
  • 网络Pluralistic integration;unity in diversity;integrated pluralism
  1. 中国作为一个族群众多的国家,在民族文化上呈现着多元一体的特征,这一特征在各民族的民间舞蹈上也有所呈现。

    Abstract China , as a multi-ethnic country , is characterized by unity in diversity in ethnic culture , which is also presented in peoples ' folk dances .

  2. 新南非十年:多元一体国家的建设

    New South Africa 's Ten Years : Plural and Integral Nation-building

  3. 多元一体的设计文化在产品设计中的应用

    The Application of Pluralistic Integration Design Culture in Product Design

  4. 多元一体:多民族国家内部的族际整合与合法性

    Diversity in Unity : Interethnic Integration & Legality in a Multi-Ethnic Country

  5. 论民族文化多元一体格局的实质与价值

    On the Nature and Value of the Diversity-Based-on Unification Pattern of Ethnic Cultures

  6. 多元一体与中国少数民族语言

    Diverse Integrity and National Minority Languages in China

  7. 第二章中探讨了中华民族多元一体格局下的蒙古族文化变迁。

    In chapter two , cultural change is discussed under Chinese Multi-culture and United Structure .

  8. 中国古代玉器与中华民族多元一体格局

    Ancient Chinese Jade Articles and the Integrative Pattern of the Multi-cultures of the Chinese Nation

  9. 试论维持多元一体语言使用格局的意义

    The Significance of Maintaining Multiplex-Integrated Language-Using Construction

  10. 多元一体:中国民族利益协调论纲

    " Pluralistic Integration ": An Outline of China 's National Interests and the Coordination Program

  11. 我国是一个多民族不断融合而成的以汉族为主体的多元一体的国家。

    China is a multi-ethnic integrating country which takes the Han tribal as the main body .

  12. 多元一体、众志成城的民族统一凝聚力是古代中华民族精神的核心;万众一心、振兴中华的爱国主义向心力是中国近代民族精神的精髓;

    The cohesion , the centrality and the vitality are traditional components of the Chinese Ethos .

  13. 中国传统的“多元一体”的政治文化本质是由政治文化的民族性和阶级性所决定的。

    The essence of Chinese traditional political culture with Multiwas determined by the nationality and class nature .

  14. 第三节主要论述中华多元一体论的理论内涵及其现实指导意义。

    Section III focuses on one of the Chinese yuan and its practical meaning of guiding significance .

  15. 多元一体和而不同&论法治的共识效应

    Being Multiple but Integral , Being Harmonious but Different & On Consensus Effect of Rule of law

  16. 中国多元一体的民族生态,决定了国家结构的特殊性。

    National ecology of Unity of Pluralistic groups of Chinese Nation determines the particularity of the national structure .

  17. 地方师院多元一体应用型人才培养模式的思考

    Thoughts on the cultivation model of the " multiple integration " for applied talents in colleges and universities

  18. 现代社会多元一体的现实必然反映到社会交往层面。

    The reality of modern society , diversity and unity must be reflected in the level of social interaction .

  19. 民族迁徙在形成中华民族多元一体格局的过程中,是一种不可忽视的因素。

    The nationality migrate a is very important element to form " the Unite plurality of Chinese nation " .

  20. 任何一个国家、一个时期的文化都是一元为主、多元一体、多样共生的。

    Culture is characterized by one-factor based , pluralistic integration and diverse symbiosis for any country or any period .

  21. 中华民族是一个多元一体的多民族共同体,各少数民族是中华民族的有机组成部分。

    The Chinese nation is a pluralistic multi-ethnic community , ethnic minorities is an organic part of the Chinese nation .

  22. 全球一体化的趋势,更加凸显了文化多样性的价值和进行多元一体文化教育的必要性。

    The trend of globalization highlights the value of cultural diversity and the necessity of developing diversity and unity education .

  23. 其中,以中华民族多元一体格局为历史背景,文章详细论述了蒙古族文化的产生、发展及变迁的全过程,并以蒙古族文化的发展变迁为线索,穿起整个蒙古族教育的发展历程。

    Using the Structure as background , the writer states the emergence , development and change of the Mongolian culture .

  24. 各个国家、民族之间的文化联系日益紧密,文化发展逐渐呈现出多元一体的态势。

    The culture contact between countries is increasing close , and the culture development is gradually presenting diverse integral whole .

  25. 用多元一体格局来概括中华民族族体结构是非常恰当的;

    It is felicitous to generalize the structure of the chinese nation with the pattern of ' many entities together ';

  26. 加拿大多元一体的民族特性是经历了很长的历史时期才得以形成和被承认的。

    The development and recognition of Canada 's national character of ` pluralistic integration ' have experienced a long historical period .

  27. 所有这些都有助于我们更加清晰地认识多元一体设计文化在产品设计中的价值问题。

    All of these could help us understand the value of pluralistic integration design culture in product design issues more clearly .

  28. 多元一体格局这样的概括,对演变至今的中国历史及其多民族结构提供了一种有用的认识框架。

    Pluralistic integration can be used as a valuable framework to understand the vicissitudes of the structure of China 's nationalities .

  29. 在中华文明多元一体的发展进程中,江苏文化走过了一条漫长而独特的演进道路。

    In the pluralistic development of Chinese civilization , the culture of Jiangsu has been taking a long and unique evolution .

  30. 中华民族多元一体,中国宗教自然以和合为贵;

    Given the Chinese nation 's multiethnic nature , all Chinese religions naturally took harmony and peace as their cherished values .