
  • 网络molly;mollie;moly;Molie;Julia Morley
  1. 教授快要把莫莉惹毛了。

    The Professor was beginning to get on Molly 's wick .

  2. 她给了莫莉一些吃的:一根鸡腿下段和一些奶酪。

    She offered Molly tidbits : a chicken drumstick , some cheese .

  3. 我已经听说了莫莉的事情——我很难过。

    I 've heard about Mollie — I 'm so sorry

  4. 安开始弹吉他时,莫莉感到有些难堪。

    Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar

  5. 莫莉总觉得休·安妮这个名字不太好听。

    The name Sue Anne never seemed quite right to Molly

  6. 每一件东西都是莫莉灵巧的双手缝制出来的。

    Everything had been stitched by Molly 's nimble fingers

  7. 莫莉已经努力克服了对飞行的恐惧。

    Molly had fought and overcome her fear of flying

  8. 莫莉承认她偏爱粉红色。

    Mollie confesses she is rather partial to pink

  9. 你知道莫莉在生你的气。

    You know Molly 's pissed at you .

  10. 莫莉放任那个女孩恣意妄为。

    Molly has let that girl run wild .

  11. 莫莉通过模仿学会了打高尔夫球。

    Molly learned her golf by imitation .

  12. 莫莉转过脸去茫然瞪视,眼神似已飘到了远方。

    Molly turned away and gazed off into space , a faraway look in her eyes .

  13. 莫莉告诉我她的所作所为,我真是替她感到后怕。

    Mollie told me what she 'd done and I was really scared on her account .

  14. “圣诞节你打算做什么?”埃拉问到。“我们打算去莫莉姨妈家。”

    ' What are you doing for Christmas ? ' Ella asked . ' We 're going to Aunt Molly 's. '

  15. 妈妈看了看爸爸和莫莉,打开了盒子。

    Mum looked from Dad to Molly and opened the box .

  16. 莫莉的哥哥萨米喜欢弹吉他和唱歌。

    Molly 's brother Sammy like to play the guitar and sing .

  17. "是圣诞老人,"莫莉笑着说。

    " Santa did , " said Molly smilingly .

  18. 当莫莉走回家时,她决定告诉爸爸她的秘密。

    As Molly walked back home , she decided to tell Dad her secret .

  19. 莫莉放学后跑回家,把书包扔在沙发上。

    Molly ran back home from school and dropped her schoolbag on the sofa .

  20. 直到那一刻,莫莉才意识到史密斯先生的胡子有多白。

    Molly didn 't realize how white Mr. Smith 's beard was until that moment .

  21. 莫莉从后门跑出去,径直去了邮局。

    Molly ran out by the back door and went straight to the post office .

  22. 他的妹妹莫莉也很伤心。

    His sister Molly felt sad too .

  23. "你必须每天检查邮箱,"莫莉轻声对爸爸说。

    " You 've got to check the mailbox every day , " Molly said quietly to Dad .

  24. 莫莉睡觉时感到很难过,因为她没有给妈妈戴手套。

    Molly felt sad when she went to bed , because she didn 't have the gloves for Mum .

  25. 莫莉为邻居遛狗,攒了一整年的钱给妈妈买手套。

    Molly had walked a dog for a neighbor and saved her money all year to buy Mum the gloves .

  26. 圣诞节晚餐前,当妈妈从烤箱里拿出苹果派时,莫莉开始摆餐具。

    Before Christmas dinner , as Mum took the apple pies out of the oven , Molly began setting the table .

  27. 每天放学回家,莫莉都会趁妈妈不注意的时候偷看爸爸,但爸爸每次都摇摇头。

    Coming home from school every day , Molly peeked at Dad when Mum wasn 't looking , but every time he shook his head .

  28. 于是萨米向莫莉展示了他所知道的关于吉他的一切,不久她就能像一个超级明星一样弹奏了。萨米又笑了。

    So Sammy showed Molly all that he knew about guitar , and before long she could play just like a superstar . Sammy smiled again .

  29. 然后莫莉跑到外面,把萨米的吉他从脏兮兮的旧垃圾桶里拿出来,说:"你能教我弹吗?"

    Then Molly ran outside and took Sammy 's guitar out of the dirty old dustbin , and said , " Can you teach me to play ? "

  30. 莫莉苦笑着,一句话也没说。

    Molly smiled rather wryly and said nothing .