
  • 网络tuberculosis;Pulmonary tuberculosis
  1. 方法对38例不同形态肺结核病灶在CT引导下穿刺的阳性率情况,以及穿刺标本不同检查方法的阳性率进行比较分析。

    Methods The positive rate of CT-guided puncture and different study methods to puncture preparation in 38 cases varied tuberculosis were compared and analysised .

  2. 这些设施还可以传播疾病,比如流行性感冒,SARS及肺结核病等。

    They have also transported diseases such as influenza , SARS , and tuberculosis .

  3. 免疫低下和糖尿病患者肺结核病的CT表现

    CT findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in immunocompromised and diabetic patients

  4. 对79例确诊为肺结核病患者和同期健康体检者60例作血液流变学指标检测,结果显示肺结核患者呈现高粘滞状态,与正常组比较P<0.01。

    The blood rheology was observed on 79 cases with pulmonary tuberculosis and 60 healthy controls .

  5. 安徽省2004年实施DOTS策略防治肺结核病效果评价

    Effect Evaluation on Implementing DOTS for TB Control in Anhui Province in 2004

  6. 结论CT下粗切割针穿刺活检对肺结核病是一种诊断准确性较高的检查方法,活检标本采用多种方法检查可提高阳性率。

    Conclusion CT-guided core needle lung biopsy is a more sensitive diagnostic method to tuberculosis . Various study ways to biopsy preparation can improve positive rate .

  7. 结论积极推行肺结核病归口管治和实施DOTS策略,结核病疫情明显下降,结核病耐药率呈下降趋势。

    Conclusion The rate of drug resistant of mycobacterium tuberculosis declines under the DOTS in Shenzhen .

  8. 结论在抗结核药物强化期HBVM阳性肺结核病患者易发生肝脏损害。

    Conclusion At intensive stage of antituberculotic therapy , liver injury easily occurred in pulmonary tuberculotic patients with positive HBV M.

  9. 目的探讨检测血清前白蛋白(PA)在肺结核病中的临床应用价值。

    Objective To study the clinical application of detecting prealbumin ( PA ) in serum for pulmonary tuberculosis .

  10. 测血清特异性CIC及抗体综合诊断肺结核病的评价

    Evaluation of Comprehensive Diagnosis Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Detecting Specific Tuberculos CIC and Antibody

  11. 唐山地区人群肺结核病患者血ABO系统遗传标记

    Genetic marked of ABO blood in type system of tuberculosis patients of in tangshan han nationality

  12. 结果5例艾滋病并发肺结核病的PPD皮试反应均为阴性。

    Result The PPD skin test were negative in 5 cases AIDS complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis .

  13. 血清CA-50和CEA在肺癌、肺结核病的表达及诊断价值

    Expression and value in diagnosis of serum CA-50 、 CEA of pulmonary Cacinoma and tuberculosis

  14. 结论按照DOTS策略,加强对病人管理与督导,能控制肺结核病的传染,提高治愈率。

    Conclusion We could improve cure rate of lung TB cases so long as we enhance management and inspection of the patients with DOTS .

  15. 结果CT片在发现病变数量和肺结核病常见并发症或伴随征象中略优于传统X线片,但对肺结核的诊断尚未造成影响。

    Results CT films are better than conventional radiography in finding pathological changes and common complications and following symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis but there is no difference in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis between chest radiography and CT .

  16. 目的分析安徽省2004年实施肺结核病DOTS防治策略效果,为制定下一步结核病防治工作计划提供技术依据。

    Objective To evaluate effect of implementing DOTS for TB control in Anhui province in 2004 so as to provide basis for making further TB control plan .

  17. 印度约十亿人口中,近半数都在DOTS策略实施的范围内,肺结核病的治愈率超过百分之八十。

    Nearly half of India 's population of about 1 billion are under the coverage of DOTS . The cure rate for tuberculosis has exceeded 80 % .

  18. 目的探讨血清总胆汁酸(TBA)和前白蛋白(PA)联合检测在肺结核病中的临床应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the clinical significance of co-detections of serum total bile acid ( TBA ) and prealbumin ( PA ) in pulmonary tuberculosis .

  19. 本次研究拟探讨双能量减影图像对于浸润型肺结核病灶及肺内钙化灶的显示能力,是否能比常规DR图像提供更多的影像学信息。

    The aim of this study is to determine the value of dual - energy subtraction ( DES ) in infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis and pulmonum calcification , if DES will provide better news than normal DR.

  20. 结果在肺癌原发灶,99mTc-TFSPECT显像具有较高的灵敏度(93%,28/30),但2例肺结核病灶也显示99mTc-TF的摄取增高。

    For lung lesions , 99mTc-tetrofosmin SPECT showed higher sensitivity ( 93 % , 28 / 30 ), but with two false positive TB lesions .

  21. 目的了解和比较肺结核病与非结核病患者产超广谱β-内酰胺酶株(ESBLs)的感染率和耐药性。

    Objective To investigate and compare the infecton of extended spectrum beta lactamases ( ESBLs ) producing strains and their antibiotic resistance in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and non pulmonary tuberculosis .

  22. 近年来,细菌感染与恶性肿瘤的关系引起人们的注意,许多流行病学调查表明肺结核病史(previouspulmonarytuberculosis,PPT)是肺癌的一个独立病因因素,不受吸烟、被动吸烟等因素的影响。

    Recently It has been focused on the relationship between germ infection and cancer . Epidemiological evidence suggests that previous pulmonary tuberculosis ( PPT ) is an independent risk factor for lung cancer , which can 't be explained by active or passive smoking alone .

  23. 方法回顾分析1997年12月~2002年12月住院的艾滋病并发肺结核病末稍血CD4与PPD皮试反应并以无并发肺结核病的HIV感染/艾滋病者相比较。

    Method ( 1 ) Retrospectively analysis the CD 4 cell level in peripheral blood and PPD skin reaction on inpatients with AIDS complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis and to compared with HIV infection / AIDS who do not complicated pulmonary tuberculosis .

  24. 方法1995~1997年登记的复发肺结核病例痰培养阳性并作药物敏感试验,治疗方案为HREZ/HRE。

    Methods Drug_susceptibility tests was done in sputum culture _positive cases with RPT between 1995 and 1997.HREZ/HRE was used as therapeutic scheme .

  25. 结论工作场所条件不舒适、每天工作时间超过8h、每周没有休息日是外出打工者肺结核病的危险因素;

    Conclusion Poor workplace conditions , long work hours ( > 8 hours / day ) and not having a rest day each week are all work-related risk factors of pulmonary TB among rural adults out-migrating for work .

  26. 因此,免疫分子(IFN-r、IL-12、CD1a~+、γδ~+TCR、CD3~+T、CD4~+T、CD8~+T)在肺结核病中的变化可以作为评价临床治疗效果和预后的指标。

    So , the recovery of immunological molecules ( IFN-r , IL-12 , CDla + ,? 8 + TCR , CD3 + T , CD4 + T , CD8 + T ) can be as the index for evaluation clinical therapeutic efficacy and prognosis .

  27. 东至县肺结核病控制项目实施效果评价

    Evaluation on the Effects of TB Control Project in Dongzhi County

  28. 海南省肺结核病归口管理的实践及成效

    Results of practicing mamagement of pulmonary tuberculosis by professional control bodies

  29. 1992&2001年新西兰肺结核病复发情况调查

    Tuberculosis in New Zealand , 1992 - 2001 : A resurgence

  30. 肺结核病患者治疗依从性影响因素分析

    Analysis on influence factors of compliance in patients with anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy