
  • 网络Trivalent Chromium Process
  1. 采用电化学方法、扫描电镜和X射线光电子能谱研究了锌酸盐镀锌层的三价铬钝化膜的电化学性能、表面结构与成膜机理。

    The electrochemistry behavior , surface microstructure and forming process of trivalent chromium passivation film were studied by electrochemical methods , scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy .

  2. 换热器Ni-P化学镀工艺与耐腐蚀可靠性评析不同镀锌工艺三价铬钝化耐腐蚀性研究

    Corrosion Resistance Reliability of Ni-P Electroless Coating on Heat Exchanger Study on corrosion resistance of trivalent chromium passivation films on zinc coatings electroplated by different processes

  3. 锌、镉及其合金的三价铬钝化处理

    Process for chromating surfaces of zinc , cadmium and alloys thereof

  4. 镀锌为三价铬钝化及六价铬钝化工艺。

    Galvanized to trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium passivation passivation process .

  5. 概述了镀锌三价铬钝化的发展历程。

    The development history of trivalent chromium passivation for zinc plating was overviewed .

  6. 叙述了三价铬钝化的机理。

    The mechanism of trivalent chromium passivation was described .

  7. 镀锌层三价铬钝化工艺

    Passivation Technology with Trivalent Chromium for Zinc Coating

  8. 滚镀锌产品主要为北京新光凯乐冷成型件有限公司电镀汽车零件,三价铬钝化。

    Products of Zn barrel plating is plated for Xin'guang Keller Automotive Cold Forming parts Co.

  9. 不同镀锌层的三价铬钝化膜耐蚀性能比较

    Corrosion resistance comparison of trivalent chromium passivation film on zinc based on different zinc plating processes

  10. 新型三价铬钝化技术

    A new trivalent chromium passivation technique

  11. 不同镀锌工艺三价铬钝化耐腐蚀性研究

    Study on corrosion resistance of trivalent chromium passivation films on zinc coatings electroplated by different processes

  12. 晶粒尺寸对纯锌及其表面三价铬钝化膜腐蚀行为的影响

    Effects of Grain Size on the Corrosion Behaviors of Zinc and Trivalent Chromium Passivation Film on Zinc

  13. 提出应用于三价铬钝化前的碱性无氰镀锌及酸性镀锌的适用场合。

    The applicable fields of alkaline cyanide-free zinc plating and acidic zinc plating before trivalent chromium passivation were proposed .

  14. 采用三价铬钝化工艺可使铝合金表层的耐蚀性大大提高。

    With suitable composition of passivation solution and operation condition , corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy can be improved significantly with the process .

  15. 简要介绍镀锌后彩虹色钝化处理、军绿化钝化处理、蓝白色钝化处理、黑色钝化处理和三价铬钝化处理。

    This paper simply introduced these methods of rainbow passivating , military green passivating , blue-white passivating , black passivating , Cr3 + passivating for galvanizing .

  16. 利用电化学方法分别研究了晶粒尺寸对纯锌及其表面三价铬钝化膜腐蚀行为的影响。

    The effects of grain size on the electrochemical corrosion behaviors of zinc and trivalent chromium passivation film on zinc have been studied respectively by electrochemical methods .

  17. 三价铬钝化在许多方面具有与六价铬钝化类似的性质,而毒性只有六价铬的百分之一。

    Trivalent chromium passivation possesses as good performance as hexavalent chromium passivation , but the toxicity related to trivalent chromium passivation is only one percent of the latter one .

  18. 当金属的覆盖层受到扎刺或划损时,受损区域的胶囊将会破裂并渗出具有恢复性的液体---三价铬钝化化合物。

    When the metal coating is punctured or scratched , the capsules in the damaged area burst and ooze restorative liquids , in the form of compounds called trivalent chromates .

  19. 综述了镀锌层三价铬钝化机理以及国内外三价铬钝化研究进展情况,这些研究成果为取代剧毒的六价铬钝化,具有较高的实用参考价值。

    Mechanisms of trivalent chrome passivation for zinc plating were reviewed as well as its research progress at home and abroad . All research findings have higher reference and practical value for replacing of toxic Cr (ⅵ) passivation .

  20. 介绍了三价铬钝化技术兴起的背景、三价铬钝化溶液组成及操作条件、成膜机理、钝化膜颜色以及几种典型的镀锌层三价铬钝化液。

    This paper summarizes the background of the development of trivalent chromium passivation technique , the composition of passivation solution , operation conditions , the formation mechanism and the color of passivating film . Several typical trivalent chromium passivation solutions are also introduced .

  21. 镀锌层三价铬蓝白色钝化工艺的研究

    Study of Trivalent Chromium Bright Blue Passivation Process for Zinc Coating

  22. 高耐蚀性三价铬蓝白色钝化膜获得方法

    Preparation Process of Trivalent Chromium Blue White Passivating Film with High Corrosion Resistance

  23. 锌酸盐镀锌层的三价铬蓝色钝化

    Blue-bright passivation with trivalent chromium solution for zincate plating

  24. 镀锌层三价铬黑钝化工艺及其对耐蚀性的影响

    Trivalent Chromium Black Passivation for Zinc Deposit and Its Influence on Corrosion Resistance

  25. 碱性溶液所获得的镀锌镀层,采用三价铬溶液钝化。

    Following the alkaline zinc plating process , the trivalent chromium passivation process is conducted to provide a protection layer for zinc coating .

  26. 采用正交试验法对镀锌层三价铬黑色钝化工艺组分进行优化,研究了工艺参数对钝化膜外观和耐蚀性的影响。

    The effects of the components of trivalent chrome passivation bath on the appearance and corrosion resistance of the passivating film are investigated .

  27. 因此,对于新型的、环境友好型的三价铬黑色钝化工艺技术的研究迫在眉睫,而开发新一代的发黑剂则显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , a new and environmentally friendly trivalent chromium black passivation technology is urgently needed , especially develop a new generation of black agents .

  28. 本课题的目的在于探索研究出一种过渡金属无机硫化物作为钝化液的发黑剂,以取代现有钴(镍)盐作为三价铬黑色钝化液的发黑剂。

    The research project to explore a transition mental inorganic sulfide as the blackening agent , which replaced the existing nickel-cobalt salt as the black agents .

  29. 杂质离子对三价铬蓝白钝化液性能的影响

    Effects of Interfering Ions on the Performance of Trivalent Chromium Blue-White Passivation Bath

  30. 三价铬经封闭钝化后,装饰效果、力学性能和抗腐蚀能力会有所提高。

    By using tri-chrome passivation with top-coat , the decorating , mechanical performance and corrosion resistance will be all improved .