
jǐn yī wèi
  • Royal Guards;imperial guards;Ming storm troopers
锦衣卫 [jǐn yī wèi]
  • [imperial guards of the Ming Dynasty which eventually became a sort of SS troops] 明代护卫皇宫亲军。明太祖时始设,权力极广、兼理侦察、逮捕、审讯之事。也是明代的一个特务机构

  1. 明代行使“秘密警察”职能的机构有锦衣卫、东厂、西厂与内行厂。

    The organizations of secret police in the Ming Dynasty consisted of Jinyiwei , Dongchang , Xichang and Neihangchang .

  2. 在军队方面,实行卫所制度,明太祖还设立了一个保卫皇帝并从事侦缉活动的军事特务机构——厂卫机构,锦衣卫;

    Ming Taizu set up a special military administration with special tasks to guard the emperor , a guard administration , Jinyiwei .

  3. 而复辟的天顺朝,却是锦衣卫权势大张的时期。成化初年,再命内臣领校尉缉事,东厂始为定制。

    In the Chenghua period , eunuchs were again authorized to spy outer matters and the Dong Chang was established at the same time .