
nínɡ bō shì
  • Ningbo City
  1. 利用GPS技术调查了宁波市不同道路汽车行驶工况,记录了实际道路汽车行驶瞬时速度的大量数据。

    Driving patterns on different roads were investigated in Ningbo city using advanced instruments GPS . A large amount of testing data of speed were obtained under real road conditions .

  2. 宁波市镇海区社区居民高血压干预前后KAP调查

    A before and after Investigation on KAP in Residents about Hypertension Intervention in Zhenhai District of Ningbo City

  3. 宁波市体育馆电子计分牌改LED灰度屏的设计

    Design of LED Gray-scale Screen for Ningbo Stadium

  4. 宁波市新农村建设SWOT分析与战略选择

    SWOT Analysis and Strategy Selection of New Village Construction in Ningbo

  5. 宁波市高校体育场馆市场化的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Marketization in Ningbo College Sports Venues

  6. 基于DOM的宁波市城市用地调查

    City Land Use Investigation in Ningbo Based on DOM

  7. 宁波市北仑区2008年麻疹IgM抗体检测与分析

    Analysis of IgM antibody result of measles in Beilun District of Ningbo in 2008

  8. 第五部分运用SWOT法对宁波市现代物流的战略发展提出建议;

    Fifth part : strategic planning of modern logistics in Ningbo by the method of SWOT .

  9. 本文以宁波市北仑区H村为个案,对该村老年协会进行了考察。

    In the ease of the H village of Beilun District in Ningbo , we take an observation of the village 's association of the old .

  10. 宁波市某综合楼轻质GK楼板设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Light-weight GK Floor in a Complex Building

  11. 第三,运用SWOT分析法,总结出了宁波市外商直接投资的优势、劣势和机遇、挑战。

    Thirdly , the author makes a conclusion of the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of FDI environment of Ningbo adopting the analyzing way of SWOT .

  12. 从世界梨果贸易情况,分析和指出宁波市梨业存在的问题以及中国加入WTO后对宁波市梨业的影响,最后提出了宁波市梨业发展战略和措施。

    Based on analysis on world pear trade , problems during pear development in Ningbo , Zhejiang , as well as on effect of entrance to WTO , strategy and countermeasures for further development were put forwarded .

  13. 宁波市2002~2004年流行性感冒的检测与HA1序列分析

    Monitoring of influenza virus and comparison of the HA1 sequence in Ningbo from 2002 to 2004

  14. [目的]探讨宁波市北仑区1987~2005年性传播性疾病(STD)流行病学特征及发病趋势,为今后性病防治工作提出科学依据。

    [ Objective ] To analyze prevalence trend and epidemiologic features of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) in Beilun district from 1987 to 2005 , providing scientific basis for effective prevention strategy .

  15. 方法采用E-test法和KB法,对宁波市2004~2005年分离9株A群脑膜炎奈瑟菌进行药敏试验。

    Methods The susceptibility of 9 isolates of Neisseria Meningitidis Serogroup A isolated between 2004 and 2005 to antimicrobial agents were tested with the E-test and K-B method .

  16. 利用先进的GPS技术调查了宁波市不同道路汽车行驶工况,分析了城市机动车排放污染的状况及影响因素,重点讨论了机动车车型和汽车城市道路运行工况对机动车排放污染物的影响。

    Vehicle driving patterns on different roads are investigated in Ningbo city using advanced GPS technique . The situation of motor vehicle emission pollution and its influence factors are analyzed , and the effects of vehicle models and their driving cycle on vehicle emission pollutants in city are emphatically discussed .

  17. 方法对宁波市1999~2001年麻疹疫情资料的统计分析和采集麻疹疑似病人急性期血清用酶联免疫吸附试验捕捉法检测麻疹IgM抗体。

    Methods Descriptive epidemiological study was used for analysis of data of annual routine report on measles infection in 1990 ~ 2001 in Ningbo and IgM antibody against measles was detected from serum of suspected measles patients at acute stage by ELISA .

  18. 宁波市鲜活水产品抗生素残留调查研究

    A study on antibiotic residue in fresh aquatic foods in Ningbo

  19. 宁波市大比例尺数字化测绘地方标准的研究

    Local Standards Research of NingBo Large Scale Digital Surveying and Mapping

  20. 宁波市小城镇发展的主要问题及对策

    Major Problems and Strategies of Small Town Development around Ningbo City

  21. 宁波市有毒织纹螺地域分布分析

    Investigation on region distribution of poisonous nassarius Sp in Ningbo city

  22. 宁波市饮食服务从业人员梅毒抗体监测报告

    A report on the surveillance results of syphilis antibody in Ningbo

  23. 宁波市中学生家长伤害认知情况

    Parents ' Knowledge About Injury of Middle School Students in Ningbo

  24. 宁波市梅林水厂生物预处理工艺设计

    Design of Biological Pretreatment Technology of Meilin Waterworks in Ningbo City

  25. 宁波市开展短式网球的可行性研究

    Research on Feasibility of Carrying out Short - tennis in Ningbo

  26. 宁波市生态城市建设进程中的电能源问题

    Power problems in the process of ecological city construction in Ningbo

  27. 宁波市贝(甲)壳类海产品中致病性气单胞菌的分布

    Incidence and Distribution of Pathogenic Aeromonas in Shellfish in Ningbo City

  28. 宁波市陆海及河海管理分界线的界定

    Definition of the management boundary between river and sea in Ningbo

  29. 宁波市华严街6地块规划设计

    Planning and Design of Huayan Street 6 # Lot in Ningbo

  30. 宁波市杨梅虫害种类及其发生规律

    Occurrence Regularity and Insect Species Damaged to Myrica rubra in Ningbo