
  1. 有孔虫壳体的Mg/Ca比值测定是目前估算海水古温度最受重视的方法,适用于低纬和高纬、表层和深层海水古温度的测定。

    Measurement of Mg / Ca ratio of foraminifera shell is the most popular means in calculating seawater paleotemperature now . It is applicable in low and high latitude areas , to determine surface and deep seawater temperatures .

  2. 文章还指出进一步开展菲律宾海沟中-南段海域表层、深层海水~(14)C浓度变化梯度研究的必要性。

    The paper points out that it is necessary to further study the gradient change of ~ ( 14 ) C concen-tration in surface and deepwater in the middle and southern section of the philippine Trench .

  3. 深层海水在空调中的应用

    Application of Deep-height Seawater Below in Center Air-conditioning System

  4. 深层海水中的颗粒悬浮物,以及柱状沉积物的性质对于海底资源的勘查具有重要意义。

    The resources of marine suspensions , and the sediment cores play an important role in the exploration of nature resource .

  5. 研发了一种向下光谱辐照度和向上光谱辐亮度的锚链式水下多光谱辐射计,主要用于深层海水的测量。

    An underwater multi-channel radiometer , which can be moored on the optical buoy for time series observation of downwelling spectral irradiance and upwelling spectral radiance in seawater , is designed .

  6. 对大部分国家来说,从这些新获得的海底陆地得到的第一件好处是石油或天然气,这两样能源现在都能很容易地从深层海水提纯。

    For many countries , though , the first booty from any newly acquired seabed will be either oil or gas , both of which can now be extracted fairly easily from deep water .

  7. 台风产生的海面气旋式风应力以及强烈的混合过程,对上层海洋与深层海水之间的热量、能量和物质交换产生重大影响,因此研究海洋对于台风过程的响应特征具有重要的科学意义。

    The cyclonic stress on the sea surface and the strong mixing processes forced by the typhoon play an important role in the processes of the heat , energy and mass exchange between the upper ocean and the deep ocean .

  8. 从表层至10m或30m深层的海水区域,分布有丰富的海洋微生物。

    There are abundant marine microorganisms distributing in the areas from surface water to deeper layers of 10m or 30m depth in Chukchi Sea .

  9. 但与此同时也会导致大量鱼类、蟹类、海龟等生物的死亡,因为深层的海水含氧量太低不足以供它们呼吸。

    At the same time , it would lead to huge die-offs of fish , crabs , sea turtles , and animals unable to cope with the influx of low-oxygen water from the depths .

  10. 理论蕴藏量采用了两个估算方法:一是采用实测的表层和深层的海水温度差;松花江水系水能资源理论蕴藏量最大,占全省总理论蕴藏量的48.50%;

    One is based on the measured temperature difference between the surface and the deep water . Songhuajiang water system has the biggest theoretical storage of waterpower resource , accounting for 48.5 % of the whole theoretical storage of the province .

  11. 对深层和底层海水营养盐和溶解氧的分析发现,其年际变化表现出对ENSO事件的响应,且变化规律与上层海水相反。

    The nutrient concentrations in the deep and bottom waters have also showed some response to the ENSO events , but the response was opposite to the upper water .