
  • 网络Li Ch'ing-chao;Qingzhao
李清照 [lǐ qīng zhào]
  • [Li Qingzhao] (1084-约1151) 南宋女词人。号易安居士。济南(今山东济南)人。长于诗、文、词,兼书法、绘画,且通音律。诗文笔力雄健,情辞慷慨。词则继承婉约派风格,南渡前以造语新丽见称,南渡后以情调悲凉为主。所著《词论》,多有独立见解,对南唐二主以来词人遍加讥评,强调词别是一家,主张协律,崇尚典雅、情致。所著《易安居士文集》、《易安词》已佚;后人辑有《漱玉词》;今人辑有《李清照集》

  1. 李清照与秋瑾悲剧人生之比较

    Literary Comparisons of Li Qingzhao and QIU Jin 's Life Tragedy

  2. 生活与创作&李清照的诗词艺术

    Life and Creation & Poem and Ci Art of Li qingzhao

  3. 李清照文学成就原因的女性主义阐释

    Feminist interpretation to the reasons for literature success of LI Qing-zhao

  4. 试论李清照的词境、词风与心境

    Try to discuss the poetic state , poetic style and mood

  5. 论李清照词中愁的个性化表达&梦的意象

    On the Personal Expression of Melancholy in Li Qingzhao 's Lyrical Poems

  6. 李清照文学成就探因

    Exploring the Causes of Li Qingzhao 's Achievements in Literature

  7. 朱淑贞是与李清照同时的女诗词家。

    Zhu Sbu-zhen was a woman poet in Song Dynasty .

  8. 论李清照词的形象化艺术

    On Vivid Imagery Art of Li Qing-zhao , s Poetry

  9. 李清照咏花词特色之分析

    The Analysis of HUA Ci 's Special Features of Li QING ZHAO

  10. 永夜恹恹欢意少&浅论李清照词的夜晚氛围

    On the Atmosphere of Night in Li Qingzhao 's Ci

  11. 对李清照作品中酒的解读

    On the Appreciation of Alcohol in Li Qin-zhao 's Works

  12. 勃朗宁夫人与李清照及其抒情格律诗词

    Poetesses : Mrs. Browning and Li Qing-zhao and Their Metrical Lyric Poems

  13. 试论李清照词的审美客体化

    The Express of Aesthetic Object in Li Qing-zhao 's Poetry

  14. 李清照、辛弃疾阅读思想之比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Reading Thoughts between Li Qingzhao and Xin Qiji

  15. 试论李清照《打马赋》的思想特色

    On Ideological Features of Fu on Thrashing the Horse by Li Qingzhao

  16. 李清照词英译研究

    On the English Translation of Ci Poems by Li Qingzhao

  17. 李清照两首《如梦令》词赏析比较

    Appreciation on the Two Ci poetry of Ru Meng Ling by Li Qingzhao

  18. 李清照是中国最伟大的女词人。

    Li chingchao was the greatest poetess of China .

  19. 李清照词中所展现的自我形象

    The Self-image Represented in Li Qingzhao ′ s ci

  20. 对李清照的接受在整个历史时期所形成的一系列变化绝非偶然,每一种变化的背后都有着深刻的社会背景、文化背景以及文学背景等因素。

    There are deep social , cultural and literary backgrounds behind every change .

  21. 关于李清照《词论》的几点思考

    Some Reflections on Li Qing zhao 's Ci Lun

  22. 李清照词中咏花词占有一定比重。

    Chant to flowers occupies a place in the poems by Li Qingzhao .

  23. 典赡婉丽并擅胜场&李清照诗词艺术风格探微

    A study of the Artistic Styles of Li Qingzhao 's Poems and Ci

  24. 李清照与男性词人描写女性之差异

    The Differences between Poetess LI Qingzhao and Most Men Poets on Describing Women

  25. 李清照作品的女性特色

    The Female Features in Literary Works of Qingzhao Li

  26. 论李清照女性文学主体意识的体现

    On Embodiment of Subject Consciousness in the Feminine Literature Works of LI Qingzhao

  27. 生命的律动&李清照词作女性意识探微

    Regular movement of life & Learning women 's consciousness of Li Qingzhao 's works

  28. 婉约词风掩不住的繁复个性&从李清照诗文看其性格特征

    Poems with Subtle Style Complex Personality On Li Qingzhao 's Temperament from Her Verse

  29. 试论李清照词的语言美

    Beautiful Language on Li Qing Zhao 's Words

  30. 花:李清照自我定位的意象分析

    The analysis of Li Qingzhao 's self position from the " flower " images