
  • travel agency;Travel Corporation;IRCTC
  1. 韩国是发达国家里员工工作时间最长、自杀率最高的国家。去年,韩国工人平均只休假8.6天,是在线旅游公司Expedia所调查的24个国家里面最低的,而全球工人平均休假天数为20.5天,其中法国达到30.7天。

    Workers in South Korea - home to the longest working hours and highest suicide rate in the developed world - took just 8.6 days of holidays last year on average , the lowest among the 24 nations surveyed by online travel agency Expedia , compared with the global average of 20.5 days and the French 's 30.7 days .

  2. 我现在在一家旅游公司做导游。

    I 'm now working as a tour guide in a travel agency .

  3. 今年夏天一些旅游公司很可能歇业。

    Some travel companies will probably go out of business this summer .

  4. 英国旅游公司正鼓动客户到更远的地方去旅游。

    British tour companies are nudging clients to travel further afield .

  5. 那封信被放在旅游公司的文件架上,一直没有拆封。

    The letter lay unopened in the travel firm 's pigeonhole

  6. 空中旅游公司承认其对度假服务行业竞争对手海外业主旅行社的控股企图以失败告终。

    Airtours conceded defeat in its attempt to take control of holiday industry rival Owners Abroad

  7. 去年在接受《经济学人》采访时,太空旅游公司维珍银河首席执行官乔治·怀特塞兹将自己的公司归入后一类。

    In an interview last year with The Economist , George Whitesides , chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic , was placing his company in the latter category .

  8. 这引起了人们的注意——100多家旅游公司承诺不再开放这些地方。

    This is getting attention --- over 100 travel companies have promised that they will no longer open up such places .

  9. 她是文华东方酒店和旅游公司carrier的客人。

    She was a guest of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and the travel company carrier .

  10. 两年前,他便决定到上海的一家教育旅游公司ChinaPrep打暑期零工。

    Two years ago , he decided to take a temporary summer position in Shanghai with China Prep , an educational travel company .

  11. McComb'sCoachTravel公司的员工马克·柯尔特当时正在驾驶这辆巴士,他表示旅游公司曾经联络过警察。

    Mark Coulter , of McComb 's Coach Travel , who was driving the bus , said the firm had contacted the police .

  12. 顺便说明一下,这是一个真实的示例,世界最知名的旅游公司之一就将大型SpringWebFlow应用程序部署到其生产中。

    By the way , that 's a real example & one of the world 's best known travel brands has just deployed a large Spring Web Flow application into production .

  13. 但除了法国石油公司道达尔(total)该公司修建了由缅甸通往泰国的天然气管道和一些欧洲旅游公司,大多数西方公司都回避在该国经营。

    But aside from French oil firm , total , with its natural gas pipeline from Burma to Thailand , and a few European travel companies , most Western companies have steered clear of the country .

  14. 她在健身房增强体力,正是让一家旅游公司摆脱困境,并转变为哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)案例研究目标所需要的。

    She builds strength in the gym , which is just what is needed to rescue a travel company in deep trouble and turn it into something that is now the object of a Harvard Business School case study .

  15. 分部AEG厂家的直播娱乐部,分部AEG厂家Live是一个世界领先的演唱会宣传及旅游公司。

    AEG 's live entertainment division , AEG LIVE is one of the world 's leading concert promotion and touring companies .

  16. E&H在线旅游公司(ExpediaandHotels.com)为某些特定的用户优先提供更昂贵的酒店;

    Expedia and Hotels.com prioritized more expensive hotels for certain users ;

  17. 纽约一家主要服务于中国高端消费者的营销旅游公司AffinityChina联合创始人兼首席执行长ChristineLu说,吸引散客不同于跟旅游团打交道。

    Attracting independent travelers is different than working with tour groups , says Christine Lu , co-founder and chief executive of Affinity China , a New York-based marketing and travel company that focuses on upscale Chinese shoppers .

  18. AbercrombieandKent旅游公司北京办事处的经理奥斯汀·朱(AustinZhu)说,在北京,精品酒店也正成为一股潮流。

    Boutique hotels are also becoming a trend in Beijing , said Austin Zhu , the manager of the Beijing office of the travel company Abercrombie and Kent .

