
hēi huà
  • cant;argot;double talk;malicious words
黑话 [hēi huà]
  • (1) [argot;cant]∶流行于某一特殊人群(如帮会),或某一行业中,而为局外人所不能了解的语言

  • (2) [doubletalk;malicions words]∶讥刺他人而不欲人知的秘谈、私语

黑话[hēi huà]
  1. 网语与黑话之异同

    The Difference and Similarity Between Web Language and Argot

  2. 黑话终究是太丑了!

    Why , argot is horrible !

  3. 让黑话“幸存下去”有什么好处呢?

    What is the good of assisting slang " to survive "?

  4. 他们用一种令人费解的黑话交谈,很难懂。

    They talk in an obscure jargon that 's almost impossible to understand .

  5. 这些都是某国或某省的语言。可是这黑话?

    They are tongues which have belonged to nations or provinces ; but slang !

  6. 把黑话保留下来有什么好处呢?

    What is the use of preserving slang ?

  7. 到这时,我已经开始听懂他们的一些黑话了。

    By this time I had begun to understand the meaning of their terms .

  8. 与情人一道逃离的行为(通常是为了结婚)。快逃,现在没人(注:黑话,原为“道路畅通无阻”之意)。

    The act of running away with a lover ( usually to get married ) .

  9. 起中有咒骂,也有黑话。

    It contained oaths and slang phrases .

  10. 应从三个代表的高度重新审视网络黑话和洋文词的规范化问题

    Standardizing the Network Argots and Foreign Language Words According to the Principles of Three Representatives

  11. 黑话凭借语言而生存。

    Slang lives on the language .

  12. 关于汉语隐语的几个问题&兼论隐语与黑话的区别

    Some Issues on the Chinese Insinuating Language : And the Difference between Insinuating Language and Cant

  13. 这黑话,不管你同意不同意,是有它的语法和诗律的。

    Slang , whether the public admit the fact or not has its syntax and its poetry .

  14. 黑话只不过是语言在要干坏事时用来改头换面的化装室。

    Slang is nothing but a dressing-room where the tongue having some bad action to perform , disguises itself .

  15. 为了适应这种斗争的需要,穷人便发明了一种战斗的语言,这便是黑话。

    To meet the needs of this conflict , wretchedness has invented a language of combat , which is slang .

  16. 黑话的使用与犯罪心理梯度、同心理、忌心理等因素有关。

    The usage of cants is related to factors like level of criminal psychology , identity psychology and tabu psychology .

  17. 人在苦难时眼前一片黑,犯罪时眼前更黑,这两种黑凝结在一起便构成黑话。

    It is black in misfortune , it is blacker still in crime ; these two blacknesses amalgamated , compose slang .

  18. 这太阳好象有能力融化她脑子里的积雪,把她的一连串黑话象雪崩似的引了出来,她继续说道

    And , as though the sun had possessed the property of melting the avalanches of slang in her brain , she went on

  19. 然而,不论人们说什么,这样去认识黑话这个词,总还是就广义而言,而且还不是人人都能接受的。

    But say what we will , this manner of understanding the word slang is an extension which every one will not admit .

  20. 由此,也展现了从小说、电视、因特网等不同领域搜集到的关于中国黑话的不同种类的例子的研究。

    Accordingly , it shows so many examples of this research which are collected from novels , TV , internet and so on .

  21. 黑话是民族共同语在犯罪亚社会群内产生的特殊变异,它的使用往往折射出种种犯罪心理现象。

    Cants are the special aberrance of ethical common language in the criminal community ; its usage tends to reflect the various criminal psychologies .

  22. 至于我们,我们却要为这个词保存它旧时的那种确切、分明、固定的含义,把黑话限制在黑话的范围里。

    For our part , we reserve to the word its ancient and precise , circumscribed and determined significance , and we restrict slang to slang .

  23. 通过那种丑恶的黑话,马吕斯懂得:宪兵或市警几乎逮捕了那两个孩子,两个孩子却逃跑了。

    Through this repulsive slang , Marius understood that gendarmes or the police had come near apprehending these two children , and that the latter had escaped .

  24. 因此,必须向不明真相的人说清楚,黑话是文学范畴中的一种奇迹,也是人类社会的一种产物。

    For , it must be stated to those who are ignorant of the case , that argot is both a literary phenomenon and a social result .

  25. 尽管黑话是一种典型的并且传统的语言现象,但是迄今为止,很少有学者研究这一领域,尤其是以认知学的角度出发,几乎无人触及。

    Though cant is a typical and conventional phenomenon , few research has been conducted on this aspect before . Especially , scholars seldom discussed cant from the cognitive perspective .

  26. 窗外的风景大多是高速公路,化工厂和仓库,所以凯文没什么好分神的,他就可以仔细听前面坐着的两个家伙说江湖黑话。

    The scenery outside was mostly highway , chemical plants , and industrial warehouses , so Kevin had little to distract him from the two wild cards seated across from him .

  27. 中国黑话被人们认为是在古代和旧社会时期比较盛行的一种特殊的语言生成,它作为一种民族性的语言现象,有着自身独特的研究价值。

    Chinese cant is deemed as the special language product formed in old age and prevailed in old society . As a national linguistic phenomenon , it possesses its own research value .

  28. 但是,对那些以应有的严肃态度?也就是说象地质学家研究地球那样?研究语言的人来说,黑话却真象一片真正的冲积土。

    But , for those who study the tongue as it should be studied , that is to say , as geologists study the earth , slang appears like a veritable alluvial deposit .

  29. 举例说明欧洲大陆和法裔加拿大人坚持他们自己的母语,以及美国的非洲后裔如何创造出自己的黑话来得到文化认同感。

    Even where no distinct language exists , people will invent one to gain a sense of cultural identity , as the emergence of the distinct Ebonic cant among today 's African Americans aptly illustrates .

  30. 犯罪隐语亦称黑话,又名切口。它是违法犯罪分子或犯罪团伙互相结交、互相联络、交换信息,进行违法犯罪活动的语言工具。

    Criminal argots , also called cants , are linguistic tools which the criminals or the criminal groups are using for purposes of mutual acquaintance , contact and information exchange when the crime activities are committed .