
  • 网络cost control
  1. EPC合同条件下的铁路建设项目工程造价控制

    Railway projects engineering cost control under the conditions of EPC contracts

  2. 浅谈工程造价控制中的索赔与反索赔

    An Elementary Introduction to Claim and Counterclaim in Project Cost Control

  3. 通过研究可将减阻降糙处理工程造价控制在15元/m2以下,以南水北调干线中线每年新增15亿m3流量,运营按20年计,至少可带来300亿元收益。

    The research will reduce engineering cost by 15 Yuan / m2 , to increase the amount of transporting water of the Middle Route Project of the South-North Water Diversion to 1,500 million liter annually , which can bring 30,000 million Yuan income at least .

  4. 全过程造价管理模式下的工程造价控制分析

    The Analysis of Project Cost Control with Entire Process Cost Management

  5. 公路工程造价控制的有效途径分析

    Analysis About Effective Way to the Cost Control of Highway Engineering

  6. 对于工程造价控制过程中审计效力的研究

    Research of auditing potency in the procedure of project cost controlling

  7. 房地产项目工程造价控制的工程应用

    The application of Construction cost Control Measures of real estate project

  8. 水利工程造价控制中存在的问题分析

    Analysis on Existing Problems in Controlling Cost of Water Conservancy Engineering

  9. 多层住宅的工程造价控制

    The Control of the Cost of the Construction of Multi-storeyed Residence

  10. 浅析建设工程造价控制中的问题和建议

    About the Problems and Suggestions in Cost of Engineering in Construction

  11. 做好房地产开发项目基础工程造价控制的几点思考

    Considering of Foundation Construction Cost Control in Real Estate Development Project

  12. 浅析工程造价控制及其编制质量的提高

    Brief analysis building cost of projects control and establishment quality enhancement

  13. 在建设项目全过程工程造价控制的研究工作上有一定的创新性。

    Some innovation of project , cost control is proposed .

  14. 对招投标阶段公路工程造价控制问题的探讨

    Discussion on project cost controlling problems of roads construction in bidding stage

  15. 全生命周期视角下设计阶段工程造价控制研究

    The Research on Engineering Cost Control Based on Life-Cycle in Design Stage

  16. 浅论搞好建设项目工程造价控制的方法

    Simple discussion on method to control the cost of construction project better

  17. 城市生活垃圾处理设施建设项目工程造价控制

    Cost Control of Municipal Domestic Waste Treatment Facility Construction Project

  18. 改善高校修缮工程造价控制的方法与体会

    Method and Experience of Improving Repair Engineering Construction Cost Control in Universities

  19. 浅谈工程造价控制的企业化管理模式

    Discussion on the enterprise management pattern of engineering cost control

  20. 浅谈如何在预可研阶段做好工程造价控制

    On ways to have better project costs control in pre-feasibility study period

  21. 模拟电力市场中发电工程造价控制

    Control of Generation Construction Cost in Simulated Electric Power Market

  22. 投资决策、设计过程及估算编制中的工程造价控制

    Project Cost Control of Investment Decision Making , Designing and Budget Estimation

  23. 关于我省公路工程造价控制的几点体会

    Several experience of cost control about our province road project

  24. 改造工程造价控制的实证研究

    Research on the cost control of the reconstruction - project

  25. 浅谈建设工程造价控制中存在的问题及改进意见

    On the Problems Existing in Project Cost Process and the Improving Methods

  26. 目前我国设计阶段工程造价控制的现状分析

    On present controlling situation of project cost in our nation design stage

  27. 新体制下电力企业工程造价控制的有效途径

    Effective way for controlling cost of electrical projects under new investment system

  28. 从基础入手加强工程造价控制

    Emphasizing foundation work cost for controlling engineering construction cost

  29. 关于煤炭井巷工程造价控制过程中的几点意见

    Opinions on Coal Sinking and Driving Engineering Cost Control

  30. 运用精益生产方式进行工程造价控制

    Cost Control on Engineering Projects through Lean Production System