
  • 网络SABIC;Saudi Basic Industries Corporation
  1. 项目进程可能缓慢,但由于天然气供应不足,沙特基础工业公司已别无选择,不得不在下游做出努力,奥马迪证实了这一点。

    Progress may be slow but with gas in short supply SABIC has no alternative but to persist in its efforts move downstream and this was confirmed by Al-Mady .

  2. 沙特最大的甲醇出口商沙特基础工业公司(sabic)昨日在声明中表示,鉴于与中方的强有力关系,它将寻求友好的解决办法。

    Saudi Basic Industries Corporation ( SABIC ) , the largest methanol exporter in the Kingdom , said in a statement yesterday it sought an amicable resolution in view of strong relations with China .

  3. 分析了沙特阿拉伯石油公司、沙特基础工业公司、科威特石油公司和阿布扎比国家石油公司的专业化公司经营模式。

    The operation model of specialized corporation for companies including Saudi Aramco , Sabic , KPC and ADNOC is analysed .

  4. 沙特基础工业公司是排名世界前五强的商用化学品及塑料生产商,也是全球最重要的热塑性塑料开发商和供应商之一,其热塑性塑料的设计旨在满足客户需要。

    SABIC ranks among the world 's top five producers of commodity chemicals and plastics , and is a major global developer and supplier of thermoplastics engineered to meet customer needs .

  5. 谈及此次反倾销调查,沙特基础工业公司在声明中表示:(中国)没有对沙特甲醇征收保护性关税,我们仍在进行商谈,以推翻有关倾销的指控。

    Citing the investigation , Sabic said in its statement that no protective fees have been imposed [ by China ] on Saudi methanol and discussions are under ay to refute allegations of dumping ' ' .

  6. 由沙特政府拥有70%股权的沙特基础工业公司,甲醇产量占沙特总产量的83%。

    Sabic , which is 70 per cent owned by the Saudi government , accounts for 83 per cent of the kingdom 's total methanol production .