
zhuó liú
  • turbidity current;turbid waters;a contemptible person;corrupted current
浊流 [zhuó liú]
  • (1) [turbid waters]∶浑浊的水流

  • 滚滚浊流

  • (2) [a contemptible person]∶比喻品格卑污的人或出身下贱之人

  • (3) [corrupted current]∶比喻腐朽黑暗的潮流

  • 社会的浊流

浊流[zhuó liú]
  1. 沉积作用分析表明,主要存在碎屑流、浊流等重力流作用,并识别出底流作用。

    Sedimentation mechanism of the deposits in the Pingxiang basin includes debris flow , turbidity current , and bottom current .

  2. 这个连续部分可以分为五类:泥石流、颗粒流、流体化沉积物流、浊流和滑塌。

    The part can be divided into five types : debris flow , grain flow , fluidify sediment flows , turbidity current and slump .

  3. 冲绳海槽南部A23孔浊流沉积层的粒度特征

    Grain-size characteristics of turbidite sediments in core A23 from the southern Okinawa Trough

  4. 从而确定了本区中三叠世时的浊流主体流向为NW向,平均为300°。

    Based on the above information , it is certified that the northwest averaging 300 ° is the main flow direction of the middle Triassic turbidite in the region .

  5. 坡间水深1500~4000m之间为宽阔的由玄武岩质火山岩构成的阶地面,其上有浊流沉积。

    The area where the water depth is between 1500m and 4000m is a broader terrace area composed of basaltic volcanic rock , and there are turbidity sediments on it .

  6. 该剖面主要由白垩纪Fardes组第Ⅱ段和第Ⅲ段(半)远洋沉积构成,并出现浊流沉积和混杂沉积。

    This section is composed mainly of Cretaceous ( hemi ) pelagic sediments which appear together with turbidites and olistostromes together forming the Fardes Formation .

  7. 粒度分析表明其具有典型的浊流特征。

    The granularity analysis results show typical features of turbidite deposits .

  8. 浊流及相关重力流沉积研究综述

    Sedimentation of Turbidity Currents and Relative Gravity Flows : A Review

  9. 衡阳盆地&下第三系中的浊流沉积

    The turbidite of Cretaceous to Paleogene age in Hengyang sedimentary basin

  10. 冲绳海槽浊流灾害性研究

    Study on hazardous characteristics of turbid flow in Okinawa Trough

  11. 南海深海盆地沉积柱样中的浊流沉积

    Fine-grained turbidite deposits from deep - sea basin in South China Sea

  12. 涌流型浊流形成及发展的实验模拟

    The Simulation Experiment of Surge-Type Turbidity Current Formation and Development

  13. 赣东北地区前震旦系浊流相的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the pre-Sinian turbidity facies in Northeast Jiangxi region

  14. 暴风雨过后,河水浊流翻腾。

    The river was brown and murky after the storm .

  15. 中扇以颗粒流和浊流最为常见;

    The grain flow and turbidite flow are common in the middle fan .

  16. 裂谷演化过程中,形成扇三角洲浊流沉积辫状河三角洲组合的特殊充填序列。

    Special sequence of the fan-delta-turbidite-river delta will be formed in rift basins .

  17. 下白垩统的扎赉诺尔群的沉积相的主要类型为三角洲相,湖相和浊流相。

    The facies types of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly delta , lake and turbidity .

  18. 陆相浊流沉积体系与油气

    Continental Turbidite Deposition System and Hydrocarbon

  19. 库车坳陷上三叠统的浊流沉积及石油地质意义

    Turbidity Current Deposits and Their Significance for Petroleum Geology of Upper Triassic in the Kuqa Depression

  20. 鄂尔多斯盆地东缘中生代延长组浊流沉积的发现与意义

    Discovery of turbidity deposit in Yanchang group along eastern margin of Ordos Basin and its significance

  21. 湖底扇主要为滑塌沉积和碎屑流沉积,少见浊流沉积。

    The lake floor fan mainly consists of slump and debris sediments , and little turbidite .

  22. 而马东&马东东地区的混积岩发育于重力流沉积体系之中,为浊流沉积的产物。

    While Madong Madongdong district is distributed in gravity flow deposit systems , mixed by turbidites .

  23. 浊流砂体综合解释技术

    Integrated interpretation technique for turbidite Sands

  24. 鄂尔多斯盆地西峰油田三叠系延长组发育典型的浊流沉积体。

    Triassic turbidity current deposits of Yanchang Formation well developed in the Xifeng oilfield , Ordos basin .

  25. 我国浊流与其他重力流沉积研究进展概况和发展方向问题刍议

    Researches on turbidity and other gravity flow sedimentation in China on network flow the speed of gravity

  26. 其流变机理特别是高密度浊流的流动机制和过程目前仍存在争议。

    Their rheology mechanisms especially that of the high ˉ density currents , are still highly controversial .

  27. 文章总结了低密度浊流的主要沉积特征及其形成的控制因素。

    The principal sedimentary characteristics and their controlling factors of the low - density turbidity currents were summarized .

  28. 南盘江断陷区二、三叠系的火山碎屑浊积岩&一种独特的无海底扇浊流沉积模式

    Research into the Permian and Triassic volcaniclastic turbidite of Nanpan River seg-a unique turbidite mode without submarine fan

  29. 陆坡下部区的火山碎屑及浊流沉积物中放射虫化石亦不丰富。

    In the low area of continental slope , radiolaria fossils are poor in the volcanic cinders and turbidite .

  30. 而水下河道冲刷、重力密度浊流也有助于铀在潮底同生富集。

    The scouring by subfluvial rivers can also contribute to the syngenetic enrichment of uranium at the lake bottom .