
  • 网络garden history;History of Landscape Architecture
  1. 魏晋南北朝园林史研究

    Research of Traditional Garden History of Wei – Jin – Southern & Northern Dynasties

  2. 另外,园林史对我们也非常重要。

    On the other hand , garden history is also very important to us .

  3. 本文针对目前社会上存在的浮夸的设计思想和忽视园林史学习重要地位的思想予以抨击,继而分析其根源,并呼吁重新重视园林史的学习。

    After analysis the root about the issue , we appeal to recognition learning about landscape architecture history .

  4. 其他课程跨度在余下的四年,范围从园林史到当代的问题。

    Other courses span the remaining four years and range from the History of Landscape Architecture to Contemporary Issues .

  5. 庭院是一种传统的建筑空间,在整个园林史中,庭院是一个非常重要的要素。

    Courtyard is a traditional architectural style , playing a very important role in the history of garden architecture .

  6. 以史为鉴,古为今用&唤醒园林史的学习

    Use the History for Reference , Make the Past Serve the Present & Awaken Learning about Landscape Architecture History

  7. 在园林史的结构方面,存在明代之前文献的丰富与实例的缺乏之间的反差;

    In the structure of the gardening history , there exists the striking contrast between rich literature and insufficient examples prior to the Ming Dynasty .

  8. 《中国古代园林史》、《中国造园史》首发式暨弘扬中国传统园林文化论坛

    Initial Issuing Ceremony for the History of Ancient Chinese Gardens and the History of Chinese Garden Creation , and the Chinese Classical Garden Culture Promotion Forum

  9. 通过对中国古典园林史和中国古典文学史的回溯与再现,我们不难看出每一个时期的每一种文学形式都对园林在不同方面产生不同程度的影响。

    Through the study of classical Chinese garden and classical Chinese literature history , we can find that every kind of literature form in every period can affect garden in different aspects .

  10. 笔者发现在史学地理观方面,存在以中国文化圈为单位的地域史观进行园林史研究的必要性;

    The paper concludes that in the aspect of viewpoint concerning historical geography , there exists the necessity to use Chinese cultural sphere as the unit of regional historical viewpoint in studying gardening history .

  11. 对谢灵运山居复原进行了初步探索,试图为南朝园林史研究提供实例。

    This is only a preliminary study on the restoration of Xie 's Manor and a try to provide some example for the research on the history of landscape architecture in the Southern Dynasties .

  12. 秦汉时期是奠定中华民族精神的一个重要时期,在政治、经济、文化等各方面都取得了很大的发展,同时也迎来了我国园林史上的第一个高潮。

    Qin and Han Dynasties is an important period for establishing the Chinese spirit , and have achieved great development in the politics , economics , culture and other areas , and also created the first climax in Chinese garden history .

  13. 通过对大量国内外理论和实践成果的分析与总结,以叙事理论为基础,综合运用园林史、文脉主义、场所精神和环境心理学等相关理论对城市景观的叙事性表达进行比较系统深入的探讨。

    Through analyzing and summarizing the related theory and the achievement of practice home and abroad probe the urban landscape taking the narrative theory as the foundation as well as applying the history of gardening , conceptualism , spirit of site and the environmental psychology .

  14. 大致分析对比两国地理环境和文化背景的差别,再从中日园林发展史分析两国园林历史渊源。

    Then it will analyze the development and historical origin .

  15. 园林发展史中存在着人的精神与大自然的基本矛盾。

    The contradiction of the spirit against nature is throughout the history of development of the landscape architecture .

  16. 雕塑几乎覆盖了整个欧洲园林营造史,是他们传统艺术观念的忠实体现。

    Figures almost exist in the whole history of European building which is the inflection of artistic ideal .

  17. 红楼梦中的大观园在中国古典园林建筑史上占有重要的地位。

    The Grand Sight Garden in Chinese traditional novel " The Story of the Stone " takes an important position in Chinese traditional landscape architecture .

  18. 第二章借助园林发展史中有关内容,透视环境艺术中传统休闲文化史。

    The second chapter reviews the history of traditional garden , by which the thesis analyzes the develop course of recreation culture in environment art .

  19. 荒野自然、乡土自然、画意自然和意境自然,是从美学角度对园林发展史上曾经存在的各种纷乱的自然观念的提炼和总结。

    Wild nature , rural nature , picturesque nature and artistic nature are four representative conceptions of nature during the development history of world landscape , from the aesthetic aspect .

  20. 20世纪我国风景园林学科发展史

    The Phylogeny of Landscape Architecture in China during 20th Century

  21. 同时,他在园记中揭橥、总结了文人园的美学真谛和造园的审美法则,成为中国园林美学思想史上承前启后的重要人物。

    He also reveals and summarizes in these works the aesthetic pattern and significance of such gardens for the literati , and so he is regarded as a key thinker in the gardening history of China .

  22. 佛寺园林是中国园林史上的一朵奇葩。

    Temple garden is a theme in the history of Chinese garden .

  23. 可以说,英国自然风景式园林在世界园林史上开创了园林艺术新局面。

    We can say that a new phase of garden arts was initiated by English landscape garden during the world garden history .

  24. 汉代皇家园林在中国园林发展史上具有里程碑的意义。

    The imperial garden in Han Dynasty had the milestone significance in the history of Chinese gardens .

  25. 开封为北宋时京都,它的园林在我国园林史上处于封建社会中期向后期发展的转折时期。

    KaiFeng was the capital of BeiSong dynasty , Its garden was in the turn from the median period of feudal society to the Later period .

  26. 中国和法国的传统园林都在世界园林史上占据着非常重要的地位,但我国的现代园林还没有形成。

    China and France are both occupying very important status in the history of Landscape Architecture of the world , but China has not shape the modern Landscape Architecture of itself .

  27. 学术论文方面,园林学的论文以园林史、园艺栽培、养殖等见长;建筑学的论文以营建技术和建筑艺术审美方面为重;而艺术设计学关于庭园环境艺术设计理论方面的论文数量甚少。

    As for academic papers , the papers basing on landscape architecture pay attention on the history , planting technique , while the papers basing on architectures are client to building technique and architecture art . The paper that is basing on garden environmental designing is expected .

  28. 他在实践基础上产生的朴素的园林美学思想,在中国园林美学史上产生了重要而深远的影响,对中国园林美学的发展做出了积极贡献。

    The simple garden thought which was produced on the basis of practice , had an important and far influence in the aesthetic history of the garden of China , it had made positive contribution to the development of Chinese garden aesthetics .

  29. 尤其是在殷商至魏晋南北朝这个时期的古代园林,许多都是在中国古典园林发展史上有着特殊及开创性的重要地位。

    Especially during the Shang to the Wei , Jin and South and North Dynasties , many has special and important status in the history of Chinese classical garden .

  30. 几十年来为创办园林专业、确立园林学学科理论体系,研究和总结、撰写中国古代园林史做出了突出的贡献。

    He had made great contributions to the establishment of landscape architecture speciality and the theoretical system of the discipline , and to the study , summary and writing of the history of Chinese ancient landscape architecture .