
  • 网络direction ratio;daspect
  1. 本文分析了柱面聚焦换能器的声场特点,剖析了方向比(ratio)与声场的关系。

    We analyzed the characteristic of cylindrical focused ultrasound transducer and the relation between direction ratio of transducer and its ultrasound field .

  2. 磁带记录设备刹车机构制动力及方向比的计算

    The Calculation of Braking Force and Direction Ratio of the Braking Mechanism of a Tape Recording Eguipment

  3. DWI的全方向比单方向对显示超急性期脑梗死的梗死灶更清楚。

    The whole direction diffusion showed clearer infarct lesions than that of single direction diffusion did .

  4. HRTEM和SAED结果表明单根纳米线结晶良好,为六角结构,XRD验证了薄膜的六角结构,并且显示有纳米线生长出的薄膜其晶粒生长方向比单纯多晶薄膜多。

    HRTEM and SAED results show that single nano-wire has perfect hexagonal structure , and XRD validates the hexagonal structure and shows that the combination of polycrystalline and nano-wires has more growing directions .

  5. 这种粒状会使纸张在撕裂时在一个方向比另一个方向撕得直。

    This grain is what causes the paper to tear straighter one way than the other .

  6. 薄膜具有磁各向异性,面外方向比面内更容易磁化。

    The films present the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and easy magnetization direction is out-of-plane rather than in-plane .

  7. 串列叶栅的尾迹平均速度和紊流脉动速度沿额线方向比单列叶栅变化平缓。

    The mean wake velocity profiles behind tandem cascades satisfy the self-similarity , similar to that behind the single-row cascade .

  8. 此外,股胫关节内侧接触轨迹长度在关节前后和内外方向比外侧长。网痕:纸的底部,因在造纸机上和造纸网接触而压上的痕迹。

    Additionally , the path lengths on the medial compartment were greater than those on the lateral side in the anterior - posterior and medial-lateral direction . Wire-mark : The impression of the machine wire imparted to the underside of the web of paper on a papermaking machine .

  9. 腐蚀性较弱的介质,通常选用内置式机械密封,其端面受力状态和介质泄漏方向都比外置式合理。

    Less corrosive medium , usually built-in selection of mechanical seals , the end force the direction of state and media than the external leakage reasonable .

  10. 这种融合方法使用了形态学开闭运算构造了低通与高通滤波器,将原始图像分解为4子带图像金字塔和4子带方向衬比度图像金字塔。

    This fusion scheme constructs the low-pass and high-pass filters with morphological opening and closing operators . The original image is then decomposed into 4-subband image pyramid and 4-subband direction contrast image pyramid .

  11. 本文较系统阐述了轿车柴油机的研究发展方向,比功率、燃油消耗率、轻量化、耐久性等性能的提高和技术进步,以及为降低废气排放物所采取的技术措施和方法。

    This paper has systematically expounded the R & D trend of diesel engines for use on sedans and Light-duty lorries , the performance improvement and technical progress in litre capacity , fuel consumption , durability and weight , and technical measures taken to reduce exhaust emission .

  12. 如何提出问题或确定一个研究方向,往往比着手研究它更为重要。

    Propose the question or determine a research direction is more important than study it .

  13. 仿真结果显示,双基地雷达的天线方向图损失比单基地的要小。

    Simulated results show that the APL loss of BR is less than that of monostatic radar .

  14. 高智商的受试者辨认出移动方向的速度比低智商的受试者更快。

    The high IQ subjects spotted the direction of motion much faster than those with low IQ .

  15. 模拟结果还给出了大尺度和小尺度雷诺正应力分布,发现在同一方向上前者比后者大。

    The large-scale Reynolds stresses were found to be larger than the small-scale Reynolds stresses in each direction .

  16. 激光全息干涉计量术测量新鲜人体下颌骨皮质骨长轴方向的泊松比

    Measurement of the axial poisson 's ratio of fresh human cortical bone of mandible by laser holographic interferometry

  17. 而且不仅仅是朝正确的方向——它比任何人期望的都下降的快。

    And it 's not just moving in the right direction - it 's falling faster than anyone expected 。

  18. 当地层中存在裂隙时,平行裂隙方向压力下降比垂直裂隙方向要快得多。

    When the fracture exists in the stratum , pressures in parallel direction falls much faster than that in vertical .

  19. 因此,掌握生命的意义与教育的方向,远比埋头努力工作重要,而生活实践又比理论的讲述更可贵。

    Therefore , to keep up the meaning of life and orientation of education is more important than that of hardworking .

  20. 科学家已经弄明白了地核正在以朝东的方向旋转且比地球自身的旋转速度要快。

    The scientists have learned that the Earth 's core is turning in an eastward direction and spinning faster than the Earth itself .

  21. 其结果是,为数众多的新的研究方向,尽管比经典斑块和神经纤维缠结理论更有价值,但却需要强大的信心才能得以开辟。

    The result is a number of new approaches that , while more promising than classic plaque-and-tangles theory , require a leap of faith .

  22. 为了使胫骨轻轻地向前移动离开脚跟,小腿上部应该向胫骨的方向施加力量比往回多些。

    Your upper calves should press forward toward your shinbones rather than bowing back in order to move your shinbone slightly forward away from your heels .

  23. 未改进之前加工出的光波导其端口两个方向直径之比为10∶1,甚至更高;

    Experimental results show that the ratio of the diameters of the two direction of waveguide 's port is more than 10 ∶ 1 before improvement ;

  24. 通过对不同换向方式的模拟分析可以证实,蓄热式加热炉在其它条件不变只考虑换向方式不同时,沿炉宽方向分散换向比集中换向时炉压小。

    By the simulation and analysis of different switching mode , it is demonstrated that the pressure is lower with the decentralizing switch than with the centralizing switch .

  25. 这是因为水平方向的阴影比在垂直物体上投射的阴影要轻的多,我想要在后期处理中能控制这些特性。

    This is because the horizontal shadows are much lighter than those cast on vertical objects and I 'd like the ability to control this in post production .

  26. 很多男性都坚信自己的方向感要比女性的强,而现在更有科学研究证实了该说法。

    For many men , the idea that they have a better sense of direction than women was never in doubt , but now a scientific study has proved it .

  27. 但当竖线占据屏幕更多位置时,高智商的受试者在辨别移动方向时实际上比低智商者要慢。

    But when the vertical lines took up much more of the screen those with a high IQ actually were slower to tell the direction of movement than the lower IQ subjects .

  28. 改性提质使得褐煤孔径分布逐渐向微孔方向发展,比表面积、平均孔径和比孔容积呈现不同程度的下降趋势。

    Dewatering and upgrading makes the lignite pore size distribution gradually develop towards the microporous direction . And surface area , average pore size and pore volume show different degrees of downward trend respectively .

  29. 本文应用激光全息干涉计量术测量了新鲜人体下颌骨皮质骨长轴方向的泊松比,结果更接近在体骨的真实值。

    This paper used laser holographic interferometry to measure the axial poisson 's ratio of fresh human cortical bone of mandible . The results of measurement are close to real values of human bone .

  30. 红砖厂网不同观测方案灵敏度的计算表明,去掉短边方向的方案比观测全部边角方案Y方向灵敏度提高了约2.0倍。

    Compared the computation data about the sensitivity of different observation schemes of the red brick factory ′ s net , the Y direction ′ s sensitivity when taking out the short line was improved two times than surveying all angle and net .