
  • 网络Tampa;tampa bay
  1. 布莱登在5月9日那天面对坦帕湾光芒队(TampaBayRays)投出一场完美的比赛。

    Braden , who pitched a perfect game against the Tampa Bay Rays on May9.Mr .

  2. 据《坦帕湾时报》称,当天早些时间,阿莱恩和她的母亲被通知要去会见她的学校西湖基督学校校长,当时小姑娘认为自己肯定是有麻烦了。

    Earlier in the day , Alayna thought she was in trouble when she and her mother had to meet with the principal of her school , Westlake Christian School , according to the Tampa Bay Times .

  3. Allrightsreserved出版商周刊格鲁登追溯他从猪皮失望改革,作为一个超级杯冠军坦帕湾海盗队的教练球员格里迪隆胜利。

    From Publishers Weekly Gruden traces his transformation from pigskin letdown as a player to gridiron triumph as a Super Bowl-winning coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers .

  4. 大胆地组合了Deleon龙舌兰酒、HaigClub威士忌酒和AviationAmerican杜松子酒,混合坦帕湾和堪萨斯城的自然香气。

    A daring combination of Deleon Tequila , Haig Club Whisky , Aviation American Gin and natural flavors found in both Tampa Bay and Kansas City .

  5. 超级碗LV比赛在坦帕湾海盗队和堪萨斯城酋长队之间拉开帷幕,佛罗里达州坦帕市的雷蒙德·詹姆斯体育场在一些假球迷的衬托下显得“人”满为患。

    Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs , Raymond James Stadium in Tampa , Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans .

  6. 作为曼联惨败的结果,费迪南德取消了乘私人飞机去温布利观看坦帕湾海盗和芝加哥熊之间的NFL比赛的计划。

    As a result of Manchester United 's abject display , Ferdinand cancelled a planned post-match trip to Wembley to watch the NFL clash between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears .

  7. ,赢得了这项奖额1000万美元的安萨里X大奖))。巧合的是,在威尔伯和奥维尔·赖特在1903年发明世界上第一个动力飞机11年以后,敞开式座舱双翼飞机搭载着乘客穿越佛罗里达的坦帕湾实现商业首飞。

    it was 11 years after Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the world 's first powered airplane in 1903 that a paying passenger sat in the open cockpit of a boat-shaped Benoist XIV biplane for a ride across Florida 's Tampa Bay , the debut flight of the country 's first commercial airliner .

  8. 历史中所记录下来的坦帕湾在六月份最多的闪电次数竟然高达50000次。

    Tampa Bay once recorded up to50,000 flashes in June alone .

  9. 坦帕湾反抗队的球员被带倒,他们获得一次任意球的机会。

    Tampa Bay Muting player is Brought down and free-kick awarded .

  10. 坦帕湾海盗还有其他的一些有诱惑力的财政发展计划。

    And there are other intriguing financial developments in tampa .

  11. 美国坦帕湾地区供水策略介析

    Introduction and analysis of water supply policies in the Tampa Bay area

  12. 这一次就发生在坦帕湾北部。

    This time , just north of Tampa Bay .

  13. 坦帕湾的3名球员已经诊断为耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌感染。

    Three players in Tampa Bay have been diagnosed with the MRSA infection .

  14. 圣诞黑老头带来的泪水比坦帕湾魔鬼鱼队的还多(坦帕湾魔鬼鱼队美国职业棒球联赛队之一)

    Black Santa Claus caused more tears than the Tampa Bay Devil Rays .

  15. 美国佛罗里达州西部一城市,位于坦帕湾;著名冬季旅游胜地。

    A city in western Florida on Tampa Bay ; a popular winter resort .

  16. 任何男人错看了她一眼,都会躺到坦帕湾底去。

    Any man who iooks at her wrong , he ends up in Tampa bay .

  17. 大家好,我是夏洛特劳森。我是一位经过注册资格认证的专业营养师,现位于佛罗里达州的坦帕湾。

    Hi , I 'm Charlotte Lawson , a registered , licensed dietitian here in Tampa Bay , Florida .

  18. 这一切都始于1914年在佛罗里达州坦帕湾水上飞机的23分钟飞行。

    It all started with the 23 minute flight in a flying boat across Tampa Bay , Florida in 1914 .

  19. 在首次穿越坦帕湾的付费飞行中,这架飞机只搭载了一名乘客——圣彼得堡市市长。

    On its first paid flight across Tampa Bay , it carried just one passenger , St. Petersburg 's Mayor .

  20. 坦帕湾高级博览会是一个总理的展览长者如何照顾自己的健康。

    Tampa Bay Senior Expo is one of the premier exhibition for senior citizen to take care of their health .

  21. 据坦帕湾新闻9台报道,这已经不是利塔克老师第一次因为另类的教学方式而惹祸上身了。

    Bay News 9 reports this isn 't the first time Liptak has been in trouble for his alternative teaching methods 。

  22. 坦帕湾在2006年面对这名37岁投手主投的19又1/3局中,只得到3分。

    Tampa Bay has managed only three runs in 19 1 / 3 innings against the 37 - year-old in 2006 .

  23. 但坦帕湾海盗队正在应对现在影响三名球员的东西:耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌。

    but the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are working with one to deal with something that 's now affected three players : MRSA .

  24. 当地《坦帕湾时报》报道称,利塔克老师声称自己并无恶意,并以为屏蔽器是学校允许的。

    The Tampa Bay Times reports that Liptak said he never wanted to cause problems and that he thought jammers were permitted 。

  25. 所以洋基队带著痛苦的心情和美联最差的战绩:8胜11败回家,落后坦帕湾半场胜差。

    So the Yankees returned home miserable and alone in last place in the American League East at8-11 , half a game behind Tampa bay .

  26. 一位名为马蒂·康奈尔的家长[微博]对坦帕湾新闻9台坦言,完全可以理解看到学生上课玩手机时老师的沮丧心情,但安全毕竟是第一位的。

    Parent Martie Cornell told Bay News 9 understands the frustrations with teens and their phones , but says safety needs to be put first 。

  27. 美国国家气象局表示,在南佛罗里达最的坦帕湾和奥兰多的郊区,每年都会遭受大规模的雷电袭击。

    South Florida , Tampa Bay and suburbs around Orlando are tied for seeing the most bolts per year , the National Weather Service said .

  28. 该研究将在西雅图、坦帕湾、达拉谟、北卡莱罗纳、布鲁明顿、印第安纳、水牛城、纽约和宾夕法尼亚中心地区寻找司机。

    The study seeks drivers in Seattle , Tampa Bay , Durham , North Carolina , Bloomington , Indiana , Buffalo , New York and central Pennsylvania .

  29. 黑色星期一的受害者是:华盛顿的麦克·沙纳罕,底特律活塞队的吉姆·施瓦茨,明尼苏达森林狼队的莱斯利·弗雷泽和坦帕湾的格雷格·石阿诺。

    Victims of Black Monday were Washington 's Mike Shanahan , Detroit 's Jim Schwartz , Minnesota 's Leslie Frazier , and Tampa Bay 's Greg Schiano .

  30. 至于坦帕湾海盗队,他们已经对更衣室进行消毒而且表示会全力阻止耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌任何进一步的传染。

    As for the Bucs , they 've had their locker room sanitized and they say they 'll everything they can to stop MRSA from spreading any further .