
  • 网络Engineering Consulting;engineering consultation
  1. J国际工程咨询公司是一家专事提供工程承包管理服务的跨国工程公司。

    J is an international engineering consulting firm specializing in providing project management services to multinational engineering contracting company .

  2. 之后,本文应用SWOT分析方法分析了中国工程咨询企业的优势和劣势、机遇和挑战。

    Afterwards , by the method of SWOT analysis , the thesis analyzes advantages and disadvantages as well as opportunities and challenges of Chinese engineering consulting enterprise .

  3. 国内外工程咨询人才素质差异分析&国内E咨询公司与HARZA/AGN比较

    Analysis of difference of home and abroad engineering consultant character

  4. 为了进一步提升企业竞争力,本文针对改制后X工程咨询公司的战略性绩效管理体系的构建问题进行了研究。

    The article studied the construction of strategic performance management system of reformed X company .

  5. 作为一个钢铁工程咨询企业,C工程公司在现在这样一个关键时期,应该用战略眼光重新审视新的竞争环境,并且通过正确的战略决策,来建立和保持竞争优势。

    Ongoing such a critic period C engineering company should re-exam competitive environment from the strategic angle , and make right strategic decision to establish and maintain competitive edge .

  6. 加入WTO,可以为中国本土的工程咨询企业提供发展的机遇,同时也使其面临严峻的挑战。

    WTO Accession has provided a development opportunity for China 's project Consultation enterprises , and at the same time , brought about serious challenges .

  7. 中国加入WTO后,外国公司必将进入中国工程咨询业市场,我国工程咨询业的竞争将更加激烈。

    For this reason , the managerial system in China is behind the times . With China 's entry into WTO , more foreign companies will enter the Chinese consulting market and the competition is fiercer .

  8. 兑现加入WTO的承诺,我国的服务业逐渐对外资开放,工程咨询业作为工程服务行业,也对外资打开了大门,越来越多的外资企业进入中国市场提供咨询服务。

    According to our promise for WTO , the service industry will open its market to foreign companies step by step . As engineering service industry , engineering consulting has opened the door to the foreign companies .

  9. 中国加入WTO以后,国内工程咨询企业面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战,工程咨询市场将打破现有的市场分布状况,融入全球市场的调整变革之中。

    When China join in the WTO , domestic engineering consulting enterprise is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges . Engineering consulting market will break the existing distribution market and integrate into the global market to adjust the transformation .

  10. 从组织机构、执业范围、人员素质等方面分析了加入WTO后国外工程咨询机构对我国工程造价咨询业的影响,在此基础上,提出了一些应对措施。

    From aspects of organizational system , business scope and personnel quality , this paper analyses the influence of WTO entry on construction cost consulting business of our country and , based on this , puts forward some corresponding countermeasures .

  11. 工程咨询事业部:按照fidic条约,作为业主聘用的咨询工程师进行项目管理工作。协调内部需求、政府关系和各供应商的工作。

    Industry consultancy : carrying out project management as the industrial engineering consultant for customer in accordance with fidic , to cooperate with internal requirements , government relationship & suppliers business .

  12. 不过锂工程咨询公司TRU的CEO埃里克o安德森早在2009年初,也就是众多锂项目纷纷上马时,就曾表示过他对众多锂投资并不看好。

    But Eric Anderson , CEO of the lithium engineering consultancy TRU , was bearish on lithium investment as early as 2009 , when a flood of new projects were being planned .

  13. 据此,本文选择了国内的工程咨询、工程设计、工程招标、工程监理和国外的PM、CM、FIDIC白皮书作为管理标杆,得出基准价、费率和可调系数是咨询服务定价的基本内容。

    Accordingly , this paper explores the domestic engineering consulting , project design , project bidding , project supervision and foreign PM , CM , FIDIC as management benchmarking benchmark , and adjustable rate is the basic content of pricing consultation service . 2 .

  14. 父亲是当地一家地产开发兼工程咨询公司DJW咨询公司的前总裁。

    Her father retired as president of DJW Associates , a real estate development and construction consulting firm there .

  15. 本文的研究可能会有以下理论和现实意义:一是CPE目前面临国内工程咨询市场供给严重不足,竞争激力,而企业人力资源开发是其生存和发展的基础;

    The textual research has below theories with realistic meaning : While ising a foundation that " CPE " face now , the local engineering consults the market supplies serious shortage , the competition arouses the dint , but business enterprise human resource development is its exist with the development ;

  16. 为了获得所需强度而又不过度使用钢材,设计师们与奥雅纳(arup)的工程咨询师合作,决定使用标准化钢梁,但要根据建筑物将承受的实际张力而具体分布。

    To achieve the strength required without excessive use of steel , the designers , working with engineering consultants Arup , decided to use standardised beams , but to distribute them according to the actual strains the building would be subject to .

  17. 专业图书馆服务功能的完善和发展&中国国际工程咨询公司图书馆介绍

    Perfecting and Developing Service Function of the Engineering Consulting Professional Library

  18. 我国建设工程咨询业发展的机遇、挑战及其应对措施

    Study on Development Chance and Propose of Construction Consultation in China

  19. 方舟工程咨询公司的品牌策划研究

    Research of the Brand of the Project Advisory Company of FangZhou

  20. 中国工程咨询业如何适应国际竞争?

    How to adapt to international contest in national engineering consultation ?

  21. 适应投资体制改革规范林业工程咨询成果

    Adapting to Investment System Reformation and Standardizing Forest Engineering Consultation Results

  22. 借鉴国际经验推动中国工程咨询行业发展的思考

    Thoughts on Promoting China Engineering Consulting Industry by Introducing International Practices

  23. 虚拟团队在苹果园工程咨询项目中的应用

    Application of Virtual Team in Ping Guo Yuan Engineering Consulting Project

  24. 某工程咨询企业战略性绩效管理体系的构建

    Construction of Strategic Performance Management System for X Engineering Consulting Enterprise

  25. 我国核电工程咨询公司发展的分析与研究

    Analysis and research on development of nuclear power architect-engineers in China

  26. 工程咨询对控制建设项目造价的作用

    Functions of Engineering Consultancy for controlling the Cost of Construction Projects

  27. 构建工程咨询业共生机制。

    Build the Symbiotic mechanism of the engineering consulting industry .

  28. 浅谈我国农业工程咨询的发展

    Discussion on The Development of Our Country Agriculture Project Consultation in China

  29. 工程咨询设计项目的质量控制与风险管理

    The Risk Management and Quality Control of Engineering Consultation or Design Project

  30. 黑龙江省农业工程咨询业的现状与对策

    Status and Strategy of Agricultural Consulting Industry in Heilongjiang Province