
  • 网络sar;Riyal;Saudi riyal
  1. 这是一个两难困境。上周,在升值在即的传闻中,外汇市场再度向海湾合作委员会国家的汇率盯住机制发起攻击,推动卡塔尔里亚尔、阿联酋迪拉姆和沙特的里亚尔汇率升至去年12月以来的高点。

    In the last week , currency markets have once again launched an attack on the GCC pegs amid rumours that revaluations are imminent , pushing the Qatari riyal , the UAE dirham and the Saudi riyal to their highest levels since December .

  2. 这项月度债券发行计划只能填补部分赤字。经济学家估计,由于财政收入减少、基础设施项目持续的高支出、公共部门工资以及也门的战争,沙特今年的赤字将达到4000亿沙特里亚尔。

    The monthly bond issuance plan would only cover part of the deficit , which economists estimate will reach 400bn Saudi riyals this year amid falling revenues and continuing high expenditure on infrastructure projects , public sector wages and the war in Yemen .

  3. 银行家们表示,沙特近来在询问需求,拟在今年余下时间每月发行约200亿沙特里亚尔(约合53亿美元)债券,分为五年期、七年期和十年期。

    Bankers say the kingdom 's central bank has been sounding out demand for an issuance of around 20bn Saudi riyals ( $ 5.3bn ) a month in bonds - in tranches of five , seven and ten years - for the rest of the year .