
pào jiàn
  • gunboat
炮舰 [pào jiàn]
  • [gunboat] 以火炮为主要武器的轻型军舰

炮舰[pào jiàn]
  1. G20已做出了决定,并指望其它160个国家服从尽管它们既未派代表参加,也未得到通知这不禁令人想起了昔日的炮舰外交。

    It has made decisions that it expects 160 other countries to obey , even though they have been neither represented nor informed , reminiscent of the old days of gunboat diplomacy .

  2. 帝国主义侵略者总是向被侵略国施展他们的炮舰外交。

    Imperialistic aggressors always use gunboat diplomacy to invade countries .

  3. 他还表示他们遭到坦克和海军炮舰的炮击。

    He also said they had been shelled by tanks and navy gunboats .

  4. 中国的炮舰,仍然意味着紧张气氛,也许比赌场更加火上浇油。

    China 's gunboats , meant to still tensions , may stoke them instead .

  5. 还需要一艘新的浅水炮舰。

    One new monitor is also needed .

  6. 他还批评中国在玩危险的边缘政策游戏和炮舰外交。

    He also accused China of playing a dangerous game of brinkmanship and gunboat diplomacy .

  7. 炮舰命令帆船停止前进并且投降,但是帆船反而挂起了红旗以示开战。

    The gunboat ordered the brig to lie to and surrender , but instead the brig hung out the red flag .

  8. 在亚洲其它地区如日本和朝鲜,西沃德采取了武力威胁和炮舰政策。

    In Asian other area like Japan and Korea , Seward has adopted the threat in force and the gunboat policy .

  9. 外国人在条约港口的生活纵然幽闭,却也令人陶醉,他们不受中国法律的约束,与外界所有的战船炮舰、外夷军队皆无所涉。

    Foreigners in the treaty ports lived charmed , if claustrophobic lives , protected from the outside by gunboats , foreign troops and immunity from Chinese laws .

  10. 首先,1842年,英帝国主义部署炮舰恫吓敢于反对鸦片贸易的中国,迫使清王朝割让了香港。

    First , in 1842 , British imperialists forced the Qing emperor to cede Hong Kong after deploying gunboats against China for daring to oppose the opium trade .

  11. 晚清时期,列强利用炮舰干涉教案的政策分为四个阶段,变幻莫测。

    During the period of late Qing Dynasty , the gunboat policy of big powers to interfere opposing Christianity case was divided into four stages . It was unpredictable .

  12. 中日两国被西方列强的炮舰打开国门后,都选择了走向西方学习的道路,从而有了中国的洋务运动和日本的明治维新,但这两场运动却有着截然相反的结局。

    China and Japan , defeated by the Western countries , chose to learn from the Western culture . That is China 's westernization movement and Japan 's Meiji Reform .

  13. 列强利用炮舰干涉教案的政策对中外双方都产生了重要影响,并给中国人民留下了深刻的历史教训。

    The gunboat policy of big powers used to interfere opposing Christianity case produced important influence for both China and the foreign countries . It brought deep history lesson for Chinese people .

  14. 炮舰外交的时期已经一去不复还了。开辟通商口岸、设立租界、租借海军基地、出兵中国、公然干涉中国内政&这一切也都一去不复返了。

    Gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy , gone the treaty port concessions , gone the specially conceded naval bases , the military missions , the ill-disguised interference in Chinese affairs .

  15. 美国一向推行霸权主义、强权政治和“炮舰政策”,其惟我独尊的嘴脸昭著于世,遭到了世界人民的强烈反对;

    Always carrying out hegemonism , power politics and " gunboat policy ", the United States evidently showed its extremely conceited essence which has been strongly opposed by the people around the world .

  16. 风浪过后,港口中的大船和炮舰纷纷向我们(升旗)致敬,水手们也为这艘小帆船在风暴中的壮举而欢呼呐喊。

    As they passed us , the large craft and the gunboats in the harbour saluted and the seamen shouted applause for the master of the only little sail-boat that ventured out into the storm .

  17. 在英国政府的庇护下,英国军队在伊里尔特上尉的统领下进攻几个小港口,占领了一些岛屿,并直接用炮舰威胁天津港——鸦片战争开始。

    However under the protection of their government , the Britain Captain Elliott attacked some small harbors , occupied islands and threatened the port of Tianjin with canon boats : the so-called Opium War began .

  18. 鸦片战争将满清紧闭的国门打开之后,西方的各种文化形态随着炮舰进入中国。

    Since then the entry of the music has never been stopped . Following the Opium War , which opened the tightly closed gate of Qing Dynasty , Western culture forms came into China along with canons and warships .

  19. 大英博物馆主任麦克格瑞格在“100物件看世界历史”中如是写道:这幅画展现了在美国炮舰的逼迫下,受到惊吓的日本渔民连同有失稳固而又与世隔绝的日本国一起被迫走向现代化。

    Neil MacGregor , director of the British Museum , wrote in " A History of the World in 100 Objects " that the picture reflected frightened fishermen and an insecure , cloistered Japan about to be forced by American gunboats into the modern world .