
  • 网络Moreno;Perito Moreno;Hector Moreno;Alberto Moreno
  1. 菲尔:莫雷诺夫人,谢谢你邀我吃饭。

    Phil : Thank you for having me over , Mrs. Moreno .

  2. 莫雷诺社会测量法在运动队群体内人际关系测量的运用

    Application of Moreno Social Measurement in Interpersonal Relation Measures Inside Sports Team Groups

  3. 莫雷诺-奥坎波开始争辩说,icc享有优先审判权,因为是他们在联合国安理会要求下于6月份发出了对卡扎菲父子和阿卜杜拉的逮捕令。

    Mr Moreno-Ocampo had at first argued that the prior claim belonged to the ICC , which issued arrest warrants for the two qaddafis and Mr senoussi at the behest of the United Nations Security Council in June .

  4. 莫雷诺冰河吸引了大量的游客、攀岩者和环保主义者。

    The frozen flow is a popular draw for tourists , climbers and environmentalists alike .

  5. 在同一时间内,莫雷诺对蔓德尔机会主义的反对被粗略地表达出来。

    At the same time , Moreno 's opposition to Mandel 's opportunism was ex-pressed crudely .

  6. 新加入的配音阵容则有安迪加西亚,布鲁诺马尔斯,克里斯汀肯诺恩斯和丽塔莫雷诺。

    New voice cast members include Andy Garcia , Bruno Mars , Kristin Chenoweth and Rita Moreno .

  7. 莫雷诺在接受福克斯新闻杂志采访时说,她皮肤健康得益于多年来每天去角质。

    Moreno told Fox News Magazine she keeps her skin healthy thanks to exfoliating every day for years .

  8. 莫雷诺教授相信,在线课程和现实中的面对面课堂之间仍然存在着明显的差异。

    Moreno believes there is still a clear gap between an online course and a bricks-and - mortar classroom .

  9. 与他在刚果和其他地方时好时坏的表现不同,许多肯尼亚人信任莫雷诺-奥坎波。

    In contrast to his patchy performance in Congo and elsewhere , Mr Moreno-Ocampo is trusted by many Kenyans .

  10. 菲尔:谢谢你,莫雷诺夫人。每道菜我都取了一点。

    Phil : Thank you , Mrs. Moreno , but I 've already taken a helping of each dish .

  11. 二十世纪三十年代美国社会心理学家莫雷诺创立了分析人际关系资料的社会计量学方法。

    In the thirties , American Social Psychologist , Moreno , established a social metrological method to analyze relational material .

  12. 这座冰川是莫雷诺冰河48座冰川之一。莫雷诺冰河也是世界上第3大淡水储备河。

    The glacier is one of48 fed by the southern Patagonian ice field , the world 's third largest reserve of fresh water .

  13. 1919年,奥地利精神科医生莫雷诺发明了一种新型的团体辅导方法&心理剧辅导。

    In 1919 , Moreno ( Jacob Levy Moreno ), an Austrian psychiatrist , invented a new type of group counseling methods - Psychodrama Counseling .

  14. 莫雷诺还表示,厄瓜多尔希望扩大对华出口,主办中国-拉丁美洲商业峰会,并在创新领域与中国进行交流。

    The president also said Ecuador hopes to expand exports to China , host the China-Latin America business summit , and make exchanges with China in the field of innovation .

  15. 丽塔•莫雷诺最知名的角色是在《西区故事》中扮演的安妮塔。这位84岁的女演员是唯一一个将艾美奖、托尼奖、格莱美奖和奥斯卡奖都收入囊中的拉丁裔演员。

    Rita Moreno is best known for playing Anita in West Side Story , and the 84-year-old actress is the only Latina to win an Emmy , a Tony , a Grammy , and an Oscar .

  16. 莫雷诺表示,美洲开发银行希望在推动与中国之间的合作、贸易与开发中发挥关键作用,新基金便提供了一条切实的途径。2009年,中国成为了这家拉美银行的会员国。

    He says the fund is a concrete way for the IDB to play a pivotal role in boosting co-operation , trade and development with China , which became a member of the Latin American lender in 2009 .

  17. 对于年轻人失业问题,似乎不可能有能万能的解决方案,但同是26岁的马修•西格尔和贾勒特•莫雷诺却认为,他们有一个“显而易见的方案”,能起到一定作用。

    There may not be a catchall solution for youth unemployment , but Matthew Segal and Jarrett Moreno , who are both 26 , believe they have a " no brainer " that will at least make a dent .

  18. 由莫雷诺-奥坎波提起的指控只适于今年2月以来犯下的罪行;当时利比亚内战升级,该法庭是联合国采取的许多旨在瓦解卡扎菲政权的手段之一。

    The charges drawn up by Mr Moreno-Ocampo pertain only to misdeeds committed since February this year , when civil war escalated and the UN called in the court as one of many instruments designed to thwart the Qaddafi regime .