
  • 网络hobson;J.A.Hobson;R.L.Hobson;J. Allan Hobson
  1. 考虑到霍布森不是科班出身的经济学家,他可谓是成就非凡。

    In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable

  2. 你看霍布森先生下星期五能见我吗?

    Do you think Mr. Hobson could see me next Friday ?

  3. 第一次给予现代帝国主义以系统批判的是英国的激进分子J.A.霍布森。

    The first systematic critique of modern imperialism was provided by the English radical J.A.Hobson .

  4. 收入分配与经济萧条:霍布森的人本思想

    Income Allocation and Economic Depression : Hobson 's Humanitarian Thought

  5. 霍布森:票据交换是什么意思?

    Hobson : What is meant by the term Clearing House Association ?

  6. 这是卢卡斯的第二段婚姻,也是霍布森的第一段婚姻。

    This marriage will be Lucas 's second and Hobson 's first .

  7. 这些短语其中之一是:霍布森的选择。

    One of these expressions is Hobson 's choice .

  8. 霍布森博士还不赞成弗洛伊德关于我们为什么常常忘记梦中情节的理论。

    Doctor Hobson also rejects Freud 's theory about why we often forget our dreams .

  9. 霍布森:你们接受从其他银行开出的支票的实际意义是什么呢?

    H : What about the actual checks that you get which are drawn on other banks ?

  10. 我讨厌陷入霍布森设置的选择:不是白干,就是下岗。【正译】我讨厌这种没有选择的选择:不是白干,就是下岗。

    I hate to be caught in this Hobson 's choice : work without salary or lay off .

  11. 其次,霍布森、希法亭、卢森堡和布哈林等人对马克思的资本输出理论进行了补充。

    Secondly , Hobson , Hilferding , Luxemburg and Bukharin supplemented and developed the Marxism capital export theory .

  12. 霍布森:我见过的首席执行官犯下的最大错误是他们陷进短期目标,这就是舍本逐末。

    Hobson : the biggest mistake I see CEOs make is that they get caught up in the short term .

  13. 霍布森博士说,梦之所以奇怪,是因为做梦时的大脑正在尽力从纷乱的信号中构成情节。

    Doctor Hobson says they are strange because the dreaming brain is doing its best to make a story from disorganized signals .

  14. 为了回报他的恩遇,霍布森将远在另一半球上的新西兰的一个城市以他的名字命名为奥克兰。

    Hobson repaid the favour by naming the city of Auckland , half a world away in New Zealand , after his early benefactor .

  15. 在一个充满欺诈和背叛的社会中,我们无法生存,这样的世界成了霍布森式的“每个人与每个人为敌”的战争,险恶而野蛮。

    We cannot get along in a world filled with deceit and defection ; such a world becomes a Hobbesian war of all against all , nasty and brutal .

  16. 古德伯格开玩笑说,霍布森和桑德伯格一样,说起话来滔滔不绝,不过,他表示很喜欢霍布森撰写的这一章节,霍布森在采访中说。

    He joked with Ms. Hobson that she was too long-winded , like Ms. Sandberg , but aside from that , he said he loved the chapter , she said in an interview .