
  • 网络Stephen Hawking's Universe;BBC Stephen Hawkings Universe
  1. 文章在简要回顾人类探索宇宙奥秘的历史后,较为详细地考察了霍金的宇宙模型,认真分析了霍金对现代宇宙模型研究的贡献及其在科学和哲学上的重要意义。

    This article tries to study the scientific and philosophical meaning of Hawking 's no-boundary universe theory through the analysis of his universe model and looking back the other historical universe models .

  2. 本文以霍金的无边界宇宙模型为基础,对此种宇宙模型所呈现的宇宙复杂性进行了初步的探析,并由此得出对物理世界进行还原论研究与复杂性探究是互补共存的。

    Therefore , the author tries to analyze and educe that the reduced research and complex research on physical world are complementary and coexisted .