- 网络vietnamese

Chinese and Vietnamese languages are SVO languages , but the modifier word order of Chinese GN / AN type , modifier word order of the Vietnamese NG / NA type .
Chinese Verb-Resultative Construction in Vietnamese : Typology and Constraints
The borrowings from Chinese are still frequently used in Vietnamese .
Middle Sino-Vietnamese is the most valuable and important part .
Sino-Vietnamese and Chu Nom are the products in Language under this influence .
The comparison of Chinese and Vietnamese attribute-head phrase ;
On the Vietnamese Model of the Borrowings from Chinese
Phonological system and its features of Han-Viet Dialect .
Reference materials room has abundant materials of English , Japanese , French and Vietnamese .
The attribute-head phrase is one of the most frequent grammatical structures in Chinese and Vietnamese .
French Loanwords in Vietnamese
Chinese and Vietnam in the syntax and semantics exists a clear difference , which adverb is a clear highlight .
Middle Ancient Times Chinese Loanwords in Zhuang Language and Original Relationship between Chinese Loanwords in Vietnamese and Ping Dialect of Chinese
A View on the Corresponding Regular Pattern in the Chinese - Vietnamese Sounds in Vietnamese Language and the Chinese Sounds in Chinese Language
So in daily communications , people usually use a lot of mixed personal pronouns to express then-feelings and reveal the interpersonal relationships .
It is for this reason that I believe a thorough examination of conjunction words of Chinese and Vietnamese can produce very useful and meaningful research .
This research attempts to , from the aspect of syntax , semantic , and pragmatic , analyze the indications of degrees of adjectives in Chinese and Vietnamese .
Language researchers have researched a lot about the attribute-head phrase in Chinese and Vietnamese , but there has not been any paper which specially compares these two .
From the textual point of view , Theme-Rheme structure is more widespread than Subject-Predicate structure . It may become one of the main methods for analyzing Vietnamese clauses .
This article will first make a comparison of grammar characteristics between Chinese and Vietnamese , and then analyze the types of errors and the causes of the Vietnamese students .
In order to preaching , the western missionaries created the Vietnamese Latin Pinyin characters by the helping of Vietnamese believers , and that evolved into the subsequent modern Vietnamese characters .
The fifth chapter discusses the methods that used to translate the Vietnamese saying into Chinese which specific respectively keeping the original image , translated into Chinese idiom and marking on annotation .
A Study of the Corresponding Phonetic Relations among the Chinese Vietnamese , the Yue Language and Ping Dialect On the Chinese Loan Words in English from Cantonese in Terms of Social Culture
This article , by preliminary comparing and analyzing the usage of color words in Chinese and Vietnamese , is to find out the commonality and differences of cultural connotation of color words .
The paper is divided into four chapters : The first chapter : the close relationship between language and culture . Language and cultural characteristics should be mentioned as the Chinese and Vietnamese language parts of the body structure need be classified .
This project draws on the study of Chinese grammar theory and research , from the perspective of linguistic typology to examine the phenomenon of Vietnamese grammar to broaden the horizons of grammar study and improve the research methods of the Vietnamese .
The higher proportion material process occupies , the truer and more objective the discourse will be .
As the last part , it will do a comparative research on the concrete relatives ' appellations and their use .
It is by error analysis and error correction , learners gradually establish a closer and closer language system of the target language .
Then , it will summarize and draw a conclusion on the differences and similarities between the Chinese and Vietnamese relatives ' appellations and their cultural contents .