
  • 网络Air Asia;Asia Airways;ASIANA AIRLINES;AirAsia Berhad
  1. 捷星日本与日本亚洲航空公司将成田机场(narita)作为中转中心,从东京赶到这里车费较贵,而且耗时更长。

    Jetstar and Air Asia are using Narita Airport as their hub , which is expensive and time-consuming to get to from Tokyo .

  2. 马来西亚的亚洲航空公司已经济动荡时期的典范。

    Malaysia 's Air Asia has been a success story in turbulent times .

  3. 亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。

    Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America

  4. 据亚太航协(AssociationofAsiaPacificAirlines)统计,亚洲航空公司去年实现净利润48亿美元,较2010年跌47%。

    Asia 's carriers last year earned 47 % less in net profit than in 2010 , at US $ 4.8 billion , according to the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines .

  5. 订单排行榜中,亚洲航空公司首当其冲,其中包括总部位于马来西亚的亚航(AirAsia),下单200架。

    Leading the way were several Asian airlines , like Malaysia-based AirAsia with 200 orders .

  6. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)分析师彼得•希尔顿(PeterHilton)表示:美国公司可以向中国体系内注入更多运力,并承接向来由亚洲航空公司包揽的货运业务。

    Peter Hilton , analyst at Credit Suisse , says : The Americans are being allowed to inject more capacity into the Chinese system and moving goods that would have traditionally gone to Asian carriers .

  7. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)分析师彼得?希尔顿(PeterHilton)表示:“美国公司可以向中国体系内注入更多运力,并承接向来由亚洲航空公司包揽的货运业务。”

    Peter Hilton , analyst at Credit Suisse , says : " The Americans are being allowed to inject more capacity into the Chinese system and moving goods that would have traditionally gone to Asian carriers . "

  8. 由于政府干预,亚洲航空公司(AirAsia)最近放弃了在越南开办合资公司的计划,而政府干预的目的,无非是为了保护国有旗舰航空公司,使其免受不请自来的竞争。

    AirAsia recently dropped plans for a joint venture in Vietnam in the face of government interference aimed at protecting its state-owned flag airline from unwelcome competition .

  9. 此次坠机是过去12个月里打击亚洲航空公司的一连串灾难的最新一起。

    The crash is the latest in a string of disasters to hit Asian carriers in the past 12 months .

  10. 该公司的官网显示,二十国集团杭州峰会、中国石化、中国石油、亚洲航空公司、毕马威、雀巢都是其客户。

    The G20 Hangzhou Summit , Sinopec , Petro China , AirAsia , KPMG and Nestle are all Alibaba 's customers , according to the company 's website .

  11. 根据全球航空运输协会的报告,由于全球经济危机,全球航空空运行业,尤其是亚洲航空公司今年的行业亏损将会急剧增加。

    Air Industry Looks to Long Term for Gains The bleak financial assessment for the global air travel industry was presented during the annual general meeting of the International Air Transport Association , in Malaysia .

  12. 上次航空公司为飞机上出生的婴儿提供终生无条件的免费飞行服务还是在2009年,当时一名乘客在亚洲航空公司从槟城到古晋的两小时飞行中分娩。

    The last airline to award unconditional , complimentary flights for life to a baby born on their plane was AirAsia , when , in 2009 , a passenger gave birth while on a two-hour flight from Penang to Kuching .

  13. 亚洲的航空公司认为,相比机体较大的波音747,双引擎的波音777更省油、更可靠,所以它们用波音777取代了波音747。

    Asian airlines credit the twin-engine jet as a more fuel-efficient and reliable aircraft to operate than the bigger aircraft it is replacing , the Boeing 747 .

  14. 几十年来,日本航空被认为是世界最佳航空公司之一,亚洲其他航空公司都试图效仿日航的营运风格与成功经验。

    For decades , it was considered one of the top airlines in the world , and other carriers in Asia tried to copy its style and success .

  15. 但专家表示,过去10年来亚洲的航空公司和各国政府在加强员工培训和航空基础设施建设方面投入来数十亿美元,亚洲航空业的安全性已有相当大的改善。

    But safety has improved considerably in Asia over the last decade , experts say , with airlines and national governments investing billions of dollars to boost crew training and flight infrastructure .

