
  • 网络GAGC
  1. 菲亚特与新合作伙伴广汽(GuangzhouAutomotiveGroup)组建的合资企业将于明年投产,菲亚特希望这会改善其在中国的命运。

    Fiat is hoping to improve its fortunes in China when Chinese producer Guangzhou Automotive Group , its new joint venture partner , starts producing cars next year .

  2. 作为其筹资的一部分,Uber与广汽集团(GuangzhouAutomobileGroup)建立了合作关系,这家叫车服务公司继续积极进入中国。

    As part of its fundraising , Uber has landed a partnership with Guangzhou Automobile Group , as the ride-hailing company continues an aggressive push into China .

  3. 按照合作协议,广汽将成为Uber在中国亟需的新合作伙伴。

    Under the deal , Uber will have a new and much needed partner in China .

  4. 在广东省省会广州,政府控股的广汽集团与丰田(toyota)和本田(honda)设有合资工厂。

    Government-controlled GAC has invested in joint-venture car factories with Toyota and Honda in Guangzhou , the capital of southern Guangdong Province .

  5. 广汽本田汽车有限公司成立于1998年,目前生产的主要产品有雅阁系列轿车、奥德赛多功能系列轿车、飞度系列轿车和CITY锋范系列轿车共四大系列21种车型。

    Guangzhou Honda motor Co. , LTD. was established in 1998 . The main products it produces at present are totally four series of cars , including brands of Accord , ODYSSEY Multi-function , FIT and CITY . There are twenty-one kinds of car types in all .

  6. 广汽将投资于Uber中国(UberChina),但金额不详,而Uber将向其司机推介广汽汽车,两家公司还将在汽车销售和信贷方面进行合作。

    Guangzhou Auto will invest an undisclosed sum in Uber China , while Uber will promote Guangzhou Auto 's cars to its drivers and work with the company for car sales and financing .

  7. 本田在华南的合资企业广汽本田(GuangqiHonda)生产曾受到严重干扰,该企业6月份销量同比下降23.9%,至26166辆。

    At Guangqi Honda , the carmaker 's joint venture in southern China where output was badly disrupted , sales fell 23.9 per cent to 26,166 units in June compared with the same month last year .

  8. 与此同时,广汽并非仅仅与菲亚特一家公司进行谈判。

    Meanwhile , Guangzhou auto is not only talking to Fiat .

  9. 广汽由广州市政府控制。

    GAC is controlled by the Guangzhou municipal government .

  10. 广汽本田汽车有限公司人事经理徐君(音译)评论如下:

    Comment by Xu Jun , HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Co Ltd :

  11. 换股方案是每0.38股广汽股份换取1股骏威股份。

    It is offering investors 0.38 of a GAC share for each Denway share .

  12. 广汽则无疑希望一次性就让股东满意。

    GAC no doubt is hoping that its shareholders will be satisfied with just one .

  13. 广汽尚未发布一季度业绩。

    Guangzhou has not released first-quarter results .

  14. 在某些情况下,广汽派出了高管人员,协助日本合作方解决劳工纠纷。

    In some instances , GAC has dispatched senior executives to help Japanese partners resolve labour disputes .

  15. 广汽自主品牌乘用车制动系统(制动器、摩擦片)的设计与匹配

    Braking System ( Brakes , Friction Plate ) Design and Matching of Guangzhou Automobile 's Own Brand Car

  16. 菲亚特和广汽将合资打入的中国汽车市场竞争激烈,汽车制造商和品牌比美国还要多。

    The venture with GAC will launch into an intensely competitive market with more automakers and brands than America 's.

  17. 经修订的换股比率显示了广汽充分尊重安排股东的利益并与其分享广汽长远增长潜力的诚意。

    The [ revised offer ] shows GAC 's full respect of shareholders ' interests and GAC 's willingness to share its potential growth with shareholders .

  18. 中国的质检部门公布的丰田此次召回名单中,包括38.4736万辆由广汽丰田生产的凯美瑞轿车,出厂日期在2006年5月15日至2008年12月31日之间。

    Toyota 's recall , announced by China 's quality watchdog , included 384,736 Camry models made by Toyota 's joint venture in south China with Guangzhou Auto between May 15 2006 and December 31 2008 .