
  1. 圆明园由圆明、长春、绮春三园组成,总面积达350公顷。

    Yuanmingyuan by the Yuanming , Changchun , YiChun three Park , with a total area of350 hectares .

  2. 参观萧山民营企业、在萧的欧资企业,游览萧山“一湖三园”。

    Visit private enterprises and Europe-invested enterprises in Xiaoshan ; visit " One Lake & Three Gardens " in Xiaoshan .

  3. 它始建于康熙四十六年(1707),由圆明、长春、绮春三园组成。

    First built in the 46th year of the reign of Emperor Kongxi ( 1707 ) , it is composed of three gardens , i.

  4. 无锡三园之一,这个宜人的景点位于城市的南边靠着蠡湖,蠡湖流入太湖。

    One of three gardens in Wuxi , this pleasant spot lies south of the city on Lake Li , which feeds into Lake Tai .

  5. 三园的特点溪水和湖泊到处都有,水与陆地在全园中约各占一半。

    The distinguishing feature of the three gardens was that streams and lakes were everywhere , thus water and land took equal share of the garden .

  6. 圆明三园在1860年毁于英法联军之手,剩下的只有这片作为国家纪念场所的废墟,提醒着人们欧洲带来的创伤。

    Once part of a trio of its kind known as the Garden of Perfect Brightness , the wall was destroyed in 1860 by the British and the French . All that remains is this national ruin , a reminder of these European wounds .

  7. 透过三个植物园探索中国植物园科普发展历程

    Research into Development of Science Popularization through Three Chinese Botanical Gardens

  8. 郑州、广州、沈阳三个工业园的建设正在积极筹备中。

    Zhengzhou , Guangzhou , the Shenyang three industry garden 's construction is being arranged positively .

  9. 陆相断陷湖盆的成岩圈闭&以泌阳凹陷下第三系核桃园组三段为例

    DIAGENETIC TRAPS IN FAULT-DEPRESSED LACUS BASIN : Take Eh_3 Member in Biyang Depression as an Example

  10. 乔伊斯在娜帕谷我们参观了三个葡萄园,还待在一个旧修道院改建成的民宿。

    Valley we visited three vineyards and stayed an old monastery turned into a B & B.

  11. 生态工业园是继工业园和高新技术园的第三代工业园。

    The ecological industrial park is the third generation industrial park after the industrial park and the high-tech park .

  12. 通过对泌阳凹陷下第三系核桃园组层序地层学研究,于核三段二、四砂组发现两套下切谷沉积。

    According to sequence stratigraphic study , two sets of incised valley can be identified from Hetaoyuan Formation in the Southeast of Biyang Depression .

  13. 白宫说,奥巴马总统计划星期三在玫瑰园发表一项有关古巴问题的声明,此外克里国务卿将在维也纳发表相关讲话。目前克里在维也纳参加与伊朗的核谈判。

    The White House says President Barack Obama plans to make a statement on Cuba Wednesday from the Rose Garden , while Secretary of State John Kerry will speak in Vienna , where he is taking part in nuclear talks with Iran .

  14. 第三部分,Q园和S园家园合作存在的问题与原因分析。

    The third part contains the problems and cause analysis in the cooperation .

  15. 本论文对近三年上海植物园所引304种宿根花卉的观赏特性首次运用层次分析法(AHP法)进行了评价并对六种观花、常绿宿根花卉进行了耐热、抗寒鉴定研究。

    The Ornamental value of 304 Perennial flowers introduced by Shai hai Botanical Garden are evaluated and heat and cold resistance of six species are studied in this paper .

  16. 占地60公顷的deLaRiviere城堡位于波尔多东部,自2003年起就由JamesGregoire所有,这是Gregoire家族在该区域所拥有的三大葡萄葡萄园中最大的一个

    The 60-hectare Chateau de La Riviere estate , in Fronsac , east of Bordeaux , had belonged to James Gregoire since 2003 . It was the largest of three vineyards owned by the Gregoire family in the region .

  17. 应用这些指标对三个钢铁工业园内部的生产系统进行了研究,分析结果表明,火用/能值比率能够有效应用于钢铁工业园生产系统的可持续性评价。

    The indices are applied to the steel production systems of the three iron and steel eco-industrial parks .