
kònɡ qiú hòu wèi
  • point guard;one-guard
  1. 现在的NBA是控球后卫的天堂。

    The NBA is a point guard 's paradise these days .

  2. 朗佐·鲍尔,1997年10月27日出生于美国加利福尼亚州安纳海姆,美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队。

    Ball , born October 27 , 1997 in Anaheim , California , American professional basketball player , the main duty is point guard , played for the NBA Los Angeles Lakers .

  3. 但是卡鲁索能成为一名稳定的NBA控球后卫吗?

    But is Caruso an everyday starting NBA point guard ?

  4. 他是NBA史上最有天赋的控球后卫之一。

    He is one of the best natural point guards to ever play in the NBA .

  5. 《林书豪旋风》:林书豪在纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)作为控球后卫一举成名也就是一年前的事情。

    Linsanity : It was only a year ago that Jeremy Lin shot to fame as point guard for the New York Knicks , and Linsanity seized the public consciousness

  6. 通过研究美国NBA比赛控球后卫的组织进攻形式,发现一种新的组织进攻方法&控球后卫不定区域移动式组织进攻方法。

    After analyzing the methods of organizing back fielder in NBA , a new method is been found . Organizing back fielder can make a moving attack in unfixed ares .

  7. 他的抢断总数在NBA总榜上排名第二,同时被认为是NBA历史上抢篮板最好的控球后卫——场均6.3个篮板。

    Kidd sits second in the NBA in all-time steals and is also considered to be arguably the best rebounding point guard in league history - at 6.3 boards per game .

  8. 这位控球后卫刚刚度过了他职业生涯中最好的一个赛季,并在MVP评选中名列第五。

    The point guard was fresh off the best season of his career and came fifth in the race to win the NBA 's MVP award .

  9. 然而整个系列赛最让人感兴趣的话题可能是总决赛MVP到底花落谁家?是控球后卫史蒂芬库里还是小前锋凯文杜兰特呢?

    Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the entire series was who between point guard Stephen Curry and small forward Kevin Durant would take home Finals MVP .

  10. 如果林书豪能一直效力尼克斯,他可能会成为真正的明星。尼克斯主帅迈克德安东尼(MikeD'Antoni)曾以疯狂进攻的打法成名,而他的布阵重点就是控球后卫。

    If he can stick with the Knicks , the stars may have aligned for Lin. Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni made a name for himself with a frenetic style of play that puts particular focus on the point guard position .

  11. 他有打PG(控球后卫)的所有天赋,但在他可以真正作为一个控卫掌控球队之前,可能要先从2号位和3号位打起。

    He has all the gifts to play PG , but he will likely have to start at the 2 and 3 positions before he can really run a team from the point guard position .

  12. 在过去的一周里,虽然尼克斯队的当家球星小甜瓜安东尼和小斯都缺阵比赛,但是这位落选NBA新秀大会的控球后卫,带领尼克斯取得了四连胜,场均27.3分8.3次助攻2次抢断。

    Without the services of All-Stars Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudemire , the undrafted point guard led New York to a 4-0 record last week , averaging 27.3 points , 8.3 assists and 2.0 steals over that span .

  13. 德·安东尼说他从来没有明确地要求他的控球后卫改变他的比赛方式,他只是试图给这位前MVP必要的空间去寻找自己最具破坏性的比赛方式。

    Mike D'Antoni says he never explicitly asked his point guard to change his game , he just tried to give the former MVP the necessary room to find his havoc-wreaking way .

  14. 控球后卫几乎无人可以替换,于是尼克斯便请来了疯疯癫癫的斯蒂芬•马布里(StephonMarbury)上场比赛。他坚持在每场比赛中赤脚上阵,肩上还停着一只绿鹦鹉。

    The point-guard rotation was so bleak the Knicks brought aboard a loopy Stephon Marbury , who insisted on playing each game barefoot , with a green parrot on his shoulder .

  15. 本文就提高控球后卫战术意识培养的意义、方法进行了探讨。

    This article discusses how to improve organizing back fielder tactics .

  16. 特雷西是一个拥有小前锋身材的控球后卫。

    Tracy is a point guard in a small forward 's body .

  17. 这个24岁的骑士队控球后卫才刚刚开始发现自我。

    The 24-year-old Cavs PG is only just beginning to find himself .

  18. 控球后卫是全队战术配合的组织者,战术方案的实施者。

    Organizing back fielder is the tactics organizer and actualized in a match .

  19. 在他的第一场比赛与火箭队,控球后卫发表。

    In his first game with the Rockets , the point guard delivered .

  20. 这个六年级的控球后卫让自己的进攻更上一层,没几个人能达到他这种级别。

    The sixth-year point guard has layered his offensive game like few others .

  21. 瞧瞧NBA2K18十大控球后卫排行榜!

    Get a look at The Top 10 highest rated PGs in \# NBA2K18 !

  22. 我们正想找一个控球后卫

    We 're looking for a point guard .

  23. 现任的控球后卫拉琼·朗多可能会凭借以往的声誉和经验获得首发的位置。

    Incumbent Rajon Rondo may get the starting nod based on reputation and experience .

  24. 其他控球后卫也不能出战。

    The other point guards were out .

  25. 通过抵抗身体本能反应,控球后卫更改了大脑传讯的线路。

    So by fighting their body 's instinctual responses , point guards essentially re-wire their brains .

  26. 韦斯特将会代替莫首发控球后卫。

    Delonte West , a combo guard , will start and likely get most of Williams'minutes .

  27. 托马斯的身高属于控球后卫范畴,所以他应该打控球后卫。

    Thomas was the size of a true point guard , so he should play point guard .

  28. 观看录像并不意味着要复制太阳队的进攻方式或成为纳什那样的控球后卫。

    Watching film wasn 't about trying to copy the Suns offense or even about point guard .

  29. 控球后卫现代篮球战术意识越强,在场上行动就会越自由。

    The better tactics skill grasped by organizing back fielder , the freer he can control the game .

  30. 对于那些能像控球后卫一样传球的大个子球员来说,更值得让人肯定。

    It 's worth an extra nod of appreciation for the big men who can pass like point guards .