
  • 网络control survey;Control Surveying
  1. GPS高程拟合在地形测图控制测量中的应用

    Application of GPS Elevation Fitting in Control Survey of Topographic Mapping

  2. GPS当前被广泛地应用于工程控制测量中。

    GPS is widely used in the project control survey at present .

  3. 山区城市GPS控制测量及其高程精度分析

    Mountainous City GPS Control Surveying and Its Height Accuracy Analysis

  4. 从GPS定位技术的发展谈《控制测量学》课程的改革

    Understand the Reformation of Control Surveying from the Development of GPS Technology

  5. 用C/A码GPS接收机进行控制测量的实验

    An experiment on control survey by usingC / A code GPS receivers

  6. GPS进行长边控制测量分析

    An Analysis on Long-distance Control Survey by Use of GPS

  7. 实时动态差分GPS在城市加密控制测量中的应用及其精度检验

    Application and Its Precision Check of RTK in Urban Densified Control Survey

  8. GPS与重力测量在东海大桥高程控制测量中的应用

    Application of GPS & Gravity Measurement in DongHai Bridge Altitude Control Surveying

  9. 地籍控制测量GPS网的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of GPS Network for Cadastral Control Survey

  10. 铁路长大隧道GPS洞外平面控制测量技术浅析

    Technology of GPS Plane Control Survey outside Long Railway Tunnels

  11. 高速铁路超长越岭隧道GPS洞外控制测量方案研究

    Controlling survey scheme of GPS in long tunnel for the high-speed railways

  12. 长边GPS控制测量的应用与分析

    Discussion about Application of Long Side-length to GPS Control Surveying

  13. GPS在地下管线探测控制测量中的应用

    Application of GPS in Control Surveying of Underground Pipeline Detection

  14. GPS在甬台温高速公路控制测量中的应用体会

    The Application Experience of GPS in Yong - Tai - Wen Highway Control Surveying

  15. 所得结论对GPS在工程控制测量中的实践具有较好的参考价值。

    The given conclusion provides valuable references to GPS used in engineering control surveying .

  16. 黄河水道控制测量中的GPS水准实践

    Practice of GPS-Leveling in Yellow-River Hydrographic Control Surveying

  17. 用GPS快速静态定位进行短基线平面控制测量的试验

    Experiment on Horizontally Controlled Short Baseline Surveying Carried by Quick Static Positioning with GPS

  18. GPS在郑州黄河二桥控制测量中的应用

    The application of GPS in the control survey of the second bridge of Zhengzhou Huanghe River

  19. GPS在航测外业控制测量中的应用

    Application GPS in Phototopography Control Survey

  20. 基于MO的控制测量成果管理与应用系统

    Management and Application System of Control Survey Results Based on MO

  21. 位于岩溶区的某县城防洪工程GPS控制测量

    GPS Control Surveying applied to the flood control engineering in a county located in the karst area

  22. GPS技术虽然已广泛应用于隧道平面控制测量,并显示出极大的优越性。

    GPS technology has been widely used in the plane control survey of tunnels and has exhibited great advantages .

  23. 在小比例尺地质测量中,用GPS单点绝对定位技术测定地质点,减少了控制测量环节,降低了成本。

    It abolish control and reduce cost in small-scale geological survey that locate single geological dots utterly using GPS .

  24. Excel环境中控制测量三角网平差及坐标计算

    Area triangulation adjustment correction and coordinate calculation of control surveying based on Excel platform

  25. GPSRTK技术替代常规控制测量的应用分析

    Application analysis of GPS RTK replacing traditional control surveying

  26. GPSRTK技术在水利工程控制测量中的精度分析

    Precision Analysis of Controling Measure in Water Projects Base on GPS RTK Technique

  27. 动态GPS(RTK)在城市控制测量中的精度分析

    Accuracy Analysis of RTK in City Control Survey

  28. 基于DMC的像片控制测量布点方案探讨

    Discussion about Laying-point Method of Control Surveying Based on DMC Photograph

  29. 结合工程测量的特点讨论了GPS工程控制测量数据处理内容;

    Combined with the characteristics of engineering survey , the contents of data processing in GPS engineering control survey are discussed in the paper .

  30. RTK技术在线路控制测量与恢复定线中的应用

    Application of RTK Technology to Route Control Survey and Restoration Alignment