
  • 网络working definition;Work Definition;job definition;Operation definitions
  1. 提出了动态时空中事件视界的一种新定义,并研究了这个定义与york工作定义之间的关系,结果表明york工作定义存在着迄今尚未被认识的局限性。

    We present a new definition of the event horizon in a non-stationary space-time and investigate the relationship between york 's working definition and our new definition . The results show that york 's working definition has the limitation which is unknown as yet .

  2. 关于虚拟现实&核心概念与工作定义

    WHAT IS VIRTUAL REALITY ? & Essential Concepts And Working Definition

  3. 此工作定义依赖关系、组合、公开决策、消息、QoS约束以及与服务内的状态管理相关的决策。

    This work defines the dependencies , composition , exposure decisions , messages , QoS constraints , and decisions regarding the management of state within a service .

  4. 因此,JUnit框架不再强求把每一项测试工作定义为一个名称以test开始的方法,并且现在可以只运行一次fixture,而不是每次测试都需要运行一次。

    As a result , JUnit no longer requires that you define a test as a method whose name starts with test , and you can now run fixtures just once as opposed to for each test .

  5. 两年前有一位TED的讲者,名叫乔纳森·海德特,他把工作定义为三个不同的层次。

    There is a fellow TEDster who spoke two years ago , Jonathan Haidt , who defined his work into three different levels . And they rang very true for me .

  6. 3种代谢综合征工作定义在男性健康体检者中的比较

    Comparison of 3 working definitions of metabolic syndrome in male medical examinees

  7. 最后结合传统医学百科的编纂,提出在人文学科中应研究工作定义。

    Finally the study of working definition is recommended in dealing with humanities .

  8. 两种代谢综合征工作定义在上海地区人群中应用的比较

    A comparison of the application of two working definitions of metabolic syndrome in Chinese population

  9. 我不喜欢把我的工作定义为日常惯例,这太令人沮丧了。

    I don 't like to define my work as a daily routine , that can be very depressing .

  10. 比较不同的代谢综合征工作定义在首次冠状动脉造影人群中的检验效率。

    To determine which definition of metabolic syndrome was applicable for the patients underwent their first coronary angiography ( CAG ) .

  11. 本文透彻地论述了虚拟现实的若干重要方面(内涵、模型、构成、特征和支撑技术等),并首次提出了虚拟实现的工作定义。

    Some important aspects of virtual reality are thoroughly discussed , and its working definition is given for the first time .

  12. 第二章回顾前人有关话题和话题结构的研究,并提出本文中所使用的话题及话题延续性的工作定义。

    Chapter Two contributes to a general survey to the research of topic and topic construction and proposes the working definition of topic and topic continuity in this thesis .

  13. 介绍了虚拟现实的工作定义,给出了使虚拟现实技术能在网络上应用的两种技术&VRML和虚拟全景。

    Introduce the working definition of virtual reality , and two typical methods to realize virtual reality on WWW ( world wide web ) are given-VRML and image-based virtual panorama .

  14. 本文在评析了不同学者对概念转喻的界定后,以其三个公认的基本认知特征为基础,尝试性地为概念转喻提出了一个完整的工作定义。

    Based on a survey of the earlier attempts to define conceptual metonymy , the present study , taking into account its three fundamental cognitive features , proposes a working definition of conceptual metonymy .

  15. 第四章在讨论相关研究对反语的定义和分类的基础上,给出了本研究对反语的工作定义和分类。

    Chapter 4 presents the working definition of Chinese irony of the present study and gives a new taxonomy of Chinese irony on the ground of a revisit to the classifications and definitions made previously .

  16. 唯一剩下的工作是定义如何处理PlaceOrder按钮,如清单4所示。

    The only piece left to define is handling the Place Order button , shown in Listing 4 .

  17. XML协议委员会发起了一项工作来定义一组新的软件规则和使用情景。

    The XML Protocol committee initiated work to define a set of new software practices or usage scenarios .

  18. 要安装在TivoliEnterprisePortalServer中的演示信息,包括帮助资源和工作空间定义。

    Presentation information to be installed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server , including help resources and workspace definitions .

  19. 您已经为合并生产工作流程定义了用于BPEL文件的变量。

    You have defined variables to be used in your BPEL file for the merged production workflow .

  20. Approvals页面显示已经为该工作物件定义的任何审批、审核或验证。

    The Approvals page shows any Approvals , Reviews , or Verifications that have been defined for the work item .

  21. 因为来自JavaScript的Ajax调用是异步的,所以需要做些额外的工作来定义客户机代码用来调用服务的异步接口。

    Because Ajax calls from JavaScript are asynchronous , some extra work is needed to define an asynchronous interface that the client code uses to invoke the service .

  22. 对工作流管理平台的组成部分即图形化的工作流程定义工具、工作流定义库、工作流实例库、工作流引擎、触发器、API接口的功能做了介绍。

    The functions of the workflow management platform , which consist of graphic workflow definition tools , workflow definition database , workflow instance database , workflow engine , trigger and API interface , are also discussed .

  23. FIFO队列使用方式按数控系统工作模式定义,参数模式下传递参数信息,自动加工方式下传递插补数据。

    FIFO mode is defined according to operation mode of CNC system , the parameter is transmitted in the parameter mode , and interpolation data is transmitted in automatic machining mode .

  24. 对其中的工作流建模、工作流活动的事务处理和错误恢复、工作流程定义的动态修改等技术进行了深入的分析与研究。并在此基础上设计与实现了一个工作流管理系统X-FLOW。

    After deep analysis and research in some key technology of workflow modeling , the transactional control and failure recovery of workflow activities , the dynamic modification of workflow process definition , we finish the design and implementation of a workflow management system , X-FLOW .

  25. 他们不明白工作的定义是什么。

    They don 't understand the definition of work , then .

  26. 甚至,象知识工作的定义等基本概念至今还未形成普遍的共识。

    Even the general definition of knowledge work has not formed .

  27. 每向下分解一个层次,就意味着项目工作的定义深入一部。

    Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work .

  28. 工作类型定义是可自定义的,而且在系统范围内都是有效的。

    Work Type definitions are customizable and available system-wide .

  29. 每个女人对一份好工作的定义都很不同。

    The definition of a great job differs wildly from woman to woman .

  30. 调查同时也发现人们对好工作的定义也发生了改观。

    The survey also found that what is seen as a good job has changed .