
ɡōnɡ chénɡ jiàn shè
  • engineering construction
  1. 近年来,随着市政工程建设速度的不断加快,市政工程项目在施工阶段带来的环境影响日益严重。

    As the municipal engineering construction mend its pace in these years , the environmental impact become worse and worse during the construction period .

  2. 基于DEA的工程建设项目的相对有效性分析

    The Relative Validity Analysis of Engineering Construction Project Based on DEA

  3. 析工程建设国际合作中的BOT方式

    An Analysis into BOT Mode of International Cooperation in Construction Projects

  4. 随着我国加入WTO后逐步融入全球经济体系,工程建设市场将日益开放。

    With the entry into WTO and being involved in global economy system step by step , China 's engineering construction market will be increasingly opened .

  5. FY-2C星地面应用分系统工程建设

    Engineering Construction of the Ground Application Subsystem for FY-2C Meteorological Satellite

  6. 通过对地铁工程建设施工的固有危险性以及以往事故的统计分析,确立坍塌是地铁工程施工中的重大突发事故;运用实效模式与影响方法,研讨TBM盾构机施工过程中的各种可能危险及后果;

    Collapse accident as a severe abrupt accident is defined by analyzing statistically past accidents and the inherent risk during metro construction .

  7. TMIS工程建设管理系统

    TMIS engineering building management system

  8. 通过3年的实践共完30万hm2的抚育任务的工程建设目标,达到了调整林分密度,优化林分结构,改善林木生长环境,加速森林资源培育的目的。

    The tending has aimed to adjust stand density , optimal stand structure , better forest growth environment and speed up the cultivation of forest resources .

  9. 医药工程建设质量是实施GMP的可靠保证,推行GMP必须从源头抓起。

    The quality of pharmaceutical engineering construction is the reliable guarantee of GMP realization . It is necessary to focus on the fundamental points in propagating GMP .

  10. 空间数据是GIS的主要研究和表示的对象,其质量的好坏及其在GIS中的正确表示是GIS工程建设中最重要和最基本的问题。

    Spatial data are the main objects in representation and research in Geographical Information System , and its quality as well as its correct representation in GIS is very important and the most fundamental issue in GIS ′ s engineering construction .

  11. 从工程建设的质量控制出发,分析全面质量管理的PDCA循环模式在公路工程中的应用。

    An analysis of the application of PDCA Cycle in overall quality management of highway engineering is given which carries out the quality controlling of engineering construction .

  12. 围绕恩施交通工程建设管理信息集成系统(EMIS)的研究开发及实现,本文阐述了系统架构的主要过程和方面。

    With a view to meet development of Enshi traffic engineer constructions management information integrated system ( EMIS ), it is expatiated the main process and aspects of system framework .

  13. 修正的Terzaghi理论公式和有限元法回归公式具有较高的可靠性和实用性,对制定相关的广西工程建设地方标准具有重要的参考价值。

    Terzaghi bearing-capacity modified equation and finite-element regression equation have good reliability and practicality , which will have an important reference value on preparing the local correlative standards of constructing work in Guangxi .

  14. 工程建设监理是土木工程行业中一种比较常见的控制质量的技术,但是,根据EI检索和中国期刊检索,目前这种技术还未在软件开发过程中使用。

    Engineering Construction Supervision is the common technology of controlling quality in the field of civil engineering and this technology is not used in the process of developing software according to the EI index searching system and the Chinese journal index searching system .

  15. 介绍了十五期间,南方互联电网西电东送广东电网的容量规划、输变电项目工程建设规划以及广东电网2005年500kV目标网架建设设想。

    This article describes the transmitted electricity power capacity planning and transmission project schedule from west to east of southern interconnected grid in tenth five years and conceives the 500 kV objective frame of Guangdong power network in year 2005 .

  16. 研究结果表明,预应力度PPR和箍筋间距设计合理的预应力混凝土框架梁,具有与普通钢筋混凝土框架梁相近的抗震性能,可以在中等烈度地震区工程建设中采用。

    The research shows that the seismic behavior of the prestressed concrete beam of the appropriate spacing of stirrups and the degree of prestress is closed to that of the common reinforced concrete beams and it can be applied in the seismic area of middling intensity .

  17. 火电厂烟气脱硫工程建设方案的经济评价

    Economical Appraisal on FGD Engineering Construction Scheme of Thermal Power Plants

  18. 我国大型工程建设投资控制对策研究

    Control Scheme on Construction Investments of Big Engineering Project in China

  19. 刍议四川省退耕还林工程建设成效

    Effect on Converting Cropland to Forest Project Constructing in Sichuan Province

  20. 长沙市8408附建式人防工程建设的做法和体会

    A Practice on an Attached Civil Defence Construction in Changsha City

  21. 桂中治旱工程建设思路及措施

    Thinking and measure for drought harnessing project construction of middle Guangxi

  22. 三峡工程建设的主要科技难题

    Major Difficult Problems in the Construction of the Three Gorges Project

  23. 水运工程建设五十年

    Construction of Port and Waterway Engineering during the Past Fifty Years

  24. 工程建设项目设计质量控制方案研究

    Study on design quality control program for engineering construction project

  25. 黑龙江省公路工程建设管理地理信息系统开发研究设想

    Imagination of development of Geographic Imformation System for Heilongjiang highway construction management

  26. 石灰岩山区工程建设对水土流失的影响研究

    Soil Loss Affected by Engineering Construction in Limestone Mountain Area

  27. 小清河流域城镇污水处理工程建设规划

    Construction Planning for the Town-level Sewerage Treatment Projects in Xiaoqing River Basin

  28. 如何做好工程建设项目的施工准备工作

    On the ways how to have a better construction preparation for projects

  29. 工程建设投标报价的应对策略与技巧摭谈

    On Proper Bid Quotation Strategy and Skill for Engineering Construction

  30. 接地系统的设计是工程建设中较为关键的技术环节。

    Design of grounding system is an important technical link .