
  • 网络Wu Cheng'en
吴承恩 [wú chéng ēn]
  • [Wu Chengen] (约1500-约1582)。明朝文学家。字汝忠,号射阳山人。山阳(今江苏淮安)人。家庭贫寒。自幼喜爱野言稗史。博览群书。他根据民间流传的唐僧取经故事和有关话本、杂剧,写成著名长篇小说《西游记》

  1. 幸运的吴承恩

    Wu Cheng'en : A Lucky Writer

  2. 西游记又名美猴王,是中国四大名著之一,作者是16世纪的作家吴承恩。

    Journey to the West , also known as The Monkey King , written by Wu Cheng'en in the 16th century , is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature .

  3. 论吴承恩《西游记》小说及其成书之前的取经故事

    A Journey to the West by Wu Cheng ' en and The Stories Before the Book

  4. 这样一来,吴承恩家乡以外的地区很长时间都不知道《西游记》的作者是谁。

    As a result , the identity of the novelist was long unknown outside of Wu 's native district .

  5. 小说《续西游记》比吴承恩的《西游记》早100多年。

    The novel Continuation of Journey to The West came earlier over 100 years than Record of A Journey to The West .

  6. 吴承恩的作品只留下来两册,这两册书在皇宫被发现,并于1930年出版。

    Only two volumes of Wu 's other writings have survived ; these were discovered in the imperial palaces and were reprinted in 1930 .

  7. 作者吴承恩(1510~1582),写于四百多年前。它是中国神话小说中最优秀的作品。

    The novel , a most popular novel with a supernatural story was written by Wu Chenen ( 1510-1582 ) some four hundred years ago .

  8. 他是吴承恩在继承了中国古代文学传统的基础上,结合自己的生活经历最终塑造而成的。

    It is an image created by Wu Chengen on the basis of inheriting the tradition of ancient Chinese literature by combining his own experience in life .

  9. 《西游记》在策划、美术和音乐进行了大量的研究,每一位《西游记》研发人员都深读吴承恩大师原著不知多少遍。

    The studio have made a broad investigation in design , fine arts and music , with each member reading the original novel not known how many times .

  10. 吴承恩一生都对志怪小说(比如作为《西游记》成书基础的口笔头民问故事)非常感兴趣。

    Throughout his life he displayed a marked interest in bizarre stories , such as the set of oral and written folktales that formed the basis of Xiyouji .

  11. 吴承恩杂记不是小说与游记&评鲁迅、沈承庆先生关于吴承恩杂记的论述

    WU Cheng-en 's Misscellaneous Notes Is Not a Novel or a Series of Travel Notes & Comments on Discussions About WU 's Miscellaneous Notes by LU Xun and SHEN Cheng-qing

  12. 吴承恩(1500~1582),淮安山阳(今江苏境内)人,明代小说家、诗人。吴承恩被认为是中国民问小说《西游记》的作者。

    Wu Cheng'en ( 1500 ~ 1582 ) was a novelist and poet of the Ming Dynasty , generally acknowledged as the author of the Chinese folk novel Xiyouji ( Journey to the West ) .

  13. 结合吴承恩的生平经历和其他相关材料,小说《西游记》的创作的心理动因可从两方面进行分析。

    Linked with the life experiences and other materials revealed of Wu Cheng'en , the creative psychological motive of the novel , Travel to West Heaven for Buddhist Scriptures , can be analysed from two aspects .

  14. 五四后,鲁迅、胡适等新进学者推定吴承恩是唯一作者,完全否定《西游记》与龙门派的关系。

    After the May 4th Movement , Lu Shun , Hu Shi and some scholars deduced that Wu Chengen was the only writer of the novel , denying the relationship between Journey to the West and Longmen School .