
yùn chéng
  • haul
运程 [yùn chéng]
  • [haul] 载重运输的距离或路线

运程[yùn chéng]
  1. 如果货物每吨的平均运程按87公里(合54英里)计算,货物可以被保证在同一天或头天晚上准时交付。

    With the average length of hauls being about87km ( 54 miles ), deliveries can often be guaranteed the same day or overnight .

  2. 如同这个片段中所说:Ifinditsoadorablethatyoucan'tmakeadecisionwithoutconsultingyourhoroscope.不查自己的星座运程就没法做决定。

    You can do this . It 's , like , the little things that I really love . I find it so adorable that you can 't make a decision without consulting your horoscope .

  3. 配电网运程事故呼叫系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Remote Trouble Call System for Electrical Power Distribution Network

  4. 因为我的星座运程告诉我今天是非常有挑战性的一天。

    Because my horoscope said it was gonna be a very challenging day .

  5. 湖南大学现代运程教育教学资源库系统

    Teaching Resource Base System of Modern Distance Education

  6. 推算软饮料2005年度运程

    Reckon The Fortune of Soft Drink In 2005

  7. 网格技术及其在现代运程教育应用实例研究

    Grid Technology and Its Application in Distance Education

  8. 运程学习者特征模型的构建研究

    Study on Modeling the Characteristics of Distance Learners

  9. 我今天在网上看了自己的星座运程。

    I did my & I got my horoscope for today on the web .

  10. 键盘录入速度测试程序嵌入式无线运程监控系统

    Check Program of Typing Speed Realization of Embedded Wireless Remote Control System based on Web

  11. 主要研究方向:计算机通信和网络技术、多媒体通信及运程协作。

    His main research direction is computer communication and network , multimedia communication and tele-cooperation .

  12. 程控运程通信控制器气动远程发送器,气动远程传感器

    Programmable telecommunication control unit pneumatic teletransmitter

  13. 我每天早上都看我的运程,但其实我不相信。

    I read my horoscope every morning , but I don 't really believe in it .

  14. 小高:2015年星座运程呀!

    The 2015 horoscope forthis year !

  15. 很多算命先生声称可预告你在新一年的运程。

    Many fortune-tellers claim that they can tell your fortune ( s ) in the coming year .

  16. 实现车辆上、下行运程相关信息的人性化报读,站点与车载装置无线信息交互。

    It can realize the announcement in humanization and the wireless information interaction between the station and the vehicle installation .

  17. 运程说金牛们今年宜动手做些新事,也许选择新的人生方向哦。

    It says that this is a great year for Taurus to begin something new and perhaps choose a new direction in life !

  18. 平衡身心健康,提增新运程,来自于优佳丽的新年回馈!

    Balance of physical and mental health , to mention by the new leg , from the beauties of the New Year 's excellent feedback !

  19. 但本年中国的风海军们对肖虎者的运程瞻望比较保守,却称在虎年最犯冲的是肖猴者。

    But while Chinese fortune tellers give tigers a conservative outlook this year , the zodiac sign that causes the most serious conflict this year is the monkey .

  20. 柴达木第三纪转换裂陷盆地形成演化主要受控于地幔热柱的形成和衰减作用,同时喜马拉雅运动等运程应力作用对盆地的演化至关重要。

    The formation and evolution of the basin are considered to be constrained by the formation and waning of mantle plumes and stress processes of the Himalayan orogeny .

  21. 出口包装须遵守的第一个规则就是要照顾到货物运输的全程,包括主运程前后的短途运输过程。

    The first rule to be observed when packaging for export is to consider the entire journey , including the short hauls to and from the primary carriers .

  22. 同时,这套教科书也为广大教师营造开放的写作时空,构建自主性写作机制和设计层次性的写作运程提供了一个较好的教学平台。

    It provide a better platform to the majority of teachers to create an open writing settings , build self - reliance writing mechanism and design gradual writing program .

  23. 说明色谱塔板理论可用于土壤溶质运程研究,为认识土壤溶质运移提供了一种新的方法。

    A column experiment gave results quite consistent with the simulation results with the chromatography model , suggesting that the chromatography plate theory can be used in the study of solution transport in soils .

  24. 当市场煤价和购煤运程不一致时,对机组的变动成本进行修正,修正后的变动成本以替代煤耗进行上网排序。

    When the market coal price is not consistent with the coal purchase journey , the unit variable cost is corrected , and the corrected variable cost can replace the coal consumption with on-grid sequencing .

  25. 眼下全球华人都在准备迎接周一到来的农历新年,一位台湾算命师预测说,对于世界各地的属龙名人来说,新的一年的运程将是有好有坏。

    As Chinese communities around the globe prepared for Lunar New Year , which starts on Monday , a Taiwanese fortune teller predicted a mixed bag of luck for famous dragon people around the world .

  26. 本文从设计网络引入远程连接出发,介绍了几种不同的远程连接方案,对不同方案的原理进行分析、比较,说明了不同情况下方案的选择,并对运程连接的未来发展作了探讨。

    This paper introduced several different remote connection programs by introducing remote con - nection in network design , compared their different choices under different conditions , and made re - searches on the future developments of the remote connection .

  27. 小高:嗯,白羊座是第一个,运程上说白羊今年会以活力开场哦,白羊座甚至会感觉精力过盛,持续数周躁动不安,所以白羊座们要小心了哦!

    Well , Aries is the first on the list ! It says that Aries " year starts off with a lot of energy ! In fact , it says Aries'feelings may run rampant for a few weeks , so be careful !