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  1. 难道彬格莱先生自己不认识韦翰先生吗?

    Mr. Bingley does not know Mr. Wickham himself ?

  2. 自从她读了吉英的第二封信以后,她再也不指望韦翰会存心和丽迪雅结婚了。

    Never , since reading Jane 's second letter , had she entertained a hope of Wickham 's meaning to marry her .

  3. 可是你得明白,她的舅母说,吉英就不把韦翰看得那么坏,她认为他不会存这种心肠。

    But you see that Jane , said her aunt , does not think so ill of Wickham as to believe him capable of the attempt .

  4. 大家都不知道韦翰是否还有什么亲戚跟他来往,不过倒知道他确确实实已经没有一个至亲在世。

    It was not known that Wickham had a single relationship with whom he kept up any connection , and it was certain that he had no near one living .

  5. 舅母说:丽萃,他当然比不上韦翰那么漂亮,或者可以说,他不象韦翰那样谈笑风生,因为他的容貌十分端庄。

    To be sure , Lizzy , said her aunt , he is not so handsome as Wickham ; or rather he has not Wickham 's countenance , for his features are perfectly good .

  6. 她不要他帮助,她无论如何也不肯丢掉韦翰。

    she wanted no help of his ; she would not hear of leaving Wickham .

  7. 你说我应该不应该把韦翰的品格说出去,让朋友们都知道?

    I want to be told whether I ought , or ought not , to make our acquaintance in general understand Wickham 's character .

  8. 虽然达西再三不肯让韦翰到彭伯里来,但是看在伊丽莎白面上,他依旧帮助他找职业。

    Though Darcy could never receive him at Pemberley , yet , for Elizabeth ' ; s sake , he assisted him farther in his profession .

  9. 每逢回想起这些事情,难免不连想到韦翰品格的变质,于是,以她那样一个向来心情愉快难得消沉沮丧的人,心里也受到莫大的刺激,连强颜为笑也几乎办不到了,这是可想而知的。

    When to these recollections was added the developement of Wickham 's character , it may be easily believed that the happy spirits which had seldom been depressed before , were now so much affected as to make it almost impossible for her to appear tolerably cheerful .

  10. 他一点儿也不打算否认对待韦翰的残酷——一想到这些事,纵使她一时之间也曾因为体谅到他一番恋情而触动了怜悯的心肠,这时候连丝毫的怜悯也完全给抵消了。

    soon overcame the pity which the consideration of his attachment had for a moment excited .

  11. 果然不出伊丽莎白所料,韦翰对丽迪雅的恩爱比不上丽迪雅对韦翰那样深厚。

    Wickham 's affection for Lydia was just what Elizabeth had expected to find it ; not equal to Lydia 's for him .

  12. 如果说在事事隐秘不说的情况下,还有什么更加讳莫如深的事,那就是,她更是绝口不提韦默斯和迪克逊夫妇。

    If any thing could be more , where all was most , she was more reserved on the subject of Weymouth and the Dixons than any thing .