
  • 网络project cost
  1. 阐述了对施工企业适用的建设工程项目成本控制的基本原则及成本管理必须做好的基础工作。

    This paper expounds the basic principles of the construction project cost control suitable to the construction enterprise and some basic work that must be done well in the cost management .

  2. AHP法在工程项目成本风险评价中的应用

    Apply of the AHP ( Analytical Hierarchy Process ) on the Risk Evaluation of Engineering Project Cost

  3. 广州C酒店智能化工程项目成本管理研究

    Study on the Cost Management of Guangzhou C Hotel Intelligent Building Project

  4. HD公司智能建筑工程项目成本管理研究

    HD Company Intelligent Construction Project Cost Management Research

  5. 本文讨论利用ABC方法进行工程项目成本的预测和核算,从而提高成本控制中信息的准确性。

    ABC is invited in this paper in project cost forecasting and accounts , to improve the accuracy of information in cost control .

  6. GK公司职工活动中心工程项目成本管理研究

    GK Company Activity Center of Staff Project Cost Management

  7. 基于BIM的工程项目成本核算理论及实现方法研究

    Research on Cost Calculation Theory and Method of Construction Project based on BIM

  8. 本文的结论是:构建一个以项目实施流程为线索的责任成本管理和考核奖惩体系,是EPC总承包工程项目成本管理的核心所在。

    The conclusion is : a process for the implementation of a project management and evaluation costs clues responsibility reward system is notably total project cost management contract at the heart .

  9. 本文即探讨如何降低工程项目成本,实现成本计划目标。

    The paper discusses how to reduce the cost of project .

  10. 如何控制建筑工程项目成本管理的漏洞

    Measures to control defects in project cost management of building engineering

  11. 工程项目成本控制流程的改进与模型构建

    On implementation and construction dynamic process of engineering projects cost control

  12. 某住宅小区市政工程项目成本预测与控制

    Forecast and Control of Municipal Project Cost for a Development District

  13. 关于施工项目部对工程项目成本管理的思考

    Thinking of Cost Control of Construction Project for Construction Project Dept

  14. 施工企业工程项目成本核算之探讨

    The Discussion of Business Accounting of Project Cost in Construction Corporation

  15. 工程项目成本包括显性成本与隐性成本。

    Engineering project cost includes recessive cost and dominant cost .

  16. 工程项目成本动态控制管理系统

    Management System Of Dynamic Control of Cost For Construction Projects

  17. 浅析施工企业如何进行工程项目成本控制

    Brief analysis on how to control the project cost of construction enterprise

  18. 浅议输电工程项目成本管理

    Superficial Discussion on Cost Management of Transmission on Engineering Project

  19. 工程项目成本控制的价值工程应用

    Apply VE to the Control of Cost of Engineering Project

  20. 从投标报价的角度分析工程项目成本控制

    Analysis on cost control of engineering projects from the bid rate angle

  21. 应用作业成本法加强建筑工程项目成本管理

    Application of Activity-Based Costing to Enhance Construction Project Cost Management

  22. 梧西项目部工程项目成本控制的启示

    Enlightenment of engineering project cost control in Wuxi project department

  23. 基于活动的工程项目成本确定方法研究

    Study on the Determination of Activity-Based Costing for Construction Projects

  24. 工程项目成本预测的多基元模糊算法

    Multiple base element fuzzy algorithm for prediction of cost of engineering projects

  25. 精益生产理论在工程项目成本管理中的作用

    The Function of Lean Production Theory in Engineering Project and Cost Management

  26. 工程项目成本的过程管理

    The Process Control of the Cost of the Work Items

  27. 基于六西格玛管理的工程项目成本控制研究

    Study of Cost Controling in Engineering Project Based on Six Sigma Management

  28. 本文简单分析了工程项目成本控制的方法。

    This paper analyzes the methods of project cost control .

  29. 令人满意准则在工程项目成本控制中的运用

    The application of " satisfactory " criterion in engineering project cost control

  30. 接着阐述了工程项目成本控制理论。

    Then this article describes knowledge about cost control theory .