
  • 网络Giselle;Gisele;Giselle Bundchen;Gisele Bundchen;Gisele Bündchen
  1. 这次裁决“将让大量小公司遭受了无尽的痛苦,”Delance公司首席执行官吉赛尔•鲁弗在一封电子邮件中写道。

    The ruling " will put a lot of small companies in great pain , " Giselle Rufer , the chief executive of delance , wrote in an email .

  2. 早上我还要去试演吉赛尔。

    I got my Giselle audition in the morning .

  3. 巴西超级名模吉赛尔邦辰(GiseleBündchen)最近披露,每天睡觉前,她都会在心里数一数自己感恩的事情。

    Brazilian supermodel Gisele B ü ndchen revealed recently that before going to sleep she mentally ticks off the things for which she is thankful .

  4. 巴西超模吉赛尔•邦辰就拥有2.9亿美元的身价。

    Brazilian super model Gisele Bundchen is worth $ 290 million .

  5. 来自巴西的名模吉赛尔2011年赚了一千两百五十万美金——打破模特界的世界纪录。

    Brazilian beauty , Gisele earned $ 12.5 million dollars in 2001 - a world record !

  6. 在参演《神奇女侠》之前,盖尔·加朵在《速度与激情》中饰演街头赛车手吉赛尔给人留下了深刻印象。

    Before she was Wonder Woman , Gal Gadot made an impression in the Fast & Furious movies playing street racer Gisele .

  7. 德瑞克认为,正如吉赛尔一样,不爽猫的主人为了让自己的宠物获得许可、签下代言合同也付出了努力。

    As just like Gisele , says Derek , Grumpy Cat 's owner works hard to get licensing and endorsement deals for her pet .

  8. 至于人们最向往的身材,前超模吉赛尔•邦辰和珍妮弗•安妮斯顿都位列前三。

    In the category of the most sought after body shape , former supermodel Gisele Bundchen and Jennifer Aniston were in the top three .

  9. 美国橄榄球联盟最棒运动员的汤姆·布兰迪与妻子吉赛尔邦辰。吉赛尔·邦辰则是一位世界顶尖的超级模特呢!

    Tom Brady is one of the best players in the NFL and Gisele Bundchen is one of the top supermodels in the world .

  10. 此外,梅根•福克斯和安吉丽娜•朱莉并列第八,新婚夫妇汤姆•布兰迪和吉赛尔•邦辰分列第四和第六位。

    Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie tied as the eighth most dangerous celebrities on the Web while newlyweds Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen came in fourth and sixth respectively .

  11. 《每日邮报》24日报道称,已宣布退休的超模吉赛尔•邦辰将在里约奥运会开幕式中出演著名的依帕内玛女孩。

    Supermodel Gisele Bundchen is coming out of retirement to launch the Rio Olympics as the embodiment of the famous Girl From Ipanema , The Mail on Sunday can reveal .

  12. 吉赛尔昨天告诉我,下周她能否完成她的工作还不得而知呢。但别说这是我说的。

    Giselle told me yesterday that it 's a toss up whether she 'll finish the program she 's working on by next week , but don 't quote me on that .

  13. 吉赛尔将伴着巴西音乐家保罗•乔宾钢琴演奏的著名巴萨诺瓦爵士乐登上马纳卡纳球场的舞台。保罗•乔宾的先父安东尼奥曾在1962年创作了这首风靡世界的音乐。

    Gisele will strut into Rio 's Maracana stadium to the strains of the famous bossa nova jazz song , played on a piano by Brazilian musician Paolo Jobim , whose late father Antonio composed the worldwide hit in 1962 .