
  1. 长城山西镇段沿线明代城堡建筑研究

    Study on the Military Castles of Great Wall in Shanxi-zhen

  2. 金代是今山西境内镇的繁荣和发展的重要时期。

    These towns had no significant economic breakthrough , the prosperity are limited to their large amount .

  3. 本文仅从山西市镇的兴起和繁盛及其与晋商活动的内在联系作一初步探讨。

    This article discusses the rise and prosperity of Shanxi 's towns , its internal relations with Shanxi business .

  4. 其间,蒙古军、探马赤军、汉军与侍卫亲军等诸种军队经过各个时期的不同组合,在河东山西的镇戍活动中分别发挥出各自作用。

    At that time , Mongol Army , Tamaci Army , Han Troops and Standby guard Army respectively played their own parts by different composition .

  5. 本文以山西阳城北留镇为例分析了矿区面临的问题,利用SWOT方法分析了其发展旅游业的优势、机遇、威胁和劣势,探讨旅游开发对区域产业结构的影响以及矿区旅游开发战略。

    The thesis takes Bei Liu for example , analyzing the problems that the region is facing and studies strengths , weakens , opportunities and threatens through the SWOT analysis method . At last the thesis studies the influence of developing tourism and puts forward strategy of tourism exploitation .

  6. 区域产业结构调整与旅游开发初探&以山西晋城北留镇为例

    Study on the Restructure of Industry and Development of Tourismt & Take Bei Liu Town of Jingcheng Shanxi Province for Example

  7. 一年前,中国北部山西省云冈镇的煤矿曾有上千名矿工。如今,留守矿区的只有一只流浪狗和一名保安。

    A year ago more than 1,000 people worked at the coal mine in Yungang , a town in China 's northern Shanxi province , but these days only a stray dog and a security guard remain on site .

  8. 随着元朝统治的腐败削弱,元统治者在山西地区的军事镇戍逐渐崩溃。

    With the corruption of the Yuan Dynasty , the military garrison of Shanxi Region collapsed step by step .

  9. 在全面占领河东山西以后,元统治者分别采用蒙古军、探马赤军、汉军与侍卫亲军诸部在山西地区展开镇戍。

    After conquering and occupying Shanxi Region , the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty separately adopted Mongol Army , Tamaci Army , Han Troops and Standby guard Army to garrison there .