动商贩相关问题的探究司法长官负责监督不给小商小贩发营业执照。

    Research on Questions Related to Ambulatory Vendors in the City Particular Location The sheriff sees that peddlers and salesmen are not given permits .

  8. 虽然回商中大多数为兼营商业的小商小贩,不过内部已出现了分化,一些具有很大影响的大商人和商业集团产生。

    Although the muslim merchants , mostly engaged in commercial vendors , but inside have divided , greatly influences some big businessmen and business groups .

  9. 近现代以来,西安回族主要以小商小贩为主的进行商业活动,而其中尤以餐饮业为最。三、西安回族的清真寺及其教育功能。

    In the modern , Xian Hui mainly embarked business in the form of Hawker , particularly in catering . Third , Xian Huis mosques and its educational function .

  10. 但是,理论界对其地位的界定存有争议,立法上对其地位规定也不明确,造成了小商小贩生存发展的诸多不便。

    However , there exist disputes about their status in the theoretical circle and there are no definite regulations , which lead to the disadvantageous development of small retailers .

  11. 目前土特风味食品流通主要通过小商小贩的地域性流动、网上店铺、农产品批发市场和综合性物流中心等渠道实现,在一定程度上满足了土特风味食品的交易要求。

    The specialty food distributes mainly by small business firms , online shops , agricultural wholesale markets and integrated logistics center , which is , to a certain degree , meet the requirement of the specialty food trading .