
ɡuó jì jié suàn fānɡ shì
  • mode of international settlement
  1. 国际结算方式中主要风险的防范

    Precautions against the Main Risks in the International Accounting Methods

  2. 金融危机背景下的国际结算方式创新

    Innovation on International Settlement in the Background of Financial Crisis

  3. 信用证发展到今天已经成为一种非常重要的国际结算方式和融资工具。

    It has become an important means of international settlement and finance equipment .

  4. 从两起商业单据丢失事件看国际结算方式的风险商务与结算

    Cases and Analysis of Risk Relating to Loss of Shipping Documents Commercial Affairs and Settling Accounts

  5. 本文着重研究了这两种最重要的国际结算方式中的洗钱风险。

    This paper focuses on the study of the two most important international settlement risk of money laundering .

  6. 因此,综合分析各种国际结算方式下出口方的收汇风险并对防范相应风险的法律对策进行研究具有必要性。

    Therefore , it 's necessary to analyze the exporters ' accepting risk of various international accounting methods comprehensively and to carry on a research on the law countermeasures of risk precaution .

  7. 现汇主要是指以支票、汇款、托收等国际结算方式取得并形成的银行存款。

    Be being collected now basically is to point to the bank deposit that be obtained with the means of international settle accounts such as check , remittance , collection and forms .

  8. 在相当长的一段时期内,跟单信用证成为了最重要的国际结算方式,而且,在可预见的未来较长一段时期内,跟单信用证仍然会不断发挥重要作用。

    For a fairly long period of time , documentary credits have become the most important international clearing form , while documentary credits will still play an important role in the longer period of time .

  9. 文章针对中小出口企业进行分析,对如何灵活运用国际结算方式以提高市场竞争力,降低收汇风险提出了对策和建议。

    2 , articles for small and medium-sized export firms , on how to use a flexible manner for International Settlements in order to enhance market competitiveness and reduce the risk of foreign exchange proposed countermeasures and suggestions .

  10. 信用证是一种传统的国际结算方式,被誉为是英国人民天才的创造和商业的生命血,可看出其在国际买卖交易中的重要地位。

    Documentary credit , which is a traditional tool of international settlements , is appraised as the Great and Genius Creation of the English People and the living Blood of Business . Therefore , we may understand the importance of the documentary credit in international transaction .

  11. 资金的流动不仅需要一种载体也需要一定的实现形式,国际结算方式正是实现了非法资金从起点流向终点的手段,所以贸易洗钱与国际贸易结算方式密不可分。

    The flow of funds not only need a carrier also need to implement some form of international settlement , is the realization of the illegal funds from the starting point to end point means , so trade is closely related to money laundering and international trade settlement .

  12. 我国银行业如何应对国际贸易结算方式多元化

    How China 's Banking Deals with the Diversification of International Settlement Ways

  13. 在案例分析的基础上对不同国际贸易结算方式下的风险表现形式和防范进行了详细分析。

    On the base of case analysis , collaborates the risk performance and prevention in the different settlement methods .

  14. 信用证作为一种以银行信用为基础的国际贸易结算方式,为远隔重洋的进出口商提供了交易的保障。

    The letter of credit , as a way of the international settlement on the bases of banking credit , offers the trading guarantee for businessmen from different countries .

  15. 在此基础上,通过运用成本分析和博弈分析解释说明了加强信用管理在我国企业选择国际贸易结算方式中的作用。

    Based on it , I explain that strengthening the credit management will do their work in choosing the international trade settlement mode for our enterprises by cost and game theory analysis .

  16. 保理业务在国际贸易结算方式中所占的比例越来越高,据统计,国际保理在全球贸易结算中的份额已超过60%,超过信用证的业务量。

    Factoring in international trade settlement way the proportion of more and more high , according to statistics , international factoring in global trade settlement , the share has more than 60 % of the exceed credit volume .

  17. 信用证作为一种国际结算支付方式,由于具有银行信用担保、融资便利等优点,曾经成为国际贸易支付的第一大手段。

    Letter of credit , as a means of international settlement and payment , once became the most popular means for payment in international trade because it has bank credit as guarantee and it is a convenient financing method .

  18. 第五部分是对支付宝作为未来国际贸易重要的结算方式需要改进的地方提出了一些建议。

    Chapter five suggests improvements to Alipay as an important method of international trade settlement .

  19. 国际保理与传统结算方式优劣之浅析我国开展国际保理业务的必要性

    A Comparison between International Factoring and Traditional Ways of International Settlemen 's The Necessity of Developing International Factoring in China

  20. 本文通过国际保理与传统结算方式从风险、付款约束机制、融资等几方面的分析比较,就我国外贸企业如何有效运用此项结算方式作一理论探讨。

    This paper discusses some problems about how foreign trade enterprises can use it effectively , based on a comparison between international factoring and traditional ways of international settlements .

  21. 因此加快反洗钱法制建设,建全金融机构特别是银行业的内部控制制度,促进国际合作对于打击和抑制国际结算方式中的洗钱风险是不可忽视的。

    So speeding up the anti money laundering legal system construction , perfecting the internal control system of financial institutions , especially banks , promote international cooperation is not to be ignored for attacking and inhibition of the international settlement risk of money laundering .

  22. 随着我国进出口业务规模的不断扩大,银行国际结算业务迅速发展,银行国际结算方式也呈现出复杂多变的特征。

    With the enlargement of import and export , international business in banks develops very quickly , and the international settlement ways become more and more complicated .

  23. 论文根据风险管理的相关理论和风险管理的基本知识,提出了国际贸易结算风险的概念和风险管理的意义,并对各种国际贸易结算方式的流程和优缺点进行了阐述。

    The paper uses the risk management theory to bring forward the concept of the international trade settlement risk and the meaning of risk management , and summarize the strength and weakness of different settlement methods .

  24. 国际保理是继汇付、托收、用证之后出现的一种新型的国际贸易结算方式。

    The international factoring is a new financial service for international trade after the Remittance 、 the Collection and the Letter of Credit .

  25. 国际保理业务因其融结算和融资为一体的特点,已经成为当前国际贸易结算的新型方式和工具。

    As a new method of international settlement , International factoring has been getting more and more concerned owing to its character of mixing the settlement with the financing .

  26. 文章分析了国际结算的发展趋势,研究了现阶段我国国际结算的现状,并就出口企业如何灵活运用国际结算方式以提高市场竞争力,降低收汇风险提出了对策和建议。

    This article analyzes the international payment trends , studies the current international payment situation in China , and , from the perspective of international payment , provides some suggestions for Chinese exporters on how to enhance market competitiveness and reduce the payment receipt risks .

  27. 国际保理是保理商为出口商提供的集应收帐款收取、资金融通、帐务管理和信用风险承担于一体的综合性国际结算与融资方式。

    International factoring is an alternative method of international settlement and financing provided by factors to exporters , which involves collection of accounts receivable , financing , sales ledger administration and credit cover .