
  • 网络Equity capital
  1. 如今两人制订了商业计划,募集到了私人股本资金,并把课上所学内容付诸实施。

    Now they have constructed a business plan , raised private equity capital and put their lessons into practice .

  2. 寻找投资机会的私人股本资金大量出现,支持了并购交易的飞速增长。

    The surge of deals was bolstered by a tide of Private Equity Cash looking for investments .

  3. 这符合逻辑;需要最多股本资金的业务应当被减掉最多。

    That is logical ; the business that requires the most equity funding should take the biggest cuts .

  4. 成长型股票可靠的出路,还有助于吸引更多私人股本资金,鼓励它们支持有望上市的企业。

    A reliable outlet for growth stocks also draws in more private equity money to back listable candidates .

  5. 已为中国境内项目或企业提供的贷款和股本资金在十亿美元以上;

    List of projects to be funded by the lending and equity investment and corresponding certificate and legal papers ;

  6. 流入发展中国家的净私人资本流量,包括债务和股本资金,在2004年增加了510亿美元,达到3013亿美元。

    Net private capital flows , including debt and equity to developing countries , increased by $ 51 billion to $ 301.3 billion in2004 .

  7. 通用汽车表示,不便立即评论中国报刊有关四川腾中正为该交易寻求海外私人股本资金的报道。

    GM said it could not immediately comment on Chinese press reports that said Sichuan Tengzhong was seeking offshore private equity finance for the deal .

  8. 国际金融公司将拿出不超过3亿美元的股本资金和预计将至少达到20亿美元的其它来源资金,联合为基础设施项目融资。

    IFC will contribute up to $ 300 million in equity with other sources expected to bring in at least $ 2 billion more to co-finance infrastructure projects .

  9. 六成投资者表示,与去年相比,他们将加大对私人股本的资金投入,而不足10%的投资者表示它们将减少对这种资产类别的投资。

    Six out of 10 investors said they would increase their commitments to private equity from last year , while fewer than one in 10 said they would commit less to the asset class .

  10. 加拿大的两只养老基金与新加坡的淡马锡(Temasek)决定,将为一个备受关注的、寻求在华投资的私人股本基金提供资金支持。此举突出表明,海外对这个新兴领域的兴趣与日俱增。

    Two Canadian pension funds and Temasek are to provide financial backing to a high-profile private equity fund looking to invest in China , underscoring rising overseas interest in the fledgling sector .

  11. 道森表示:化工市场并购活动现在将取决于进入私人股本市场的资金。

    Merger and acquisition activity in the market will now depend on funding into the private equity market .

  12. 风险投资公司之所以没有像大型私人股本那样筹集资金,是因为它们不能很好地利用现金。

    Venture capital firms did not raise large private equity-style funds because they could not put the cash to good use .

  13. 的确有调查表明,私募股本融集资金越多的年份,回报率也倾向于越低。

    Indeed , research shows that the more money is raised by private-equity funds in any year , the lower returns tend to be .

  14. 随着由债务驱动的交易不复存在,从私人股本回流的资金减少,投资者已变得更为谨慎。

    As the flow of cash back from private equity has slowed in the absence of debt-fuelled deals , investors have become more cautious .

  15. 银行人士和负责收购的高管表示,私人股本将募集资金用于投资的本能,使其与各种工业集团形成了共生关系。

    Bankers and buy-out executives say private equity 's drive to invest the funds raised has led to a symbiotic relationship with diversified industrial groups .

  16. 银行如何能够成功地持有如此微薄的资本金呢?它们让其它行业那些负债累累的私人股本交易显得资金异常充足。

    How do banks get away with holding so little capital that they make the most debt-laden of private equity deals in other industries look well-capitalised ?

  17. 全球私人股本基金目前资金充裕,因此很想把钱投入中国,尤其是中国蓬勃发展的金融服务市场。

    The global private equity funds are awash with funds and desperate to put money to work in China , and in particular its booming financial services market .

  18. 该公司自1988年起,利用其全球资金投资亚洲。该公司预计,在今年4月前,其可用于亚洲私人股本投资的资金将达到15亿美元。

    The firm has used its global funds to invest in Asia since 1988 and expects to have $ 1.5bn available for private equity investments in the region by April .

  19. 在私人股本行业,昔日资金投向重在发展的良好做法正逐渐回归。

    In private equity , there is a gradual return of good old development capital .

  20. 同时还有大量私人股本和风险投资资金也在寻找投资目标。

    There is also plenty of private equity and venture capital money that is still looking for a home .

  21. 得到私人股本和中资银行资金支持的中国企业,已经开始一轮从美国股市退市潮。

    There has already been a wave of delisting from US markets by Chinese groups with private equity or mainland bank backing .

  22. 然而,在接受调查的59家有限合伙人中,近一半完全没有投资于中国私人股本;而配置资金超过2%的也只有四分之一。

    However , almost half the 59 LPs surveyed had no allocation to Chinese private equity and only a quarter allocated more than 2 per cent .

  23. 银行家表示,如果政治动荡持续下去,一些家族理财机构可能无法兑现向私人股本公司做出的资金承诺。

    If the political turmoil continues to rumble , some family offices could even fail to meet promises of cash made to private equity firms , bankers said .

  24. 为了应对亏损,包括美国养老基金和捐赠基金在内,许多全球最大的私人股本投资者,已被迫削减承诺向新私人股本基金注入的资金。

    Many of the worlds biggest investors in private equity , including US pension funds and endowments , have already been forced to cut back on money they commit to new funds , in response to losses .

  25. 埃查理表示,这些数字表明,欧洲正在追赶美国,成为私人股本投资的目的地。据他介绍,去年美国筹集的私人股本资金为1600亿欧元。

    The figures indicate that Europe is catching up with the US as a destination for private equity investments , according to Mr Echarri , who said the US raised ? 160bn of private equity money last year .