
  • The Phoenix;the secular bird
  1. 不死鸟是一只色彩鲜艳、非常漂亮的鸟。

    The phoenix1 was a very colorful and very beautiful bird .

  2. 不死鸟和原来那只一样漂亮,色彩一样鲜艳。

    The young phoenix was as beautiful and colorful as the old one .

  3. 你能猜到不死鸟是什么鸟吗?

    Can you guess what bird the phoenix is ?

  4. 人们忘不了不死鸟。

    People couldn 't forget the phoenix .

  5. 不死鸟生活在沙漠里。

    The phoenix lived in a desert .

  6. 不死鸟不想再活下去,她想死。

    The phoenix didn 't want to continue living , and she wanted to die .

  7. 不死鸟没有朋友,没有父亲、母亲,也没有兄弟姐妹。

    The phoenix had no friends , no father and mother . No sisters and brothers .

  8. 不死鸟被烧成了灰,但是,一只小鸟又从灰里站了起来。

    The bird was burnt to ashes3 , but a young bird stood up from the ashes .

  9. 就这样,她生活了500年,没有人可以说话,也没有人听她唱歌,不死鸟只能整天在沙漠里坐着、站着。

    In this way , she lived 500 years , no talking , no singing at all , only sitting and standing2 in the desert all day .

  10. 作为中东政坛传奇的不死鸟,阿拉法特把他的一生都奉献给了巴勒斯坦民族解放事业。

    As a legendary character in Mid-East , Arafat devoted himself to Palestine liberation cause .

  11. 《荒原》中所叙述的不死鸟及生死轮回的传说则体现了东方的印度宗教文化。

    The legend of the immortal bird and the narration of nirvana and incarnation implied in The Waste Land has relation with the oriental religion culture .