
  • 网络non-intervention;non-interference policy;hands-off policy
  1. 总的来说,我认为不干涉政策是正确选择。

    Generally , I think the policy of non-intervention is the correct one .

  2. 因此第一个重点是,不干涉政策也会带来种种后果。

    So the first point is that non-intervention is also a decision with consequences .

  3. 九一八事变与苏联的不干涉政策

    The September 18th Incident and the Soviet Union 's Policy of Noninterference

  4. 他们决定采取不干涉政策。

    They have decided to adopt a policy of nonintervention .

  5. 七七事变以前苏联对华实行不干涉政策,是消极的,应予否定。

    The policy of the Soviet Union before 1937 is negative , and should be denied .

  6. 遵照政府的不干涉政策,他们拒绝采取行动。

    In keeping with the government policy of non-interference , they refused to take any action .

  7. 笔者首先回顾了英国在西班牙内战期间所采取的不干涉政策。

    Firstly , the author reviews the policy of nonintervention taken by Britain during the Spanish Civil War .

  8. 但苏联在实行不干涉政策时是把中立与道义相区分的,政策上表现为中立,道义上却体现出对中国抗日军民的同情。

    But in the course of practising this policy , the Soviet Union showed moral sympathy for Chinese armymen and people .

  9. 美国对匈牙利事件采取了不干涉政策,这种政策经历了从观望到最后确立的一个过程。

    For Hungarian Incident , the United States adopted a non_interference policy , which underwent a process from waiting and seeing to establishment .

  10. 它们应鼓励中国放弃不干涉政策,转为参与其中,就好像对伊朗、朝鲜和苏丹所做的那样。

    China should be encouraged to move from hands-off non-interference to engage , as it has done over Iran , North Korea and Sudan .

  11. 不干涉政策具有复杂性,但不能得出苏联鼓励日本侵略中国的结论。

    Although the policy of noninterference had complexities , we could not draw the conclusion that the Soviet Union encouraged the Japanese to invade China .

  12. 就像伊朗和缅甸(另一个中国娇惯的恶劣的附庸国)一样,朝鲜展现了中国不干涉政策的局限性。

    As with Iran and Burma – another nasty client-state coddled by China – North Korea points up the limits of Beijing 's policy of non-interference .

  13. 它最终会有一个法律章程,但却要受制于一个严格的不干涉政策,该政策是为了防止任何形式的欧洲式主权集中。

    It at last has a legal charter , but is bound by a strict policy of non-interference that prevents any version of Europe 's pooled sovereignty .

  14. 这种形式表明一种立足于北京的一些核心原则,但是又会受到形势和压力的不干涉政策的转变。

    Such a position would indicate a shift in the doctrine of non-interference based on the situation and pressure , but according to certain core values of Beijing .

  15. 美国对此采取了不干涉政策,虽然在入侵发生后美国的立场逐渐强硬,但从整体来看,其态度还是相当克制的。

    To the Soviet invasion , the US government adopted a non-interference policy . Although the standpoint of US became tough gradually after invasion , its attitude was quite restrained as a whole .

  16. 1885年底英国最终吞并缅甸后,在宗教方面,采取了所谓的中文化不干涉政策;

    After the Britain finally swallowed up Burma at the end of 1885 , it introduced a series of policies in different fields : religiously , the so-called " Neutralization " and Nonintervention policy ;

  17. 然而,英方对此基本上采取“不干涉”政策。

    However , UKgenerally adopted the non-intervention policy .

  18. 整个世界都承认,不干涉内政政策的原则最早是是来自于西方国家。

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that the genesis of the principle of noninterference can be traced to the West .

  19. 使用放任领导方式的管理者则采取不怎么干涉的政策,让所属员工自行处理其大部分的计划。

    With laissez-faire leadership , the manager adopts a more hands-off policy , leaving his staff for the most part to their own devices .

  20. 北京方面向非洲提供的低息信贷源源不断,同时也保持了不干涉政治事务的政策。

    Cheap credit lines have continued to flow , and Beijing has also maintained its policy of political non-interference .

  21. 在莫斯科会议公报中,三国外长重申坚持不干涉中国内政的政策;

    In the conference communique the three foreign ministers reaffirmed their adherence to the policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of China .

  22. 中国向来对不干涉别国内政的政策引以为豪,不像那些讨厌的老牌西方帝国主义国家。

    China has prided itself on a policy of non-interference in the countries that it does business with ( unlike those nasty old Western imperialists ) .