  16. 日本航空是亚洲最大的航空公司,日航航班将继续运作,但是日本政府迅速采取措施,帮助JAL(日本航空公司)摆脱经济混乱局面。日本航空申请破产是数十年来日本最大的破产案。

    The largest airline in Asia will continue operating flights but the Japanese government is acting quickly to Japan Airline 's bankruptcy filing is one of Japan 's largest corporate failures in decades .

  17. 尽管问题成堆,但是亚洲各国廉价航空公司的不断成长也给传统航空公司带来了更多的竞争。

    Despite problem areas , the growth of budget carriers across Asia has forced full-service airlines to compete hard .

  18. 随着日渐深重的危机席卷航空业,欧洲和亚洲的主要航空公司昨日公布了巨额亏损。

    Leading airlines in Europe and Asia reported heavy losses yesterday amid the deepening crisis engulfing the aviation sector .

  19. 过去两周,有3家亚洲低成本航空公司宣布了股权出售计划,以获取扩张资金。

    Three Asian low-cost airlines have announced plans to sell equity to secure funding for expansion over the past two weeks .

  20. 但是他又说,亚洲的廉价航空公司也面临着一些障碍,尤其是严格的监管体制以及政府对机场和收费的控制。

    But he says budget carriers in Asia face several obstacles , especially tough regulations and government control over airports and fees .

  21. 许多亚洲低成本航空公司不仅选择宽体机型,而且还购买两舱飞机,以便从老牌运营商那里吸引商务乘客。

    Many Asian low-cost airlines are opting not only for wide-bodied aircraft but also for a two-class model to lure business customers away from established carriers .

  22. 日本航空,亚洲最大的航空公司,申请破产保护,这是日本最大的企业破产事件之一。

    Japan Airlines ( JAL ), Asia 's biggest air carrier , has filed for bankruptcy protection , in one of the country 's biggest corporate failures .

  23. 周四,亚洲最大的廉价航空公司亚洲航空(AirAsia)与日本最大的在线零售商乐天(Rakuten)股价双双上涨,原因是此前有报道称双方已同意建立一个合资企业,在日本运营一家廉价航空公司。

    Shares in AirAsia , the region 's largest no-frills carrier , and Rakuten , Japan 's biggest online retailer , rose on Thursday on reports that the two had agreed a joint venture to run a low-cost airline in Japan .

  24. 但随着亚洲地区的许多航空公司纷纷增加往返太平洋两岸的航班,各航空公司争夺客源的竞争也愈演愈烈。

    But competition for passengers has intensified as many of the region 's airlines expanded their own flights across the Pacific .

  25. 为了抵消油价不断上涨的影响,这家亚洲第三大航空公司增加了对冲操作,并向乘客征收燃油附加费。

    Asia 's third-largest carrier increased hedging activities and passed fuel surcharges on to passengers in an effort to help offset rising oil prices .

  26. 自1995年问世后,波音777迅速成为亚洲全方位服务航空公司的主力机型,执飞从亚洲到欧美的区域和远程航班,每天穿梭往返,运送数千名乘客。

    Since its introduction in 1995 , the Boeing 777 has quickly become the workhorse of Asia 's full-service carriers , shuttling thousands of passengers a day on regional and long-haul flights to Europe and North America .

  27. 马来西亚的亚洲航空(airasia)和新加坡航空持有部分股权的欣丰虎航(tigerairways)等亚洲低成本航空公司的崛起,则不那么令他担心。

    Of lesser concern is the emergence of Asian low-cost carriers ( LCCs ) such as AirAsia of Malaysia and Tiger Airways , part-owned by Singapore Airlines .

  28. 李希表示,尽管亚洲将赶上美国和欧洲,但有个小问题是,在较短途运输方面,亚洲低成本航空公司将主要依赖于宽体机,而非在欧洲倍受青睐的单走道机型。

    While Asia will catch up with America and Europe , the minor twist is that Asian low-cost airlines will mostly rely on wide-body rather than single-aisle type of aircraft favoured in Europe for shorter distances , according to Mr Leahy .

  29. 亚洲首富、香港亿万富豪李嘉诚控股的长江实业集团有限公司(CheungKongHoldingsLtd)准备豪掷约20亿美元,打造一支拥有60架客机的机队,以此为前景光明的亚洲航空公司提供飞机租赁服务。

    Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd , controlled by Asia 's richest man , Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-Shing , is to pay around $ 2 billion to build a fleet of some 60 airliners that it will lease to the continent 's up-and-coming airlines .