
  • 网络gibson;Darron Gibson;Taj Gibson;Daniel Gibson
  1. 我们别无他法,只有辞退吉布森。

    We had no alternative but to fire Gibson .

  2. “它极为稀罕,”吉布森严肃地宣布。

    ' Its rarity value is high , ' Gibson announced gravely .

  3. 吉布森先生显然才智不逮。

    Mr Gibson is clearly intellectually out of his depth

  4. 在第一回合结束前,吉布森的左眼完全闭上了。

    Gibson 's left eye is completely closed before the end of round one .

  5. 但吉布森的“垃圾dna”却有其作用。

    Gibson 's junk DNA is functional .

  6. 麦卡蒂和吉布森最知名的设计是LesPaul的模型。

    McCarty 's and Gibson 's best-known design is the Les Paul model .

  7. 澳大利亚吉布森山铁矿公司(MountGibsonIron)的股价下跌了24%,收于87.5澳分。此前,它透露,好几家客户已请求将发货日期推迟至明年。

    Shares in Mount Gibson Iron , the Australian iron ore producer , dropped 24 per cent to 87.5 cents after it said a number of customers had requested shipments be delayed into next year .

  8. 伯格曾在6个月前经历过这种情况,当时ICM的大牌明星之一梅尔•吉布森酒后驾驶被拘留之后,对一位犹太警官说出了反犹太人的语言。

    Mr Berg experienced this six months ago when Mel Gibson , one of ICM 's biggest stars , made anti-Semitic remarks to a Jewish police officer after being arrested for drink driving .

  9. 喂,好的,嗯我想找T.S.斯比维特,我叫吉布森

    Hello , yes , uh ... I would like to speak to T.S. Spivet , this is Miss Jibsen ,

  10. 其中一本是威廉•吉布森的《精神漫游者》(Neuromancer),但是没能找到。

    One was Neuromancer , by William Gibson .

  11. 从吉布森在1966年退休后,与约翰回族一起,麦卡蒂买Bigsby公司。

    After retiring from Gibson in1966 , McCarty , along with John Huis , bought the Bigsby company .

  12. 还记得梅尔。吉布森在《勇敢的心》中的最后一句台词吗?

    Remember the last word Mel Gibson says in Brave heart ?

  13. 这明确显示了吉布森从事故现场逃逸。

    It clearly shows Gibson fleeing the scene of the accident .

  14. 吉布森调查了人们对于团队合作这一概念的认识。

    Gibson has interviewed people to understand how they conceptualize teams .

  15. 首先,雷勒。吉布森不是男孩,他已经19岁。

    First , Lyle Gibson was no boy , he was19 .

  16. 吉布森再次有出色的表现,球队的3个进球都和他有关。

    Gibson excelled again and was involved in all the Reds'goals .

  17. 四楼的吉布森一家都是桥牌高手

    The Gibsons on the fourth floor were expert bridge players .

  18. 不行我父亲是哑的,吉布森小姐

    No. No ! My father is mute , Ms. Jibsen .

  19. 吉布森绑架了她并夺取了机密情报。

    Gibson kidnapped her and robbed her of classified information .

  20. 你真是很有天分的姑娘,吉布森小姐。

    You 're a very talented girl , miss gibson .

  21. “这不是个好地方,”吉布森说。

    " It 's a tough place to go ," Gibson said .

  22. 斯科特已正式指控吉布森玩弄女性。

    Scott had made formal complaints about gibson 's womanizing .

  23. 但吉布森称这并不对每个人都管用。

    But that 's not going to work for everyone , Gibson says .

  24. 你会告诉我亚当吉布森在哪里。

    You 'll tell me where Adam Gibson is .

  25. 《明日聚会》是吉布森桥三部曲第三部。

    ATP is the third in the Bridge trilogy .

  26. 吉布森也替补格伦。蕙兰出场。

    Gibson entered the fray moments earlier as a sub for Glenn Whelan .

  27. 我们别无他法,只有辞退吉布森。

    We had no alternative but to fire gibson .

  28. 你已经拨通了吉布森小姐的办公室电话,请留言

    You reached the Office of Ms. Jibsen , please leave a message .

  29. 我想见G.H.吉布森女士

    I would like to speak with Mrs. G. H. Jibsen , please .

  30. 在赢得不计其数的比赛和冠军之后,吉布森获得了大学体育奖学金。

    Gibson won a college scholarship in sports after winning numerous tournaments and championships .