  19. Priceline在线旅游公司则根据用户的购买历史来变更搜索结果。

    and Priceline skewed search results based on past purchases .

  20. 与澳大利亚很多小型旅游公司一样,位于昆士兰黄金海岸的JetSkiSafaris公司遇到了一个问题:它没有做好迎接富有的中国游客的准备。

    Like many small tourism businesses across Australia , Jet Ski Safaris on Queensland 's Gold Coast has a problem - it 's not set up to deal with wealthy Chinese visitors .

  21. 由郭广昌执掌的复星,上月与英国旅游公司托马斯锭克(ThomasCook)签署合资协议,销售复星的中国ClubMed度假村、以及托马斯锭克精选的一批中国酒店的假日旅游服务。

    Led by Guo Guangchang , Fosun last month signed a joint venture deal with British travel company Thomas Cook , selling holidays to Fosun 's Chinese Club Med resorts and a number of Chinese hotels selected by Thomas Cook .

  22. 新奥尔良刚刚同一家中国旅游公司签了合同,Garcia很多时间都和来自北京、上海以及其他地方的旅游团在一起。

    New Orleans just signed a contract with a Chinese tourist company , and Garcia spends a lot of time with tour groups coming from Beijing , Shanghai and elsewhere .

  23. 史蒂夫•凯斯旗下的高端旅游公司ExclusiveResorts最近新开设了一个私人俱乐部Portico,专门帮助会员以相对低廉的价格享受奢华的度假设施。

    Exclusive resorts , a high-end travel company owned by Steve case , is launching portico , a new private club that lets members access luxury vacation properties at more moderate prices than they otherwise could .

  24. 这表明,在美国上市的在线旅游公司携程(Ctrip)、去哪儿(Qunar)以及在开发购物中心方面重视娱乐体验的开发商大连万达(DalianWanda)等公司,很可能会获益于这股潮流。

    This suggests that companies such as US-listed online travel companies Ctrip and Qunar and mall developer Dalian Wanda - which emphasises entertainment in its shopping centres - stand to benefit .

  25. 过去两周里,在孟买开了一家旅游公司的萨米尔·乌贝罗伊(SamirUberoi)曾两次带团参观泰姬陵,没觉得情况有什么变化。

    Samir Uberoi , who runs a tour company based in Mumbai , visited the Taj Mahal with groups twice in the last two weeks and did not notice a change .

  26. AARP旅游公司的形象大使萨曼莎·布朗建议人们出发前找点时间,将每个人在旅程中想要做的事写下来。

    Samantha Brown , AARP Travel ambassador , suggests taking some time prior to departure and having everyone write down what they 'd like to accomplish on the trip .

  27. Travelocity旅游公司的吉纳维夫?布朗称,秋季一直是短途游的旺季,因为孩子们都开学了,家长没有太多时间。

    Genevieve Brown , of Travelocity , said autumn is traditionally a popular season for mini-vacations because the kids are back in school and families have less time .

  28. 他的企业王国包括在中国的100座万达广场购物中心,以及百货商店、旅游公司和电影院,还包括它在2012年以26亿美元收购的美国第二大电影院线AMC娱乐(AMCEntertainment)。

    Among his business trophies are the 100 Wanda Plaza shopping centres , along with department stores , tourism businesses and chain of cinemas , in China , and AMC Entertainment , the second-largest cinema chain in the US , which he bought in 2012 for $ 2.6bn .

  29. 这家旅游公司名为“去哪儿”,英文名Qunar。据知情人士透露,它计划在周四宣布,百度在公司董事会的席位将从三个增加到五个。

    The travel company , Qunar , plans to announce on Thursday that it will give Baidu five director seats , up from three , according to people with direct knowledge of the matter .

  30. 越南中部广平省的韩松洞是世界最大的岩洞之一,最近,多亏旅游公司Oxalis的努力,韩松洞向游客开放了。

    Son Doong Cave in the Quang Binh province of central Vietnam is one of the world 's largest caves and is now , for the first time , accessible to tourists , thanks to the tour operator Oxalis .