
  1. 两岛由一座桥连到一起。

    The two islands are connected with a bridge .

  2. 我们决意将这两岛联合起来创立一个国家。

    It 's our firm determination to unify the two islands into one country .

  3. 他驾驶着船在两岛之间航行。

    He sailed the boat between the islands .

  4. 定期在两岛间航行。

    Ply the routes between the islands .

  5. 两岛的通勤者抱怨称,渡轮条件很差,还经常超载。

    Commuters between the2 islands complained that the ferries are always in poor condition and overloaded .

  6. 而且很肯定的是现在两岛之间的水很少。

    And sure enough , there was now only a little water between the is lands .

  7. 两岛的色泽,与大陆完全一致。

    The color and luster of the two " islands " are completely the same as the " mainland " .

  8. 此前有报道称,桑给巴尔政府已承诺将投入更大的渡轮用于两岛之间的客运。

    A previous report said the government in Zanzibar had promised to invest in bigger vessels to ferry passengers between the2 islands .

  9. 南北两岛都有许多肥沃的低地牧场,大片的森林,多沙的海滩以及湍急的河流。

    Both major islands contain fertile lowland areas of pasture land , large forests , many sandy beaches and short swept flowing rivers .

  10. 由于泥沙沉积,在河面上形成葛洲坝、西坝两岛,把长江分为大江、二江和三江。

    As sediment deposition , formed in the river surface Gezhouba , Xiba the two islands , divided into the Yangtze River , Jiang and the Sanjiang .

  11. 在春季,洞头岛的野外有效温度和基底温度显著大于北麂岛,而两岛北草蜥的体温无显著差异;

    In spring , field active body temperatures were not different in spite of the existed significant differences in operative temperatures and substrate temperatures between the lizard populations from two islands .

  12. 攻占该两岛较之仅占领位于半岛多山的靴尖外的西西里更能使敌人在意大利之兵力大为分散。

    The seizure of those islands would force a very much greater dispersion of enemy strength in Italy than would the mere occupation of Sicily , which lies just off the mountainous toe of the peninsula .

  13. 在这个地方,五米至六米半的水深处,在巴古和万奴两岛的礁石间,堆积着的锚、炮、铁块和铅块都被石灰质的沉积层粘住了。

    At this location , in three or four fathoms of water between the Paeu and Vana reefs , there lay some anchors , cannons , and ingots of iron and lead , all caked with limestone concretions .

  14. 从两岛社鼠种群年龄结构来看,整体上均表现为由上半年幼年组和亚成年组占优势逐渐过渡到下半年成年组和老年组占绝对优势。

    According to the age structure of two populations , the dominant groups were the juvenile and sub-adult groups in the first half of the year , while they changed into the adult and old-adult groups after half the year .

  15. 利用1971-2000年实测气候资料系统研究了海南岛与台湾岛农业气候资源状况,结果表明:两岛热、水、光资源均十分丰富。

    Based on observed climate data from 1971 to 2000 , the characteristics of climate resources in Hainan and Taiwan islands was analyzed and compared . Results showed that radiation , heat and water resources in both islands were abundant .

  16. 他们用一座桥把这两个岛连接起来。

    They joined the two islands with a bridge .

  17. 目前这艘沉没的油轮夹在南部的罗本岛(RobbenIsland)与北部的达森岛(DassenIsland)之间。而这两个岛正是企鹅们繁衍生息的主要据点。

    Now , the ship sank between Robben Island to the south , and Dassen Island to the north -- two of the penguins ' main breeding islands .

  18. 蒙特塞拉特环境部部长GerardGray说,这两个岛上的当地人过去都喜欢吃这种青蛙肉质多的蛙腿,不过如今基本上都是游客要求吃。

    Natives on both islands used to favor the frog 's meaty legs , although it is mostly tourists now who request them , said Gerard Gray , director of Montserrat 's Department of Environment .

  19. 市区位于17世纪沦为葡萄牙殖民地的澳门半岛,此外还有两个岛仔(taipa),那里是公寓高楼林立的“郊区”地带,还有更远一些的“乡村”地区路环。

    There is the downtown area on Macao Peninsula , which was colonised by the Portuguese in the 17th century , and two islands Taipa , a " suburban " belt of high-rise apartments , and the " countryside " and village of Coloane beyond .

  20. 这两个岛被爱尔兰海分隔开来。

    The two are separated by the Irish Sea .

  21. 一座长长的吊桥把两个岛连了起来。

    A long suspension bridge joins the two islands .

  22. 否则他们怎么在两个岛间来回?

    How else do they get back and forth ?

  23. 1995年一波大浪几乎冲走了皮屋和胡艾尼这两个岛的海岸线。

    In1995a wave washed away most of the shorelines of Piul and Huene islands .

  24. 北方有两个岛。

    To the north lie two islands .

  25. 两种岛状皮瓣修复拇指末节皮肤缺损疗效分析

    Therapeutic effect analysis of distal phalangeal skin defect of thumb with two kinds of island flaps

  26. 两座岛中较大的那座是不列颠岛,位于爱尔兰的东部。

    The larger of the two islands is Britain , which lies to the east of Ireland .

  27. 她原拟装两个岛式上层建筑,每个上层建筑有一个烟囱和三脚桅。

    She was intended to have a double island superstructure , with a funnel in each , as well as a tripod mast .

  28. 可爱岛和欧胡岛仅仅一水之隔,两个岛上的居民也都是好朋友。

    The Lovely Island and Oahu Island are not far away from each other , so the inhabitants on both islands are in close relationship .

  29. 两个CpG岛的总甲基化CpG位点比率达到了46.25%。

    The ration of methylated CpGs in the two CpG islands was 46.25 % .

  30. 以及这是否合法?MEL当时的两名泽西岛律师董事告诉泽西岛金融监管局(JFSC),他们被蒙在鼓里。

    Two members of MEL 's board at the time , who are Jersey lawyers , told the Jersey Financial Services Commission ( JFSC ) that they had been kept in the dark about the buyback .