
  • 网络Fire hydrant
  1. 高层建筑室内消火栓给水系统设计计算

    Design and Calculation for Water Supply System of Fire Hydrant in High-rise Building

  2. 确定室内消火栓布置间距的常见问题分析

    Analysis of Common Problems in Determination of Arrangement Distance of Indoor Fire Hydrant

  3. 第II建筑气候区室内消火栓管道防冻布置方式研究

    Study on Disposal Scheme of Preventing Congealment of Indoor Hydrant Pipe in the Second Architectural Climate Area

  4. 本文主要就建筑室内消火栓布置进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses how to set indoor hydrant in architecture .

  5. 室内消火栓与孔板组合局部阻力系数的测定

    Measurement of Local Resistance Coefficient of Indoor Water Hydrant and Orifice Component

  6. 室内消火栓出水量及栓口所需水压的简化计算

    Simplified calculation of the flowrate and head on the nozzle of indoor fire system

  7. 室内消火栓超压与解决措施的探讨

    Overpressure of fire hydrant and its solution measures

  8. 室内消火栓保护半径的设计计算

    Design Calculation of Protection Radii of Domestic Hydrants

  9. 浅谈室内消火栓给水系统中消防水泵的选择

    Choice of Fire Water Pumps in the Water Supply System of Fire Hydrant inside Houses

  10. 对室内消火栓灭火系统栓口出水压力的探讨

    Discussion on the Pressure of Indoor Hydrant System for Fire Protection Design of Tall Buildings

  11. 高层建筑室内消火栓和自动喷水系统稳压设计的探讨

    Discussion on pressure stabilizing design of fire hydrant and automatic sprinkler system in high-rise buildings

  12. 建筑室内消火栓设计探讨

    On Design of Indoor Fire Hydrants

  13. 室内消火栓系统给水管道有枝状管网和环状管网两种形式。

    Indoor water supply pipeline fire hydrant system has two forms : branched network and ranged network .

  14. 室内消火栓给水系统剩余水头计算及减压孔板设置

    Calculation of residual head and location of orifice pressure relief about water supply system of indoor hydrant

  15. 根据建筑物的具体情况,设置室内消火栓给水系统。

    According to the actual situation in the building , indoor hydrant water supply system is provided .

  16. 关于室内消火栓给水系统设置消防泵问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Questions of Setting Fire Water Pump in the Water Supply System of Indoor Fire Hydrant

  17. 室内消火栓系统作为国家规范强制要求设置的消防设施,是扑救高层民用建筑火灾的重要手段。

    As a national standardized mandatory requirements set fire facilities , Indoor fire hydrant system is an important means to fight fires of high-rise buildings .

  18. 本文对室内消火栓系统和自动喷水灭火系统给水方式的类型及特点进行了归纳总结。

    The types and features of feedwater modes of indoor hydrant system and automatic water spray and fire-fighting system are induced and summarized in this paper .

  19. 阐述了高层建筑室内消火栓给水管道和阀门市置成环状管网的设计特点。

    Loop is one of the features of water supply pipeline of indoor fire hydrant in high-rise building , while the pipeline without valves did not form loop .

  20. 结合实例探讨消防水池合理储水容积的确定;室内消火栓的正确布置;

    In connection of a practical example , the determination of reasonable volume of a fire control pond and the right disposal of indoor fire hydrants were discussed .

  21. 通过对室内消火栓栓口出水压力的计算、分析,从理论上推导得出室内消火栓系统竖向分区的数值。

    Based on the computation and analysis of the hydrant exit water pressure in indoor hydrant system , this paper theoretically infers to the system vertical district value in the indoor hydrant system .

  22. 建筑消防是建筑给排水工程设计中最重要的部分,目前在我国室内消火栓灭火系统又是建筑消防最基本、普遍采用的方式。

    Fire protection of buildings is the most important of buildings water supply and drainage engineering design . Fire hydrant system is the basic and extensively adopted technique of buildings fire protection at present in our country .

  23. 本文针对永生大厦给排水工程各系统设计情况,重点介绍分区给水系统、热水供应系统、室内消火栓系统、室内自动喷水系统和主体灭火系统。

    The design for all systems of Yongsheng Mansion , especially the water-supplying system for part district , hot water supplying system , indoors fire cock system , indoors auto water-spraying system and main outfire system , is introduced .

  24. 本文采用有限元法分析室内消火栓给水管网的数学模型,建立管网整体矩阵,应用对称正定方程组的平方根法求解管网水力平衡方程,得出各项水力要素。

    In this paper , Author uses finite element model to analysis the water supply network of indoor fire hydrant . The establishment of the network as a whole matrix of equations symmetric positive square root of the method of hydraulic pipe network balance equation , Draw the hydraulic elements .

  25. 经营范围有水系统类:消火栓箱系统,各种水泵接合器,室内外消火栓,湿式报警阀,水流指示器,喷淋头。

    Operating range of water systems categories : fire box system , a variety of pump adapter , indoor and outdoor fire hydrant , wet alarm valve , water flow indicator , sprinkler head .

  26. 根据高层公寓火灾特点,对消火栓系统、自动喷水系统、室内、室外消火栓设置等问题进行探讨,并对高层公寓消防提出一些建议与设想

    This paper attempts to expound the issues pertaining to fire hydrant system , automatic sprinkler system , external and internal fire hydrant installation based on the characteristics of high-rise residence fire disasters , and some suggestions and proposals are advanced

  27. 介绍了住宅给水排水系统设计中的管材选用、供水方式,以及卫生间降板排水的方式和IC卡水表、室内减压稳压消火栓的应用。

    Some new practices in indoor water system design for residential buildings such as the selection of pipeline materials , water supply patterns and lavatory drainage patterns , the adoption of IC cachet based water meter and the application of indoor pressure reducing fire hydrants are described in this paper .

  28. 消火栓是我国目前采用的主要室内灭火设备,消火栓设置的合理与否,直接影响着灭火效果。

    Hydrant is main indoor fire-putting equipment adopt in our country and its setting can directly affect fire-putting effect .