
  • 网络Baota District
  1. 宝塔区退耕还林工程现状及发展方向的研究

    Grain for Green Program in Baota District : status and Future Trend

  2. 区域生态环境服务价值评估&以延安市宝塔区为例

    Valuation of Regional Environmental Value & A Case in Baota District of Yan'an City , Shaanxi Province

  3. 延安市宝塔区生态农业旅游开发的研究

    Exploration of Eco-agriculture Tourism in Yanan City

  4. 区域粮食安全的动态研究&以延安市宝塔区为例

    Dynamic research on regional grain safety

  5. 延安市宝塔区崩滑地质灾害发育特征与分布规律初探

    A preliminary discussion of the occurrence of landslide in the Baota district of Yan ′ an City

  6. 以陕西延安市宝塔区为例进行评估,得到2002年宝塔区生态环境服务价值为118322.214万元。

    The paper takes Baota district for example , and the value in 2002 is about 1.18 billion yuan RMB .

  7. 黄土高原土壤裸露与景观格局关系&以延安市宝塔区为例

    Relationship between soil bareness and landscape pattern in the Loess plateau : a case studies on the tower region of the Yan'an City

  8. 当地有关部门表示,暴雨引发山体滑坡,造成房屋倒塌,导致延安市宝塔区、延川县以及安塞县出现人员伤亡。

    Local authorities say rain-triggered landslides and house collapses have led to casualties in Baota District of Yan'an , Yanchuan and Ansai Counties .

  9. 通过对生态农业旅游概念的界定,阐述了延安市宝塔区发展生态农业旅游的必要性和可行性,并提出开发生态农业旅游的模式。

    In the paper , the necessity , the possibility and the pattern of developing the eco-agriculture tourism in Baota region of Yanan city were analyzed .

  10. 黄土丘陵沟壑区城郊植被生产力的动态评估&以延安市宝塔区为例

    Study on the Dynamic Change of the Vegetation Productivity in the Loess Hilly-gully Regions & A Case Study in the Pagoda District of Yan'an City , Shaanxi Province

  11. 利用收益途径、成本途径和市场调查途径三类方法,以延安市宝塔区为例进行了环境价值的评估。

    As a case , the environmental value of Baota district in Yanan city is evaluated by three sorts of method , benefit , cost and market investigation .

  12. 以延安市宝塔区为试验区,测试结果表明,该系统评价结果误差小,性能可靠,可作为一种实用系统加以推广。

    The experiment results of Baota district in Yanan city show that the system can be widely developed as a practical system for its little evaluation error , reliable performance .

  13. 根据实地考察和资料分析,应用区域生态环境规划理论对宝塔区生态环境状况进行了评价,划分出不同的生态环境质量等级。

    Based on field investigation and analyzing the material of Baota district , the theories of eco environmental planning is applied to evaluate the eco environmental features of this area , which is divided into five grades .